As with medication different effects occur at different dosages. There are several scales of trance depths in hypnosis.

The simplest scale is the Arons scale. It divides trance depth into six levels. Other scales are more refined and have up to thirty levels. Depending on the reason for therapy different levels of trance are required. Levels one through three are typically all that is needed for emotional problems. Levels four and deeper are needed to bring about physical changes.

There are distinct tests to determine trance depth. It may take several sessions to achieve deep hypnosis for some people.

Level 1 is very light and this is not deep enough for most Hypnotherapy. Most hypnotherapists prefer deeper levels.

Level 2 is sufficient for dealing with phobias and other minor mental illness issues. This is then minimum level hypnotherapists prefer. Local catalepsy can be achieved at this level.

Level 3 is the minimum depth needed to deal with addictions such as nicotine. It is also the depth needed to modify habits, dealing with mental issues. More pronounced catalepsy can be achieved at this level.

Level 4 is the minimum depth needed to affect physical changes in the body. Changes in physical sensation in localized areas. People will not feel pain but will feel touch. Amnesia can be induced at this stage. Complete catalepsy can be achieved at this level.

Level 5 is needed to effect physical sensations over the entire body. People will feel nether pain nor touch. Vivid memory recovery and positive hallucinations (Positive hallucination: seeing things that do not exist) can occur at this level. Early stages of somnambulism.

Level 6 is only needed when the hypnotist wants or needs a more profound effect. All senses are effected at this level. Negative hallucinations (Negative hallucination: not seeing things that do exist) can occur at this level. Profound somnambulism.