Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Time Management (Page 1 of 2)

Be Very Selective with Whom You spend your Time with Hypnotherapy

With the power of your mind you have the power to choose who you spend your time with. You have the power to choose who you allow into your garden, into your energy. You are the guardian of your own energy, and you are in control.

Here is a hypnotherapy script to help individuals be more selective with whom they spend their time:

Title: “Guarding My Energy”


“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your body to relax, letting go of any tension or stress. Imagine yourself standing in a peaceful, serene environment, surrounded by calmness and tranquility. With each breath, feel your body relaxing further, letting go of any doubts or fears. You are safe, and you are in control.”


“Now, imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase, with each step leading you deeper into relaxation. As you take the first step down, feel your body relaxing, letting go of any physical tension. With each step, feel your mind quieting, letting go of any mental chatter. Take five deep breaths, and with each breath, feel yourself relaxing further, becoming more calm, more serene, and more focused.”

Guarding My Energy:

“Imagine a beautiful, vibrant garden, representing your energy and your time. See each person in your life as a flower in this garden. Some flowers are bright, colorful, and nourishing, while others are wilted, draining, and toxic.

“As you gaze at the garden, repeat the following phrase to yourself: ‘I am the gardener of my energy.’ You are the one who gets to decide which flowers to nurture, which to prune, and which to remove.

“Imagine yourself carefully and intentionally tending to the flowers that uplift, inspire, and support you. You are giving them the attention, care, and nourishment they need to thrive. You are surrounding yourself with people who bring joy, positivity, and love into your life.

“Now, imagine the wilted, draining, and toxic flowers. These are the people who drain your energy, who bring negativity and stress into your life. Imagine yourself prudently and carefully pruning these flowers, setting boundaries, and limiting your interaction with them.

“Remember, you have the power to choose who you spend your time with. You have the power to choose who you allow into your garden, into your energy. You are the guardian of your own energy, and you are in control.

“Repeat the phrase once more: ‘I am the gardener of my energy.’ Feel the sense of empowerment, the sense of confidence, and the sense of self-care that comes with being intentional about who you surround yourself with.”

Counting and Awakening:

“Now, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly begin to count from 5 to 1, feeling more alert, more awake, and more in control of your energy with each number. When you reach 1, you will be fully awake, feeling refreshed, renewed, and empowered to choose who you spend your time with.

5… feeling more alert

4… feeling more awake

3… taking care of my energy

2… setting healthy boundaries

1… fully awake, feeling refreshed, renewed, and empowered to choose who I spend my time with.”

Final Suggestion:

“Remember, your energy is precious, and it’s up to you to guard it wisely. Take time each day to tend to your garden, to nurture the relationships that uplift you, and to prune away those that drain you. Repeat the phrase to yourself: ‘I am the gardener of my energy.’ Allow the words to resonate within you, filling you with confidence, self-care, and empowerment.”

Be Very Selective of How You spend your Time with Hypnotherapy

Imagine yourself scheduling your day, filling each hour with purpose and intention. You are guarding your time, protecting it from distractions and time-wasters. You are the master of your time, and you are in control.

Here is a hypnotherapy script to help individuals be more selective of how they spend their time:

Title: “Time Mastery”


“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your body to relax, letting go of any tension or stress. Imagine yourself standing in a peaceful, serene environment, surrounded by calmness and tranquility. With each breath, feel your body relaxing further, letting go of any doubts or fears. You are safe, and you are in control.”


“Now, imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase, with each step leading you deeper into relaxation. As you take the first step down, feel your body relaxing, letting go of any physical tension. With each step, feel your mind quieting, letting go of any mental chatter. Take five deep breaths, and with each breath, feel yourself relaxing further, becoming more calm, more serene, and more focused.”

Time Mastery:

“Imagine a clock in front of you, representing the 24 hours of your day. See each hour as a precious, valuable resource. Now, imagine yourself holding a pair of pruning shears, a tool used to carefully and intentionally shape and refine. As you gaze at the clock, repeat the following phrase to yourself: ‘I am the master of my time.’

“With each passing moment, imagine yourself carefully and intentionally pruning away activities, tasks, and commitments that no longer serve you, that no longer align with your values and goals. You are trimming away distractions, deleting unnecessary tasks, and allowing yourself to focus on what truly matters.

“Imagine a sense of clarity and purpose filling your mind and body. You know exactly how you want to spend your time, and you are confident in your ability to prioritize what is truly important. You are the architect of your schedule, the curator of your time.

“As you continue to breathe in this peaceful, serene environment, allow yourself to connect with your inner wisdom. What are your top values, your top priorities? What activities, tasks, and commitments truly align with who you are and what you want to achieve?

“Imagine yourself scheduling your day, filling each hour with purpose and intention. You are guarding your time, protecting it from distractions and time-wasters. You are the master of your time, and you are in control.

“Repeat the phrase once more: ‘I am the master of my time.’ Feel the sense of empowerment, the sense of control, and the sense of confidence that comes with being intentional about how you spend your time.”

Counting and Awakening:

“Now, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly begin to count from 5 to 1, feeling more alert, more awake, and more focused with each number. When you reach 1, you will be fully awake, feeling refreshed, renewed, and in control of your time.

5… feeling more alert

4… feeling more awake

3… taking control of my time

2… prioritizing what truly matters

1… fully awake, feeling refreshed, renewed, and in control of my time.”

Final Suggestion:

“Remember, each day is a new opportunity to master your time. Take a few moments each morning to review your schedule, to prune away distractions, and to focus on what truly matters. Repeat the phrase to yourself: ‘I am the master of my time.’ Allow the words to resonate within you, filling you with confidence, control, and purpose.”

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