Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: ADHD (Page 1 of 4)

The Relationship Between Good Sleep and Mental Health

Sleep is essential – It is as important to our bodies as eating, drinking and breathing, and is vital for maintaining good mental and physical health. Sleeping helps us to recover from mental as well as physical exertion.

Lack of sleep is linked to a number of unfavorable health consequences including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression.

It’s no secret that sleep plays an important role in good physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation can leave you feeling irritable and exhausted in the short-term, but it can also have serious long-term health consequences as well.

Some psychiatric conditions can cause sleep problems, and sleep disturbances can also exacerbate the symptoms of many mental conditions including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.

Sleep problems also adversely affect mood and contribute to relapse connected to many anxiety disorders.

Research suggests that the relationship between sleep and mental health is complex. While sleep has long been known to be a consequence of many psychiatric conditions, more recent views suggest that sleep can also play a causal role in both the development and maintenance of different mental health problems.

In other words, sleep problems can lead to changes in mental health, but mental health conditions can also worsen problems with sleep. Lack of sleep may trigger the onset of certain psychological conditions, although researchers are not completely certain of the underlying reasons for this. Because of this circular relationship between your sleep patterns and your mental state, it is important to talk to your doctor if you are having problems falling or staying asleep.


If you’ve ever struggled to get through the day after a night of tossing and turning, you are well-acquainted with the disruptive effects of sleep deprivation. Mood changes including increased irritability and anger can make it much harder to cope with even the minor stresses of daily life.

Poor sleep can make it much more difficult to cope with even relatively minor stress. Daily hassles can turn into major sources of frustration. You might find yourself feeling frazzled, short-tempered, and frustrated by everyday annoyances. Poor sleep itself can even turn into a source of stress. You might know that you need to get a good night’s sleep, but then find yourself worrying that you won’t be able to fall or stay asleep each night.


Insomnia and other sleep problems can be a symptom of depression, but more recently, research has implicated lack of sleep in actually causing depression.

One analysis of 21 different studies found that people who experience insomnia have a two-fold risk of developing depression over those who do not have problems sleeping. The question then is whether helping people improve their sleep might actually lessen their chances of developing depression.

Researchers suggest that addressing insomnia early-on may be an effective preventative measure to help reduce the risk of depression, although more study into this possibility is needed.

Treating insomnia is obviously an important way to help improve psychological health and the possibility that such treatments may also be an effective tool for preventing or even treating mental health problems is promising.

In a study looking at more than 3,700 participants, researchers investigated the impact of poor sleep on symptoms of depression, anxiety, and paranoia. Some of the participants were treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for their insomnia, while others did not receive any treatment. The researchers found that those who had received CBT also showed significant reductions in depression, anxiety, paranoia, and nightmares. They also reported improved overall well-being, including their ability to function at home and work.

How Cognitive Behavior Therapy Works


As with many other psychological conditions, the relationship between sleep and anxiety appears to go both directions. People with anxiety tend to experience more sleep disturbances, but experiencing sleep deprivation can also contribute to feelings of anxiety. This can become a cycle that perpetuates both the sleep and anxiety issues.

Additionally, sleep problems appear to be a risk factor for developing anxiety disorders. One study found that problems with sleep were a predictor for generalized anxiety disorder in children and teens between the ages of 9 and 16. Those who struggle with sleep problems may be more likely to develop an anxiety condition, particularly if their sleep problems are prolonged and left untreated.

Coping with feelings of anxiety can be that much more difficult when you are tired from chronic sleep disturbances. Because of this, poor sleep can make the symptoms of anxiety disorders much worse. For example, sleep deprivation is not only a common symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affecting between 80% to 90% of people with the condition, it is also believed to play a role in both the development and maintenance of this disorder.

However, even otherwise healthy people can experience negative mental health effects of poor sleep. For example, one study found that acute sleep deprivation led to an increase in anxiety and distress levels in healthy adults. So while you might not even if you normally do not experience a great deal of anxiety, poor sleep may leave you feeling agitated and distraught.

Bipolar Disorder

Sleep disturbances are very common among people with bipolar disorder. Such problems can include insomnia, irregular sleep-wake cycles, and nightmares. Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating periods of depressed and elevated moods.

Sleep changes can be a symptom of the condition, but sleep problems can also play a role in the course of the condition, treatment outcomes, and the individual’s overall quality of life.

Reduced sleep can also cause symptoms of mania or hypomania. Research suggests that changes in the normal sleep/wake cycle preceded the onset of a manic episode in 25% to 65% of participants. If you have bipolar disorder, be sure to talk to your doctor about any sleep difficulties that you may be having.

How Sleep and Bipolar Disorder Interact


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common psychiatric condition, affecting as many as 5.3% of children between the ages of six and 17 years old. ADHD is associated with sleep problems, and research also suggests that sleep disturbances may be a predictor or even a contributor to symptoms of the condition. Studies have found that between 25% and 55% of children who have ADHD also experience sleep disturbances.

Children with ADHD may experience a number of sleep-related problems including difficulty falling or staying asleep, difficulty waking, sleep breathing issues, night waking, and daytime sleepiness.

ADHD treatment frequently begins with an assessment of current sleep habits and patterns in order to address underlying sleep problems. Studies have found that sleep interventions can help improve the severity of ADHD symptoms in addition to improving overall quality of life.

If sleep has become a struggle, a sleep disorder may be the culprit. Some common sleep disorders include sleep apnea, insomnia, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy, and parasomnias. While sleep disorders are not uncommon, research also suggests that they tend to be underdiagnosed.

Treatment for Children with ADHD – Hypnotherapy is an option

If you’re looking for an alternative way to treat ADHD symptoms like anxiety, hyperactivity, and sleeplessness, hypnotherapy could be the answer.

When a child is diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), parents often have concerns about which treatment is right for their child. ADHD can be managed with the right treatment. There are many treatment options, and what works best can depend on the individual child and family. To find the best options, it is recommended that parents work closely with others involved in their child’s life—healthcare providers, therapists, teachers, coaches, and other family members.

Types of treatment for ADHD include:

  • Behavior therapy, including training for parents; and
  • Medications.

Behavior Therapy, Including Training for Parents

ADHD affects not only a child’s ability to pay attention or sit still at school, it also affects relationships with family and other children. Children with ADHD often show behaviors that can be very disruptive to others. Behavior therapy is a treatment option that can help reduce these behaviors; it is often helpful to start behavior therapy as soon as a diagnosis is made.

The goals of behavior therapy are to learn or strengthen positive behaviors and eliminate unwanted or problem behaviors. Behavior therapy for ADHD can include:

  • Parent training in behavior management;
  • Behavior therapy with children; and
  • Behavioral interventions in the classroom.

These approaches can also be used together. For children who attend early childhood programs, it is usually most effective if parents and educators work together to help the child.

Children younger than 6 years of age

For young children with ADHD, behavior therapy is an important first step before trying medication because:

  • Parent training in behavior management gives parents the skills and strategies to help their child.
  • Parent training in behavior management has been shown to work as well as medication for ADHD in young children.
  • Young children have more side effects from ADHD medications than older children.
  • The long-term effects of ADHD medications on young children have not been well-studied.

School-age children and adolescents

For children ages 6 years and older, AAP recommends combining medication treatment with behavior therapy. Several types of behavior therapies are effective, including:

  • Parent training in behavior management;
  • Behavioral interventions in the classroom;
  • Peer interventions that focus on behavior; and
  • Organizational skills training.

These approaches are often most effective if they are used together, depending on the needs of the individual child and the family.

Tips for Parents

The following are suggestions that may help with your child’s behavior:

  • Create a routine. Try to follow the same schedule every day, from wake-up time to bedtime.
  • Get organizedexternal icon. Encourage your child to put schoolbags, clothing, and toys in the same place every day so that they will be less likely to lose them.
  • Manage distractions. Turn off the TV, limit noise, and provide a clean workspace when your child is doing homework. Some children with ADHD learn well if they are moving or listening to background music. Watch your child and see what works.
  • Limit choices. To help your child not feel overwhelmed or overstimulated, offer choices with only a few options. For example, have them choose between this outfit or that one, this meal or that one, or this toy or that one.
  • Be clear and specific when you talk with your child. Let your child know you are listening by describing what you heard them say. Use clear, brief directions when they need to do something.
  • Help your child plan. Break down complicated tasks into simpler, shorter steps. For long tasks, starting early and taking breaks may help limit stress.
  • Use goals and praise or other rewards. Use a chart to list goals and track positive behaviors, then let your child know they have done well by telling them or by rewarding their efforts in other ways. Be sure the goals are realistic – small steps are important!
  • Discipline effectively. Instead of scolding, yelling, or spanking, use effective directions, time-outs or removal of privileges as consequences for inappropriate behavior.
  • Create positive opportunities. Children with ADHD may find certain situations stressful. Finding out and encouraging what your child does well – whether it’s school, sports, art, music, or play – can help create positive experiences.
  • Provide a healthy lifestyle. Nutritious food, lots of physical activity, and sufficient sleep are important; they can help keep ADHD symptoms from getting worse.

Hypnosis is a treatment strategies, especially if you experience anxiety and sleep problems, as many others with ADHD do.

Hypnosis produces a relaxed state of heightened focus that increases receptivity to suggestions.

Ref:. www.cdc.gov


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