Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Motivation (Page 1 of 10)

Improve Your Motivation with Hypnotherapy

Your motivation is within you, waiting to be unleashed. You have the power to take control of your goals and your dreams. You are capable, you are driven, and you are worthy of success.

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script to help individuals improve their motivation:


“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow yourself to relax, letting go of any tension or stress. Imagine yourself standing in a peaceful place, feeling calm and centered. With each breath, allow yourself to relax further, letting go of any doubts or fears. You are safe, and you are in control.”


“As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine yourself sinking deeper into relaxation, letting go of any thoughts or worries. Your eyelids are growing heavy, and your body is becoming heavier, sinking deeper into the comfort of your chair. You are relaxed, and you are focused.”


“Imagine yourself standing in front of a sparkly, golden door. This door represents your inner motivation and drive. As you approach the door, you notice that it’s slightly ajar. You can see a sliver of light shining through the crack, beckoning you to come closer.

“Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, imagine yourself pushing the door open, flooding yourself with a sense of motivation and energy. Feel the excitement and enthusiasm coursing through your veins, urging you to take action towards your goals.

“Notice the words etched into the door: ‘I am capable and motivated. I trust myself to make progress towards my goals. I am worthy of success and achievement.’

“Repeat after me: ‘I am motivated and driven to achieve my goals. I trust myself to take action and make progress. I am worthy of success and recognition.’

“As you continue to stand in front of the door, imagine yourself receiving a boost of motivation and energy. You feel more focused, more driven, and more confident in your ability to achieve your goals.

“Imagine yourself taking the first step towards your goal. Feel the sense of accomplishment and pride as you take that first step. Then, imagine yourself taking the next step, and the next, and the next.

“With each step, feel your motivation growing, feel your confidence increasing, and feel yourself becoming more and more unstoppable.

“Remember, your motivation is within you, waiting to be unleashed. You have the power to take control of your goals and your dreams. You are capable, you are driven, and you are worthy of success.

“Take one final deep breath, and as you exhale, imagine yourself integrating this motivation and drive into your daily life. You are confident, you are driven, and you are ready to achieve your goals.”

Counting Up

“Now, slowly start to come back to the present moment, feeling refreshed, renewed, and empowered. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes, feeling more motivated, more driven, and more ready to take action towards your goals. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5…”

This script is designed to help individuals overcome procrastination, build motivation, and increase drive towards their goals. Remember to tailor your script to your client’s specific needs and goals, and to use your own voice and style when delivering the script.

Get more Motivated Hypnotherapy

Imagine the sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that comes with achieving your goals, and the motivation that comes with knowing you can do it again and again.

Here is a sample script for a get more motivated hypnotherapy session:


“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll embark on a journey of relaxation and transformation. Find a comfortable position, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow any tension or stress to leave your body.

Imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase, with each step leading you deeper into relaxation. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, take your first step down. With each breath, take another step down, feeling heavier and more relaxed with each step.

Now, imagine being in a peaceful place, where you feel safe and comfortable. This could be a sunny beach, a quiet forest, or a cozy room in your home. Take a moment to visualize this place, noticing the sights, sounds, and sensations.

As you continue to breathe deeply, allow yourself to let go of any remaining tension or thoughts. You are completely relaxed and focused on the present moment.”


“Now, imagine a warm, soothing light beginning to emanate from the crown of your head. This light represents relaxation and calmness, and it’s spreading throughout your body, filling you with a sense of peace and tranquility.

As the light travels down through your body, it’s melting away any remaining tension or discomfort. Your muscles are becoming heavier, your breath is becoming slower, and your mind is becoming quieter.

Allow yourself to surrender to this relaxation, letting go of any need to control or resist. You are safe, you are relaxed, and you are ready to explore your subconscious mind.”


“Imagine yourself standing in front of a large, blank canvas, representing your life and all its possibilities. Notice the colors, the textures, and the shapes that make up this canvas.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, imagine yourself picking up a brush, ready to create a masterpiece. Imagine the feeling of excitement and motivation that comes with creating something new and wonderful.

Notice how this feels. Imagine the sensation of being driven by a sense of purpose and passion, of knowing exactly what you want to achieve and how to get there.

Now, imagine yourself taking the first step towards achieving your goals. Imagine the feeling of confidence and self-trust that comes with knowing you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Imagine the sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that comes with achieving your goals, and the motivation that comes with knowing you can do it again and again.”


“Repeat after me: ‘I am motivated and driven to achieve my goals. I trust myself to make wise decisions and take action towards my dreams. I am capable and confident in my abilities.’

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, imagine these affirmations becoming a part of your subconscious mind, guiding your thoughts and emotions towards motivation and success.”


“Take a moment to notice how you’re feeling now. Notice any changes in your body or your mind. Allow yourself to integrate these positive changes, knowing that they will stay with you long after this session is over.

Remember, you can return to this peaceful place whenever you need to, and you can always use visualization and affirmations to reinforce positive change.

When you’re ready, you can slowly open your eyes, feeling refreshed, renewed, and more motivated to achieve your goals and pursue your dreams.”

Note: This script is for informational purposes only and should be used by a trained hypnotherapist or under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Hypnotherapy should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment, but rather as a complementary therapy to support mental and emotional well-being.

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