Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Lose Weight (Page 1 of 4)

Classical Music Subliminal Sessions

We offer you a complete range of Subliminal Message Sessions that can help you to deal with your challenges.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

These MP3’s along with any other MP3’s should not be used as a substitute for any medical care you may be receiving. You should always refer to a doctor when necessary.

This is a subliminal recording and should not be listened to while driving or operating machinery. Headphones are not needed for this recording.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I need headphones to listen to this recording?

A. No, you do not need headphones. The messages have been embedded in a variety of ways, ensuring they can be absorbed either with or without headphones.

Q. Can I listen while driving or when I’m at work?

A. No. You should refrain from doing anything that requires concentration such as the operation of machinery or driving. This is for your own safety as some people may experience temporary drowsiness. I recommend that you listen while sleeping, relaxing, meditating, or enjoying activities such as drawing or reading.

Q. Do I need to watch the screen?

A. No, you don’t need to watch the screen. The messages are only embedded in the audio recording, so you just need to listen.

Q. Why can’t I hear any talking?

A. This is a subliminal recording, which means the affirmation messages are hidden within the audio.

Q. How do subliminal messages work?

A. Compared to regular audio, the subliminal affirmation messages are recorded at many different frequencies and volumes, therefore you will be unable to hear the messages consciously. Because you are unable to hear the messages consciously, they bypass the part of your mind that analyses information, thus enabling the messages to go directly to your subconscious mind, allowing them to be absorbed as a factual new reality.

Q. Can I sleep while listening?

A. You can listen to this recording whilst asleep or awake, both methods are effective.

Q. How long until I get results?

A. It varies. Some people will only have to listen for a matter of minutes to notice an improvement, whilst others will need to listen for several hours over the course of a few days.

Q. At what volume should I play the recording?

A. At whatever volume you find most comfortable.

Here is a list of the music played within this recording.

Total time:1:06:48.

0:00 – 5:41
Pachelbel – Canon
5:42 – 10:14
Chopin – Nocturne op.9 No.2
10:15 – 12:53
Handel – Sarabande
12:54 – 16:05
Faure – Romance Without Words
16:06 – 19:33
Chopin – Sonata No. 2 Op. 35, 3
19:33 – 22:43
Schubert – Ave Maria
22:43 – 28:49
Beethoven – Moonlight
28:50 – 33:51
Bach – Air on the G string
33:51 – 37:51
Bach – Marcello
37:52 – 41:13
Tchaikovsky – Waltz of The Flowers
41:14 – 47:18
Chopin – Andante Spianato
47:18 – 49:36
Johann Strauss – The Blue Danube
49:36 – 52:47
Beethoven – Fur Elise
52:47 – 58:05
Schubert – Impromptus Op. 90 No. 3
58:06 – 01:02:15
Beethoven – No. 8. Pathetique. Mov. 2
01:02:16 – 01:06:47
Mozart – Piano Sonata No. 16

We offer you a full range of subliminal, binaural beats and hypnosis recordings.

If you need the link to the MP3 download file – please send an e-mail to info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

Change your Food Addiction Habits with Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is very helpful when it comes to changing habits when it comes to Food Addiction.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

Your hypnotherapist will help you into a deeply relaxed state where your subconscious is more susceptible to suggestion.

The nature of food addiction and the many complicated factors contributing to it means that willpower alone is often not enough. Understanding what could be causing your behaviour and recognizing unhealthy coping mechanisms is often needed before work can be done to change your behaviour.

Your hypnotherapist may work with you to uncover the underlying cause of your addiction before offering suggestions to your subconscious to help you change habits and behaviours.

The relaxing nature of hypnotherapy can also help you become more self-aware and mindful around food. Learning to recognize hunger cues and when you are full up is important and something many of us struggle with.

Your hypnotherapist should not recommend you go on a diet or offer nutritional advice (unless they have nutrition training), instead, they should work with you on mindset, getting to the root of the problem and helping you to make lasting change.

As with most addictions, there is rarely one single cause but instead a combination of factors. These factors may be biological, psychological or social. Biological factors include hormonal imbalances, a difference in brain structure, side-effects of certain medications or even having a family member who struggles with addiction.

Psychological factors may include experiencing trauma or abuse, a difficulty coping with negative emotions, low self-esteem or dealing with grief and loss. Often food is used as a comforting measure or coping tool when we’re struggling psychologically.

If this is at the root of your addiction, it’s important to address it if you want to change your relationship with food.

This can take some hard work and may feel difficult at times, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Other mental health conditions can also lead to unhealthy eating behaviours. Such conditions include depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Be sure to speak to your doctor or a counselor if you are worried about a mental health condition, sometimes the treatment of this can, in turn, help to improve your relationship with food.

Social factors that can contribute to food addiction can include family problems, pressure from peers or society, feeling isolated and stressful life events. Not having a support structure in place can make it difficult to overcome eating difficulties. Try reaching out and talking about how you feel, either with friends and family or in a support group.

Food is something we all need to survive, it nourishes us, fuels us and contributes to our health and well-being. In an ideal world, we would all eat a varied, balanced diet that fulfills us both physically and emotionally. Unfortunately, however, food is a complicated topic.

Some of us can develop unhealthy relationships with food, using it in unhelpful ways and, in some cases, forming a behavioural addiction. Foods that are highly palatable (i.e. those rich in fat, sugar or salt) trigger a chemical reaction in the brain, inducing a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.

Effects of food addiction

If a food addiction is left untreated it can have a big impact on both your physical and mental health. Continuing to eat large quantities of foods high in sugar and salt can lead to physical complications such as heart disease, digestive problems, sleep disorders, headaches, increased risk of stroke and general lethargy.

Psychologically, this kind of relationship with food can affect your self-esteem leading to conditions such as depression and anxiety. You may go on to develop disordered eating and even struggle with suicidal thoughts.

Signs of an unhealthy relationship with food

Recognizing that you have a problem with eating is the first step to getting support. Here are some questions to consider if you think you may have an unhealthy relationship with food.

Do you:

  • Find you eat more than planned when it comes to certain foods?
  • Continue eating certain foods even if you’re not hungry?
  • Eat until you feel unwell?
  • Worry about cutting down or not eating certain foods?
  • Worry when certain foods are unavailable or go out of your way to get them?
  • Find eating gets in the way of other activities, such as time with family or hobbies?
  • Avoid social situations where food is present for fear of overeating?
  • Find it difficult to function at work/school because of food/eating?
  • Feel low, anxious or guilty after eating?
  • Need to eat increasingly more to reduce negative emotions or increase pleasure?

If something has become a big enough problem to affect your daily life, seeing professional support is always advised. Keep reading to find out how hypnotherapy may be able to support you.

Ref: www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk

Please click here to make an Appointment!

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