Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: True Self

Trust Yourself More with Hypnotherapy

Imagine making a decision, and instead of second-guessing yourself, you trust your instincts, you trust your intuition. You know that you have all the resources, skills, and abilities to make the right choice.

Here is a hypnotherapy script to help individuals trust themselves more:

Title: “Trusting Myself”


“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your body to relax, letting go of any tension or stress. Imagine yourself standing in a peaceful, serene environment, surrounded by calmness and tranquility. With each breath, feel your body relaxing further, letting go of any doubts or fears. You are safe, and you are in control.”


“Now, imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase, with each step leading you deeper into relaxation. As you take the first step down, feel your body relaxing, letting go of any physical tension. With each step, feel your mind quieting, letting go of any mental chatter. Take five deep breaths, and with each breath, feel yourself relaxing further, becoming more calm, more serene, and more confident.”

Trusting Myself:

“Imagine a bright, warm light filling your entire body, radiating from the crown of your head, down to your toes. This light represents trust, confidence, and self-assurance. As this light fills your body, repeat the following phrase to yourself: ‘I trust myself completely.’ Allow the words to sink deep into your mind, resonating with your inner being. With each repetition, feel your trust in yourself growing stronger, more confident, and more unwavering.

“Imagine a scenario where you doubted yourself in the past. See yourself in that situation, feeling uncertain and unsure. Now, imagine yourself handling that situation with confidence and self-assurance. You trust your instincts, you trust your judgment, and you trust your abilities. Repeat the phrase again: ‘I trust myself completely.’ Feel the power and confidence that comes with trusting yourself.

“Imagine making a decision, and instead of second-guessing yourself, you trust your instincts, you trust your intuition. You know that you have all the resources, skills, and abilities to make the right choice. Repeat the phrase once more: ‘I trust myself completely.’ Feel the sense of freedom and empowerment that comes with trusting yourself.

“As you continue to breathe in this warm, bright light, allow it to fill any areas of your mind and body where self-doubt may be lingering. Imagine those areas illuminating, filling with trust, confidence, and self-assurance. You are capable, you are strong, and you are trustworthy.

“Remember, trusting yourself is not about being perfect; it’s about being confident in your abilities, trusting your instincts, and knowing that you can handle any situation that comes your way. You trust yourself completely, and with that trust, comes peace, confidence, and empowerment.”

Counting and Awakening:

“Now, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly begin to count from 5 to 1, feeling more alert, more awake, and more confident with each number. When you reach 1, you will be fully awake, feeling refreshed, renewed, and trusting yourself completely.

5… feeling more alert

4… feeling more awake

3… trusting myself more with each breath

2… feeling more confident

1… fully awake, feeling refreshed, renewed, and trusting myself completely.”

Final Suggestion:

“Remember, the next time you feel uncertain or doubtful, take a deep breath, and repeat the phrase to yourself: ‘I trust myself completely.’ Allow the words to resonate within you, filling you with confidence, trust, and self-assurance.”

Mind and Body Connection for Healing

Understanding the mind-body connection, and more specifically the directive power of mind-over-body is the first step towards learning how to heal yourself and others.

Your body is subconscious in nature and hence is subject to the objective instructions of your conscious mind. While medical research tends to focus on the psychosomatic effects of wrong-thinking, the healing effects of right-thinking have been overlooked. Put simply, if wrong-thinking can harm your body (as it does), then right-thinking can surely heal it. Let’s see why.

The Mind-Body Connection Explained

The mind-body connection is indisputably proven. Perhaps the most widely recognised connection between the two is the placebo effect. An example of this is when a sugar pill is given to a person who has a headache but is told it is a specific drug for headaches and so believes it will help treat their headache, and it does. It is also well documented that stress negatively affects your body whereas enough sleep, a generally positive disposition and laughter have an opposite, positive effect.

The Basic Premise of Mental Healing

The basic premise of healing is that All is Mind, which is the first of the Universal Laws – the Law of Mentalism. And that everything vibrates at its own frequency, which is the second Universal Law, the Law of Vibration. This then means that every cell in your body vibrates at a specific frequency on the scale of health or disease, has a mind of its own and is alive with consciousness. To distinguish this from what you are accustomed to calling your thinking mind in the context of healing, I refer to your thinking mind as your central mind and the mind of your body as your cellular mind, and the relationship between the two is the mind-body connection.

The difference between the two is that your body’s cellular mind works along subconscious subjective lines, whereas your central mind has the capacity to work along conscious objective lines by way of independent and concentrated thought. Herein lies the secret to healing. Your thoughts can and do have the ability to either harm or heal your body, in accordance with their nature because anything subjective can come under the direction of the objective. Let’s see what this means.

The Subjective Nature of the Body

Since the body functions at a subconscious level, your body’s cellular mind is below self-aware consciousness and hence subjective in nature. This means that your body is subject to the objective direction of your conscious mind, as is your overall subconscious mind. The higher your self-awareness, the greater is the directive power of your conscious mind over your subconscious mind and hence the greater your ability to create the changes you desire in your body in the way of healing.

The highest degree of consciousness is that of your superconscious mind or True Self but you can use your wonderful imagination to heal yourself and others even if you have not yet remembered who you truly are. By understanding the workings of mind-over-body, you can indeed use your imagination in the direction of healing or any other direction you choose through the mind-body connection.

Cells are the Body’s Building Blocks

To understand the mental nature of your body, you must first come to understand that everything in your body, including your blood, every organ, tissue, nerve, and bone, is a complex combination of a community of individual cells, which you refer to for instance as ‘my liver’, ‘my blood’ or ‘my heart’, and that work together to perform certain functions. Put simply, the building blocks of every part of your body are varieties of human cells, and every cell has a mind, hence the term cellular mind.

There is Nothing to Fear

In ignorance of the subjective nature of our body and the mind-body connection, human beings live in fear of disease. Moreover, in the presence of disease, this fear is compounded and overpowers the objective reasoning mind, leaving it at the mercy of your fears and unable to act intentionally. In contrast, it is the objective mind that should be directing the subjective mind of the body not the other way around. It is somewhat surprising that people can believe they have the power to influence others and their environment and attract anything they desire, yet be plagued with doubt when it comes to directing change in the one thing that is closest to them mentally, which is their own body.

Nevertheless, the truth is that you can heal your body under the direction of your objective mind through the mind-body connection. There is nothing to fear. Think about it this way: when applying your mind power in the direction of healing any disease, whether you’ve been told its incurable or not, you have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain! And in my experience, that potential is certain.

The Objective Director and the Subjective Healer

If you are ever faced with disease, from anything as simple as the common flu or a stress headache to an illness that is medically vastly more serious, you can think of your central mind as the director of the healing and your subjective cellular mind as the healer. In other words, the mind-body connection is your directive objective mind directing the healing by way of instruction (what you imagine) and your creative subjective mind carrying out the healing instructions it receives. Indeed, it is the innate intelligence within each of your cells that does the healing, while your central mind directs what is to be healed. Mental healing, therefore, is a case of mind-over-body or else objective mind over subjective mind.

You Need Not Understand How it Works

You do not need to understand just how the mind-body connection works or just how your subconscious mind will carry out the healing for it to do so, as much as you don’t need to understand how your heart works, for it to pump blood around your body. And in fact, the less you think about how it’s going to happen, the better. Likewise, you do not need to understand the biology of your body to direct it, nor do you need to understand the complexities of any disease to reverse it. It is more than enough to understand that the subconscious cellular mind of your body can be directed by your conscious mind, and if you believe what you imagine, the body will follow your instructions.

The Miraculous Explained

Forget what you have been told is incurable and adhere to your new understanding of consciousness and the mind-body connection. Know that nothing is incurable, even more so when you know that the source of your power to heal your body is the Omnipotence of The Absolute that is your God Self. There is nothing miraculous about healing. It is only our ignorance that makes it appear miraculous.

Feedback from my Experience in Healing

From my experience in healing and my studies of the mind-body connection, I can say that healing is simple but not necessarily easy. It requires mental concentration and true belief that what you are imagining is happening in the moment you are imagining it, both of which are more difficult when faced with the inherent fear that comes with a ‘difficult’ disease. Bear in mind, however, that for the All-Powerful with which your True Self is one, there is no difference between what we, as physical beings, perceive to be easy or difficult.

Having said this, in my experience, even if I had lingering doubts or concerns such as ‘what if it doesn’t work’, they did not stand in the way of the most miraculous results whether the healing was directed at myself or someone else. This has led me to conclude that the most important factor in conscious creation when using visualization for any purpose, including healing yourself and others, is to imagine, feel that it is real in that moment and believe what you are imagining at the time. Then put it out of your mind as much as you can, and if any doubt creeps in just gently remind yourself not to worry because you or the other person are already healed. And persist in using your imagination!

The Prerequisites for Mental Healing

The prerequisites for mental healing based on the mind-body connection are the same as those for the conscious creation of any desire. The first prerequisite is an earnest desire to do so. In my experience to be earnest in your desire to heal is a very powerful force. Thereafter, to believe that what you are imagining is real and to have faith. Faith in this sense is not so much to have faith in a Divine sense (although this too is very helpful), but rather it is about releasing any doubt or fear from your mind. But again, even if your doubt and fear is impressed on the subconscious mind, which may hinder healing, I have found that persistence pays off irrespective of doubt. The mental attitude for healing, therefore, as is the case with anything you intend to see manifest, is earnest desire, positive expectation and belief. The three together are the foundation of faith.

The Optimal Inner State for Healing

The optimal emotional state with which to apply any manifesting technique is an inner state of confidence, strength, and courage, free from their relative extreme counterparts such as arrogance and recklessness. Whether you are healing yourself or someone else, endeavour to maintain this mental state and release any sense of fear. Once again, think about it this way: if a disease is already present, you have nothing to lose by applying these techniques and potentially everything to gain, so there is nothing to fear and everything to hope for. And remember, the mind-body connection has been indisputably proven so you have every logical reason to put it into practice.

Prevention is Better than Cure

While it is my sincere belief that any disease can be mentally healed under the right conditions, prevention is still better than cure. It is, therefore, always a good idea to remember this incredible mind-body connection and to add statements of good health for yourself and others in your affirmations and autosuggestions as you set out to create a life of excellence. A personal belief system that is founded on assumptions of good health in body and mind, is fundamental to the highest expression of the joyful life you deserve to have.

The Role of Doctors and Medicine

Under no circumstances is mental healing intended to replace medical advice. Always consult a professional doctor. Not only do doctors have a profoundly important purpose on this planet to which they have committed many years of study, but it’s also a deeply ingrained belief in the collective consciousness that doctors and medicine are fundamental to healing. Use this belief to your advantage by consulting a doctor you trust and respect while also using your understanding and the power of your mind at the same time.

There is also no denying that throughout history and even more so today, we have seen hugely significant discoveries in the field of medicine that have helped humanity cure diseases once deemed incurable. Modern medicine has vastly improved the overall state of our health and longevity, and it is also modern medicine that continues to conduct studies in the mind-body connection itself. This is reason enough not to deny yourself access to centuries’ worth of the medical wisdom that is the foundation of today’s medical profession. It is most beneficial to approach mental healing of yourself and others as complementing and supporting medical therapy, not replacing it outright. And in my experience, this is truly an unparalleled combination.

In Conclusion

In a nutshell, the mind-body connection is based on the understanding that the objective mind of self-aware consciousness has directive power over the subjective cellular mind of the body, meaning that the subjective body will carry out the instructions intentionally given to it by you. When you feel and believe that what you are imagining is real, then healing will follow even if you have some lingering doubts, although it is, of course, preferable to let them go. Remember, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by using the power of your mind in the most noble of directions, that of healing yourself and others.

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