Feel the sense of empowerment and confidence, as you reinforce your ability to manage your emotions and respond to situations in a healthier way.

When you self-harm, this is often a sign that they are unhappy with their lives. Sometimes they feel that they deserve the punishment that they are inflicting upon themselves, but are unable to overcome this self-destructive form of behaviour. Self-harming is an unhealthy, dangerous and at times, life-threatening mechanism which, if used, can lead to long-term and even life-long effects including visible burns and scarring. These can in turn lead to secondary issues with a sufferer’s self esteem and body image.

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for Stop Self-Harming:


“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll have the opportunity to explore and overcome self-harming behaviors. Get comfortable, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow yourself to relax. Feel the weight of your emotional pain lifting off your shoulders. Imagine yourself in a peaceful, safe space, where you can confront and overcome self-harming.

Take another deep breath in, and as you exhale, repeat after me: ‘I am relaxed, I am calm, I am in control of my emotions.'”


“Now, imagine yourself walking down a peaceful path, surrounded by nature. With each step, feel yourself becoming more relaxed, more calm, and more centered. The sound of a gentle stream in the distance grows louder, and you find yourself standing in front of a serene lake. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of this place, and feel the tranquility wash over you.

As you gaze out onto the lake, notice how the water reflects your thoughts and emotions. See your true self staring back at you, free from the grip of self-harming. Allow yourself to let go of any shame, guilt, or self-blame, and simply be in this moment.”

Exploring Self-Harming

“Bring to mind a situation where you felt the urge to self-harm. Notice how you felt in that moment – the emotions, the thoughts, the physical sensations. See how self-harming affected your relationships, your self-esteem, and your overall well-being.

As you exhale, repeat after me: ‘I acknowledge my pain, I understand its roots.’ Feel the sense of awareness and insight, as you acknowledge your emotional pain and understand its causes.

Now, explore the underlying emotions that drive your self-harming behaviors. Is it anxiety, depression, trauma, or feelings of inadequacy? Notice how these emotions make you feel, and how you typically respond to them.

As you exhale, repeat after me: ‘I take responsibility for my emotions, I choose to cope healthily.’ Feel the sense of empowerment and control, as you acknowledge your role in perpetuating self-harming and commit to finding healthier coping mechanisms.”

Releasing Self-Harming

“Imagine that you are holding a small, delicate flower in your hand. This flower represents your emotional well-being, your self-esteem, and your self-worth. Notice how fragile it is, how easily it can be damaged by self-harming behaviors.

As you exhale, repeat after me: ‘I nurture my emotions, I choose self-care.’ Feel the sense of care and compassion growing within you, as you commit to prioritizing your emotional well-being and finding healthier ways to cope.

Now, imagine that you are surrounded by a supportive network of people who care about you and want to help you. See yourself reaching out for help, talking about your feelings, and receiving support and guidance.

Repeat after me: ‘I am not alone, I am supported, I am worthy of help.’ Feel the sense of connection and support, as you recognize that you don’t have to face your struggles alone.”


“As you continue to breathe deeply, repeat after me: ‘I am strong, I am capable, I am in control of my emotions.’ Feel the sense of empowerment and confidence, as you reinforce your ability to manage your emotions and respond to situations in a healthier way.

Imagine that you are wearing a badge of self-love, a symbol of your commitment to prioritizing your emotional well-being. Feel the weight of this badge, and the sense of pride that comes with taking control of your emotions and finding healthier coping mechanisms.”


“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly open your eyes. Notice how you feel, and remember that you can return to this peaceful state whenever you need it. You have the power to overcome self-harming behaviors and find healthier ways to cope with your emotions. Trust yourself, trust your decisions, and remember that your future is in your hands.”

Final Affirmation

“I am in control of my emotions, I choose self-care, I am worthy of love and respect.”

This script is designed to help individuals overcome self-harming behaviors and develop healthier relationships with themselves and others. Remember to always use hypnotherapy scripts responsibly and with the consent of your clients.