Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Universal Mind

Leave the How Up to Universal Mind with Hypnotherapy

Creative Visualization – The focus of your creative visualizations must be on the outcome, not the process.

Once you accept the truth about your thought power and that you are one with the One Universal Mind, you will be able to release any need to control the process. Instructing the All-Knowing and All-Powerful Universal Mind, which is the Mind of The Absolute, on how you want things to come about is telling Omniscience that you know better. But surely if you knew better you’d already have what you want? And oftentimes we cannot see the way something we want could come to pass with our limited 3D world view. Have faith and do not worry one moment about how something is going to happen.

In practice, the more you use creative visualization to imagine and assume the consciousness of your wish fulfilled, the more seeming coincidences and opportunities will arise in your life to create that outcome. You will also find yourself taking the aforementioned inspired physical actions where necessary. Actions that you do not have to think about much because they will arise naturally out of the opportunities that present themselves and the new state of mind that you have adopted.

Here is a hypnotherapy script to help you leave the “how” up to Universal Mind and trust in the natural unfolding of life:

Title: “Surrendering to Universal Guidance”


(Calm, soothing music starts playing. The hypnotherapist’s voice is gentle and reassuring.)

“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll learn to surrender to the guidance of Universal Mind. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your body to relax, letting go of any tension or stress. Feel your muscles relaxing, starting from the crown of your head, down to your toes.

“As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine yourself standing in a beautiful, peaceful garden. The sun is shining down on you, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers. With each breath, feel your body becoming heavier, more relaxed, and more calm. Your eyelids growing heavier, allowing your eyes to gently close. And as they do, allow yourself to drift into a state of deep relaxation.”


“Imagine yourself sinking deeper into relaxation, like a gentle wave washing over you. With each wave, feel yourself letting go of more and more tension, more and more resistance. Your body is sinking deeper, heavier, and more relaxed.

“Now, imagine a warm, soothing light beginning to fill your entire body. This light represents the guidance and wisdom of Universal Mind. As it fills you, it dissolves any remaining doubts, fears, or worries. You are becoming more and more relaxed, more and more calm, with each passing moment.”


“As you continue to breathe deeply, I want you to repeat the following phrases to yourself, allowing the words to sink deep into your subconscious mind:

* ‘I surrender to the guidance of Universal Mind.’

* ‘I trust in the natural unfolding of my life.’

* ‘I let go of the need to control, and allow things to happen effortlessly.’

* ‘I have faith in the universe’s plan for me.’

* ‘I am open to receive guidance, wisdom, and inspiration.’

“As you repeat these phrases, imagine yourself standing in the garden once again. This time, imagine a gentle, loving presence surrounding you. This presence represents Universal Mind, guiding you towards your highest good.

“Notice how this presence is always available, always guiding, and always supporting you. Trust that it will lead you to the exact opportunities, experiences, and people that will help you grow and thrive.”


“Now, imagine yourself visualizing your goals, desires, and dreams. See them as if they have already manifested in your life. Notice how they feel, how they look, and how they make you feel.

“As you visualize, imagine Universal Mind guiding you towards the perfect path to achieving these goals. See the steps unfolding effortlessly, one by one. Trust that each step will lead you closer to your desires.

“Notice how you feel more relaxed, more confident, and more at peace, knowing that Universal Mind is guiding you. Allow yourself to feel a sense of trust, faith, and surrender.”

Counting and Awakening:

“As you continue to surrender to Universal Mind, I’ll count from 1 to 5. When I reach 5, you’ll slowly open your eyes, feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to take on the day with a newfound sense of trust and faith.

1… Your body is relaxed, your mind is calm, and your heart is full of trust.

2… You are surrendering to the guidance of Universal Mind, trusting in its wisdom.

3… You are letting go of the need to control, and allowing things to happen effortlessly.

4… You have faith in the universe’s plan for you, and trust that it will unfold perfectly.

5… You are awake, refreshed, and ready to take on the day with a newfound sense of trust, faith, and surrender.”


Remember to trust in the process and allow yourself to let go of the need to control. By surrendering to Universal Mind, you’ll open yourself up to new possibilities, opportunities, and experiences that will guide you towards your highest good.

With the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind power holds the key to a life of excellence. Its immeasurable creative power is the cause of your circumstances and experiences. Whatever you impress on your subconscious mind, you also impress on the All-Powerful and All-Creative Universal Mind for they are one and the same.

It is your subconscious mind that runs every aspect of your life automatically and in accordance with the inputs it has been given in the way of your thoughts, beliefs and assumptions, and the feelings they evoke. To intentionally harness the incredible power of your subconscious mind, you must come to understand its subjective nature and its consequent Achilles’ heel or weak-spot.

Subconscious Mind Power is Impersonal

The subconscious mind is below self-aware consciousness. This is unambiguously implied in the word itself as the preposition ‘sub’ means below. Therefore, sub-conscious literally means below self-aware consciousness, which in turn means that the subconscious mind is not personally aware of itself being separate from anyone or anything else. This lack of self-awareness means that your subconscious mind power is impersonal in nature.

Impersonal power refers to the ability of the subconscious mind to reproduce any message or mental image that is impressed on it, without any personal evaluation as to the nature of the message or mental image itself. In other words, the subconscious mind sets out to create whatever it is directed to create without judgement, which also means that your subconscious mind power is behind the creative power of your mind.

The Subjective Power of the Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is also known as the subjective mind, which tells us that not only is subconscious mind power below self-aware consciousness but it is also subject to it. In other words, the subconscious mind does not act unless subjected to do so. Your subconscious mind must be directed by a suggestion in order to be exerted in any one direction. Once a suggestion is impressed on the subconscious mind, it is executed to its final consequences. A seed once planted in the soil under the right conditions will produce a crop in accordance with the nature of that seed – an acorn will yield an oak tree, an orange seed an orange tree.

The Subjective and Impersonal Universal Mind

The One Universal Mind is also subjective because It also creates what is impressed upon It through your thinking, without any personal consideration as to the nature of your thoughts. Subconscious mind power, therefore, is one and the same with the limitless creative power of Universal Mind. So what the subconscious mind lacks in self-aware or conscious power, it makes up for many-fold by way of limitless impersonal power through Universal Mind.

The Limitations of Impersonal Power

The impersonal and creative power of your subconscious mind is limitless in its potential but it is limited to and by the messages that you have impressed on your subconscious mind through your thinking, feelings, beliefs and overall mindset. It is your ability to choose your thoughts and through your thinking to impress images on your subconscious mind, that sets you apart from the animal and plant kingdoms, but it is also the reason behind the unwanted circumstances of your life.

Your Subconscious Mind Does Not Reason

When it comes to what you create through your subconscious mind, the most important factor is that since it is subjective and impersonal, it cannot reason or distinguish between what is beneficial and what is not, what is wanted and what is not, what is positive and what is not. Simply put, any thought, any message or any command that is given to the subconscious mind often enough and convincingly enough and from any source, will in time be accepted and consistently be carried out with exact precision.

As is the case with Universal Mind, the subconscious mind does not and cannot decide whether you are deserving of your circumstances or not. Your subconscious mind power only creates what you’ve ‘asked for’ through your thinking, beliefs, imaginings, assumptions and feelings, whether wanted or unwanted, whether intended or not, whether deserved or not.

The Impersonal Subconscious Mind in Action

It’s worth noting that the subconscious mind’s inability to reason is fundamental to its function. To illustrate this, imagine if your subconscious mind had to personally decide whether or not your heart should pump blood around your body, whether or not to send white blood cells to heal a wound, whether or not to walk each time you wanted to. Were the subconscious mind able to reason, your body wouldn’t be able to function independently of your conscious input. Moreover, life as we know it could not exist if for instance, the unconscious operations of the Sun’s rising and setting were subject to the personal choices of Universal Mind.

Ultimately, all your learnt skills and automated bodily functions are subconscious in nature. But your subconscious mind is also the storehouse of your perceived memories, habits and core beliefs, and also the thoughts and feelings they evoke. And they are what determine your overall mental frequency and hence your outer world circumstances through the Law of Attraction.

The Achilles’ Heel of Your Subconscious Mind

It stands to reason, therefore, that the impersonal creative power of the subconscious mind has an Achilles’ heel or weak-spot because its lack of reasoning means that it is equally willing to carry out negative programs as it is positive with often devastating effect. The true potential of subconscious mind power may be limitless but potential alone may prove more detrimental than useful when the programs carried out are unwanted.

Having said this, the subconscious mind’s inability to judge is also the reason you can reprogram it by changing your thoughts using a variety of techniques. Your subconscious mind power is the limitless creative aspect of your mind but it is you that must consciously direct what is to be created by choosing what you think and focus on. Even so, given its inability to judge ‘right’ from ‘wrong’, the subconscious mind cannot be held responsible for the negative programs it may relentlessly carry out when subjected to them.

The Guardian of the Subconscious Mind

Who or what then is responsible for the programs of the subconscious mind? And the answer is the objective or self-aware conscious mind. Your ability to reason at a conscious level is what sets you apart from the animal kingdom and, therefore, your reasoning or conscious mind has the incredibly important role of guarding the subconscious mind by intentionally selecting and filtering the inputs you allow it to be impressed with and also by consciously changing existing negative beliefs into ones that support and match the life you truly desire to experience.

In Conclusion

In a nutshell, the subconscious mind is the creative powerhouse of your mind and through the impersonal and subjective Universal Mind, has the power to create whatever it is impressed with without any personal consideration for what you may deem possible or not. Your incredible subconscious mind power, however, is exposed by its weak-spot or Achilles’ heel in that your subconscious mind accepts any command from any source and carries it out. In the absence of reason, the subconscious mind cannot choose to accept a positive or wanted command, nor can it choose to reject a negative or unwanted one. With this in mind, given your ability to reason at the level of your self-aware conscious mind, you have the power to determine what messages you allow to enter your subconscious mind, what messages you deny entry to and what existing messages you replace or delete.

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