Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Skin Picking

Dealing with Skin Problems using Hypnotherapy

Your mind has the power to heal and transform your skin.

Here is a sample script for a skin problems hypnotherapy session:


“Welcome to this skin problems hypnotherapy session. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow any tension or stress to leave your body. Imagine yourself in a peaceful, calming environment – a place where you feel relaxed, comfortable, and completely at ease…

“Notice the sensations in your body, and allow yourself to let go of any discomfort or anxiety. Imagine a soothing, cooling light filling your skin, calming any inflammation or irritation…

“As you breathe in, imagine fresh, clean air filling your lungs. As you breathe out, imagine any worries or concerns about your skin leaving your body. Allow yourself to relax, feeling heavier and more grounded with each breath. Your eyelids growing heavy, your breath slowing… You are becoming more relaxed, more calm, and more centered…


“As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine yourself becoming more relaxed, more focused, and more connected to your body. Allow yourself to trust in your body’s natural ability to heal and repair…

“Visualize your skin as strong, resilient, and healthy. Imagine any blemishes, imperfections, or irritations fading away, replaced by a radiant, glowing complexion…

“Now, imagine your skin responding to the power of your subconscious mind. See your skin cells repairing, regenerating, and rebalancing themselves. Feel the sensation of calm, comfort, and relaxation spreading throughout your skin…


“As you continue to breathe deeply, allow these suggestions to sink deep into your subconscious mind:

* Your skin is strong, resilient, and capable of healing itself.

* You are in control of your skin’s health and well-being.

* You trust in your body’s natural ability to repair and regenerate skin cells.

* Your skin is clear, calm, and comfortable, free from blemishes and imperfections.

* You feel confident, self-assured, and comfortable in your own skin.


“Imagine yourself looking in the mirror, seeing a radiant, glowing complexion staring back at you. See your skin as clear, smooth, and youthful…

“Visualize your skin responding to stress, anxiety, or other triggers by remaining calm, composed, and resilient. Imagine any flare-ups or breakouts subsiding, replaced by a sense of comfort and well-being…

“Picture yourself feeling confident, self-assured, and comfortable in your own skin. See yourself going about your daily life with ease, free from the burdens of skin problems…

Counting and Awakening

“As you continue to breathe deeply, I’ll count from one to five, and when I reach five, you’ll slowly begin to return to a state of full awareness, feeling refreshed, renewed, and empowered to take control of your skin health.

“One… Two… Three… Four… Five…

“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly open your eyes. Notice how you feel – more relaxed, more confident, and more in control of your skin health. Remember, your mind has the power to heal and transform your skin.”

Post-Session Suggestion

After the session, take a few moments to reflect on your experience and any insights or feelings that arose during the hypnotherapy session. You may want to journal or write down any thoughts, ideas, or inspirations that come to you.

Remember to stay committed to your goals, and know that every positive thought and visualization brings you one step closer to achieving healthy, radiant skin.

Breaking the Bad Habit of Skin Picking, Dermatillomania with Hypnotherapy

Dermatillomania, also known as skin picking disorder or excoriation disorder, is a mental health condition where you compulsively pick at your skin. This can cause injuries, infections and scarring, leading to stress, anxiety and a reduced sense of well-being.

We understand that habits – both good and bad – are usually established unconsciously, and operate unconsciously. Therefore will power is often insufficient to bring about changes in long established behaviours. If you want to get someone to stop carrying out a compulsive behaviour such as hair pulling, or nail biting, or whatever, change needs to take place at a much deeper level than just the conscious realization that biting your nails isn’t a nice thing to do.

You need to discover the original purpose of the habitual behaviour. What perceived need did that behaviour attempt, however inadequately, to meet and satisfy? And then you need to discover whether that need is still there. If it is not, the behaviour can be dropped, as it is no longer required. If it is, you need to explore what new, more appropriate, behaviour might meet that need as, or even more, effectively.

Only then will you be able to accept and integrate the necessary change.

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for skin picking:


“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll learn to overcome the habit of skin picking. Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down, and take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Imagine yourself standing in a peaceful, relaxing place. It could be a beach, a forest, or a mountain meadow. Allow yourself to fully immerse in this scene, taking in the sights, sounds, and sensations.

As you breathe in, imagine fresh, calm air filling your lungs. As you breathe out, imagine any tension, anxiety, or stress leaving your body. Repeat this process several times, allowing yourself to relax more with each breath.


“Now, I’d like you to imagine a gentle, soothing warmth spreading through your body, starting at the crown of your head and flowing down to your toes. As this warmth spreads, it’s calming your mind, relaxing your body, and quieting your nervous system.

Imagine yourself becoming heavier, more relaxed, and more calm with each breath. Your eyelids are growing heavy, and your body is feeling more and more relaxed.


“When you’re ready, imagine yourself being completely free from the habit of skin picking. You’re feeling confident, capable, and in control.

Repeat the following affirmations to yourself:

* I am in control of my actions and choices.

* I am capable of stopping skin picking.

* I am confident in my ability to overcome this habit.


“Now, imagine yourself in a situation where you would normally engage in skin picking, but this time, you’re choosing to do something different. You’re choosing to take a deep breath, relax, and focus on your surroundings.

Imagine yourself engaging in a new, healthier habit, such as taking a few deep breaths, going for a short walk, or doing a quick stretch. You’re feeling proud of yourself for making this positive change.

Counting and Awakening

“As you continue to relax and visualize yourself overcoming skin picking, I’ll count from five to one, and when I reach one, you’ll slowly open your eyes, feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to take control of your actions.

Five… your body is relaxed, your mind is calm.

Four… you’re feeling more confident and capable with each breath.

Three… you’re imagining yourself succeeding in stopping skin picking.

Two… you’re feeling proud and happy with your progress.

One… you’re a confident and capable individual, ready to take control of your actions. Open your eyes, feeling refreshed and renewed.”

Post-Hypnotic Suggestions

“From now on, whenever you feel the urge to engage in skin picking, you’ll take a deep breath, relax, and focus on your surroundings. You’ll remind yourself of your confidence and capability to overcome this habit.

You’ll engage in healthier habits, such as taking a few deep breaths, going for a short walk, or doing a quick stretch. You’ll feel proud of yourself for making this positive change.

Remember, you are in control of your actions and choices. You are capable of stopping skin picking. You are confident in your ability to overcome this habit.”

Remember to practice self-hypnosis regularly to reinforce these positive affirmations and to continue building your confidence and motivation to overcome skin picking.

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