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What to expect from hypnosis?
Go with an open mind. If you’re too skeptical, your mind won’t let suggestions take hold.
Be clear and honest with your therapist. Full disclosure is the only way to ensure the therapy actually helps you.
Book the evening off. Don’t spend time after a session on stressful activities, or rush back to make your 6 pm gym class. You’ll need time to digest the lessons you’ve learned, so clear the diary.
The Conscious and Subconscious Mind
Your conscious mind commands and your subconscious mind obeys according to the rules that are loaded.
The conscious mind encompasses your thoughts, habits and emotions.
The subconscious mind will use the rules that are loaded connected to your expectations, desires and beliefs are beyond our awareness and control.
Rates and Office Hours:
Rates and Costing – 1 May 2024:
Normal Hypnotherapy Session Face to Face – you come in to my offices or I travel to your premises:
Your Face to Face First Assessment Meeting and Hypnotherapy Session will be R1950.00.
R650.00 towards the First Assessment Meeting one one one and R1300.00 for the first Hypnotherapy Session one one one.
- Payment of R650.00 deposit is required for the confirmation of your appointment.
- R1300.00 on the day of your Assessment Meeting and first Hypnotherapy Session.
On-line Google Meets Hypnotherapy Session – On-line with image and picture.
Your On-line Google Meets First Assessment Meeting and Hypnotherapy Session will be R1350.00.
R450.00 towards the First Assessment Meeting on Google Meets and R900.00 for the first Hypnotherapy Session on Google Meets.
- Payment of R450.00 deposit is required for the confirmation of your appointment.
- R900.00 on the day of your Assessment Meeting and first Hypnotherapy Session.
Time Allocation and Special Note:
- Normal and On-line Google Meets First Assessment Meeting will be + – 1 hour and 30 min.
- Normal and On-line Google Meets Hypnotherapy Session is 60 min.
- We will do the appointment on Google Meets – You only click on the link we send you on WhatsApp.
- For the Google Meets appointment please have your phone charged for the hypnotherapy session and have the head-set that comes with your mobile device that it has earphones and a microphone – that is all we need.
Daily Session: 7 Days a week – 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 and 18:00.
There are three different types of Hypnotherapy
Analytical hypnotherapy works on the basis that every symptom has a cause, in the same way that the term ’cause-and-effect’ works in other areas of life. Analytical hypnotherapy looks at the root cause of the problem. This system is based on the findings of Milton Erickson and the Analytical Hypnotherapy techniques of Dr R D Longacre.
Direct Suggestion hypnotherapy works on the symptom, seeking to relieve the symptom thereby giving the client a chance to change and heal as they see fit. This is an “old school” modality which is based on the founding principles of James Braid and James Esdaile. This is a very small part of hypnotherapy but because of entertaining stage shows, this is what most people associate hypnotherapy with.
Part Therapy hypnotherapy is an effective and simple tool similar Ego State Therapy that most main stream psychologists will be familiar with. The Parts that control the clients behaviours are addressed separately with the hypnotherapist acting as a mediator. The parts come to a successful resolution of the matter being addressed, and are then re-integrated in harmony with the client. This technique is based on the teachings of Charles Tebbetts and Roy Hunter.
Hypnotherapy has the ability to re-define, re-frame and restructure deep rooted emotions within the subconscious mind.
Think of hypnosis as a personal trainer for the mind, providing positive reinforcement, transforming the mind and improving overall performance, using tools such as relaxation, narrative, visualization, age regression, role play and music.
Like many complimentary medicines, hypnosis is often condemned because of misuse, ignorance, mistaken beliefs and overstated claims.
Hypnotherapy is the natural relaxed state of mind that we all experience when day dreaming; falling asleep or on waking. The hypnotherapist is just a facilitator using the power of positive suggestion. The client remains in control of their own mind and body.
The hypnosis practitioner is simply a guide, directing the client through their own subconscious mind, recalling the feelings of memories that help to explain why we have adopted certain reactions and behaviors in response to certain stimuli, and suggesting an alternative reaction or response that improves the outcome.
Contact us on:
Tel: 0027 – (0)87 379 7668
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