Throat Chakra Healing, Healing The Vishuddha Chakra
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Your ability to communicate effectively and express yourself truthfully resides here.
Have you ever felt stifled creatively? Found yourself unable to communicate as clearly as you would like? Or have you experienced hoarseness, laryngitis or chronic fatigue? These are signs associated with throat chakra imbalance. Find out how to identify 5th chakra blockages and ways to do throat chakra healing.
Throat Chakra Healing Meditation
Getting to Know the Throat Chakra
The throat chakra, also known as the Vishuddha chakra, is the fifth chakra of the human body. Located at the base of the throat, this energy center is associated with communication, creativity, and self-expression. According to some spiritual and religious traditions, the throat chakra is considered the seat, or home, of human emotion.
Think about it. When we are emotionally upset, we often say we’re “choked up,” unable to speak clearly, which makes sense if the throat is the emotional hub. Yes?
Known as Vishuddha in Hindu tradition, the throat chakra controls the thryroid gland and endocrine system.
That means it is responsible for the regulation and flow of hormones and the function of all matters of the throat and head, including:
carotid artieries
Signs of Blockage of the 5th Chakra
When the fifth chakra is blocked there are several signs, both physical and non-physical, that can emerge. Physically speaking, an unbalanced fifth chakra can cause you to experience consistent fatigue, headaches, and speech impairment. In some cases, it is not uncommon for even more serious physical effects to include tinnitius, autoimmune dysfunction, and hypothyroidism.
The effects of imbalanced chakras may also manifest in less physical ways.
In the case of the throat chakra, a blockage can initiate behaviors indicative of insecurity and a lack of control, such as:
anxiety and/or fear
diminished self-esteem
compulsive or excessive eating
How to Balance the Throat Chakra?
Fifth chakra healing can involve the use of a variety of tools to achieve balance, from chakra healing stones and essential oils to healing foods, yoga asana (posture), meditation and cleansing. It is important to remember, the idea behind balancing is to eliminate the negativity that caused the imbalance; which is commonly an excess or deficiency of something.
Among the most commonly used tools for throat chakra healing are throat chakra stones.
So how do stones work exactly? It’s about vibration.
We are all made of energy. Energy creates vibration. When chakras become unbalanced, a return to the right vibration is necessary. Chakra healing stones each have their own vibrational frequency. By placing throat chakra stones just above or on the area of imbalance, the stone’s vibration cleanses the negativity to restore balance.
Healing the Throat Chakra with Colour: True Blue
All seven human chakras have their own corresponding color. Blue is associated with the throat chakra. Considered a hue for cleansing and health, blue’s calming effect helps restore balance and eases physical and mental stresses often associated with throat chakra imbalance.
Benefits of Fifth Chakra Balance
When the throat chakra is balanced, you not only feel it, but there are additional, subtle signs. You have more confidence and find you are a more effective communicator. Also, you may find that you have more vivid dreams and dream recall, are more sensitive to the energies put forth by others around you, and are more at ease with the world in general.