We support Akkerdoppies Pre-Primary in Stellenbosch as our Social Responsibility project.

Akkerdoppies Pre-Primary (NPO), situated in the picturesque town of Stellenbosch, offers high-quality, affordable preschool services to disadvantaged children from Idas Valley, Cloetesville and Khayamandi.

Akkerdoppies accommodates children between the ages of 3 months and 6 years old, and teach in both Afrikaans and English. The aim is to get children school-ready by educating and nurturing them. This will in turn enable them to deal with daily challenges and to embrace the advantages offered by formal education in years to come.

Research done by the World Bank has shown that children who participate in well-conceived ECD programs tend to be more successful in later school, are more competent socially and emotionally, and show higher verbal and intellectual development during early childhood than children who are not enrolled in high quality programs.

My Social Responsibility commitment to them is that I will give them R100.00 of every hypnotherapy session cost that I make.

If you want to support this very good cause please contact them directly.

Riëtte Steenkamp – Principal
Tel: 021 886 8557
E-mail: riette.steenkamp777@gmail.com

Stephanie Mouton – Project Manager
Tel: 072 520 7826
E-mail: Diemoutons@telkomsa.net

Physical Address: 1 Dr. Malan Street, La Colline, Stellenbosch

Registration No
2006/001307/08 NPO 050-213

Our Bank Details
Nedbank Stellenbosch
Account no: 149 811 6337
Branch code: 149 821
Ref: Your name

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