Between lives regression therapy provides you with a powerfully enlightening experience for those people who would like to understand more about themselves as spiritual beings.
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This therapy guides every person, through deep hypnotic trance, beyond a past life and into personal soul memories in the Spirit Realm before this current life.
You might be:
- feeling lost and searching for your life’s purpose
- facing some challenges and trying to make sense of your situation and experiences.
- unsure of your current direction.
- wondering if there is a plan for your life and if you are on track.
- feeling down and want to know if life has any meaning.
- struggling with your relationship with loved ones.
You might have:
- doubts and fears and wonder if you survive death.
- lost a loved one and want to reconnect.
- wonder if you have had past lives with people in your current life.
Between Lives Regression is designed to reconnect you with your soul self. Each of us is so much more than the physical aspect we can see. We are a combination of the energies, experiences and learning of countless previous lives; each life a set of contrasting experiences that embody the variety of lessons our inner, eternal self seeks to learn in its quest for development and perfection. That core, eternal self, always searching for growth and new levels of understanding, is our soul self…
They grant access to between-life memories as well, to help people gain personal soul-level understanding of their souls’ companions, teachers, work, and lessons.
Between Lives Regression History
The history of Between Lives Regression started in the 1980’s by psychotherapists who stumbled into the Spirit Realm with clients during hypnotic regression therapy. Through leaders such as Joel Whitton, Helen Wambach, Delores Cannon, Michael Newton they have explored and written about Life Between Lives spiritual experiences, and have shared their work broadly.
I have conducted 14 month in-depth research on Between Lives Regression, and will shares my findings gladly with you.
Between Lives Regression Therapy – What Happens?
What happens in a Between Lives Regression is that after experiencing a past life and its death, people often talk about leaving the body and seeing it below. Then being welcomed by deceased friends or family and receiving healing to shed the denser emotions and energies associated with the physical world to allow them to re-enter the higher frequency vibrations of the Spirit Realm.
Spirit Guides and teachers review the past life with the journeying soul in love, never judgment. The soul comes to understand that the purpose of life incarnate is to learn, and that plans for challenges while earthbound are opportunities to grow.
There is no right or wrong way to progress in learning, and there is no punishment or admonishment in the life between lives.
A soul often reunites with their soul group in the Spirit Realm. Those in soul groups work closely together over many lifetimes. Our soul group is our soul family and they show up in our lives, as planned, as our family and friends, as our lovers and teachers, and even as our enemies. People often describe these soul group reunions as a profound experience that feels like “home”.
In the between life, a soul will meet the spirits of light that have attained a level of experience and wisdom that does not require them to physically reincarnate any longer. These Elders, Wise Ones or great teachers are deeply invested in the journeying soul. In love and compassion, they review the progress of the soul.
They can replay the past lives and discuss any aspect with the soul until it is understood what will be expected in the next life. The soul, often with the help of their Spirit Guide, takes this learning and applies free will to plan for the next incarnation in accordance with their unique purpose.
- Discover themes that are driving your current life
- Find a deeper understanding of your personal relationships
- Reconnect with loved ones who have passed
- Discover your life purpose
- Connect with your true self
- Know that you are eternal
- Understand more about your life’s journey, the choices you have made and the challenges you have met
- Know if you are on track with your life plan
- Gain answers to your specific questions
Client Experiences
“The Between Lives Regression Therapy was an extremely profound experience. It put a lot of what I perceived as issues into context and enabled me to have a look at the bigger picture of my life. It also touched me on an even deeper level. I feel re-connected, I know where I am, I know why I came, I know that the choices I make are perfect and I know that I am loved”. Vic P. Cape Town.
“The whole Between Lives Regression experience was very special, totally amazing and very profound. I have a very positive attitude towards my future and life purpose and have been taking active steps to make changes in my life”. William C. Cape Town
As a Between Lives Regression Therapists I will guide you directly into the Spirit Realm to reconnect with your divine self, so you can discuss your soul progress on a one-on-one with their Spirit Guide and Elders, experience first-hand the continuum of soul energy, and fully understand the lessons in your life.
Please click here to make an Appointment!
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