Throat Chakra – Our ability to communicate.

This is only a small example of the powerful message that is contained in GAIA Healing Step Five of Seven.

Click Here to book your seven week GAIA Deep Healing Meditation Course.

The Throat Chakra is connected to several organs and glands, including the throat, jaws, neck vertebrae, thyroid, teeth, ears, oesophagus and the ears. Human beings that have a balanced Throat Chakra have powerful artistic potential, along with the ability to meditate freely and utilise their energy effectively.

Associated with: Your power of self-expression and creativity
Balanced: You express and share your truth and inspiration.
Imbalanced: A sore throat, nervousness, irritated sinuses, thyroid problems, teeth and gum problems, TMJ, jaw pain
Color: Blue

The throat chakra corresponds to the thyroid gland.

Vishuddha (literally, “to purify”) is located near the base of the throat. It is often depicted as a blue downward-facing triangle inside a lotus with 16 purple petals. Vishuddha is associated with the element ether, or “space” (akasha), and with speaking one’s truth. Its energetic function is to help us find authentic self-expression.

As one would expect, this chakra is connected to our ability to communicate verbally. Voice and throat problems as well as any problems with everything surrounding that area, such as the teeth, gums, and mouth, can indicate a blockage. The throat chakra is linked to individual growth. Blocks or misalignment can also be seen through being cold, aloof, indifferent, lethargy, depression, seen as a loner, tactless, dominating conversations, gossiping, speaking without thinking, and having trouble speaking your mind. When in alignment you will be calm, collected, patient, serene, trusting, deeply developed faith, protective, responsible, reliable, you will speak and listen with compassion and feel confident when you speak because you know you are being true to yourself with your words.

Open the Throat Chakra (light blue). This chakra is based on self-expression and communication. When the chakra is open, expressing yourself is easy, and art seems to be a great way to do this. If it’s under-active: you tend not to speak too much, so you are classified as shy. If you lie often, this chakra can be blocked. If it’s over-active: you tend to speak so much, it annoys a lot of people. You could also be a pretty bad listener.
Once again, sit on your knees.

Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them up a bit.

Concentrate on the Throat Chakra and what it stands for, at the base of the throat.

Silently, but clearly, chant the sound “HAM.”

All this time, keep on relaxing your body, thinking of the chakra, it’s meaning, and how it does or should affect your life.

Keep doing this for about five minutes, and the “clean” feeling will intensify once again.

The Other Six Chakras:

1. Root Chakra – at the base of the spine.
2. Sacral Chakra – at the reproductive organs.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra – at the abdomen.
4. Heart Chakra – at the center of the chest.
5. Throat Chakra – at the base of the throat.
6. Third Eye Chakra – between the eyebrows.
7. Crown Chakra – top of the head.

We offer you a Free one hour MP3 recording to help you with your Throat Chakra Meditation Healing.

This MP3 recording should not be listened to while driving or operating machinery. Headphones are not needed for this recording.

If you need the link to the MP3 download file – please send an e-mail to

All honour goes to Meditative Mind that has put together this wonderful Chakra Meditation Chants.

This is only a small example of the powerful message that is contained in GAIA Healing Step Five of Seven.

Click Here to book your seven week GAIA Deep Healing Meditation Course.

Please see this for more information on the Throat Chakra: