A disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. The exact cause of bipolar disorder isn’t known, but a combination of genetics, environment and altered brain structure and chemistry may play a role.

Manic episodes may include symptoms such as high energy, reduced need for sleep and loss of touch with reality. Depressive episodes may include symptoms such as low energy, low motivation and loss of interest in daily activities. Mood episodes last days to months at a time and may also be associated with suicidal thoughts. Treatment is usually lifelong and often involves a combination of medications and psychotherapy.

Hypnotherapy and Tools for Bipolar Disorder

  • Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) addresses conscious and unconscious patterns to transform negative thoughts and behaviors.
  • Learn the root cause of the negative thought or behavior came from
  • Find out how behavior modification techniques can alter a more productive outcome

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is based on our thoughts, feelings, and actions, all being connected.
  • If you change your thoughts, then you ultimately change the behavior that follows
  • Learn how to respond calmly and rationally

Are you struggling with managing bipolar disorder?

Does it sometimes feel like you’re completely at the mercy of unpredictable, dramatic mood and energy changes?

Firstly, bipolar disorder is a serious condition and it is important to have expert medical advice. If you have received a diagnosis and been prescribed medication, you should not make any change to your healthcare routine without consultation.

If you have not been diagnosed, but suspect you are bipolar, you should see a doctor, as similar symptoms can occur in other conditions.

Emotional hurricanes make managing bipolar disorder hard work

That said, we can all agree that life with bipolar disorder is a pretty major challenge. Everybody’s moods fluctuate but when you have ‘manic depression’ the highs and lows are so much higher and lower, with good moods where you feel like you rule the world and bad moods where you feel like the world has completely crushed you.

Typically, when those euphoric moods get going, you feel like you can do anything, like there cannot possibly be any bad consequences of what you do. You lose all sense of perspective and rational judgment, leading you to behave in ways which have disasterous results. People have even been known to give all their money away, and end up penniless and homeless or rack up massive credit card bills.

When the downward swing starts, it all heads off in the other direction. Everything is terrible and the whole world is against you and what’s the point of getting up in the morning, or indeed anything? Once again, you have lost your perspective.

Learning to read storm warnings

Although other people can see the signs of these moods coming on, and developing into full blown emotional hurricanes, it can seem as if there’s no way for you yourself to tell that it is happening and that it’s time to take preventive action.

But overwhelming and insurmountable though these patterns might feel, it is actually possible to get more control, to learn to spot the danger signals, and take action to avoid getting derailed – again.

As well as taking your doctor’s advice on practical ways you can better manage and look after your mental health, you can train your brain to alert you when certain warning signs appear, and to take appropriate steps to protect you. And there is a simple, powerful way to carry out this training.

Hypnosis will help you get more control of your moods

Managing Bipolar Disorder hypnosis session developed by psychologists. Using powerful hypnotic techniques, it will help you move from being the mere plaything of uncontrollable mood swings to being a real agent in your own life and master of your own well-being.

As you relax you will notice that you

  • are becoming more skilled at relaxing really deeply
  • can more easily discern when you are in a healthy state of inner balance
  • sense an ever deeper commitment to looking after yourself well
  • identify and look out for the ‘red alert’ signs that indicate the onset of a bipolar episode
  • get better and better at responding quickly and appropriately to those signals to bring yourself back into balance
  • enjoy having an increasing sense of healthy control of your life

Hypnotherapy for bipolar disorder takes a perceptual approach. This treatment works from the perspective and “reality” of the client rather than that of the professional. The goal with hypnosis for bipolar disorder is to reduce the client’s stress levels and help them to focus on the positive aspects.