Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Children (Page 1 of 5)

Separation Anxiety for Young Children Hypnotherapy

See yourself having fun and playing with your friends, without feeling scared or worried. You’re a brave and strong kid, and you can handle it!

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for separation anxiety for young children:


“Hello there, [Child’s Name]! I’m so glad you’re here today to work on feeling more calm and relaxed when you’re away from your parents. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel your body start to relax.

Imagine you’re in a special place, where you feel happy and safe. It could be a favorite toy, a favorite game, or even a favorite TV show. Take a moment to visualize this place, noticing the sights, sounds, and feelings.”


“Now, imagine you’re lying in a warm, cozy bed. Feel the softness of the blankets and the comfort of the mattress. As you inhale, feel your body relaxing even more. As you exhale, feel any tension or stress leaving your body.

Let’s imagine that with each breath, you’re becoming more and more relaxed, feeling heavier and heavier, like a lead balloon sinking down into the mattress.”

Guided Imagery

“Imagine that you have a special button in your heart that makes you feel calm and safe. Whenever you feel scared or worried, you can press this button and feel calm and relaxed.

Now, imagine that you’re playing with your parents, having so much fun together. But then, it’s time for them to go. You might feel a little scared or worried, but remember that you have your special button. Press it, and feel calm and relaxed.

Imagine that you’re safe and secure, even when your parents are not with you. You can always find a trusted adult to take care of you, like a teacher or a babysitter. They will keep you safe and happy until your parents come back.”

Positive Affirmations

“Repeat after me: ‘I am safe and secure. I can feel calm and relaxed when my parents are not with me. I can press my special button and feel better.’

Feel free to say it out loud or to yourself. Remember, these words are like magic spells that help you feel better and more confident.”


“Imagine yourself in different situations where you might feel scared or worried, like dropping off at school or going to daycare. See yourself feeling calm and relaxed, knowing that you have your special button and that you’re safe and secure.

See yourself having fun and playing with your friends, without feeling scared or worried. You’re a brave and strong kid, and you can handle it!”

Counting Up

“Take one final deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel yourself coming back to the present moment. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes and come back to our session.

Remember, you have the power to feel calm and relaxed, even when your parents are not with you. Keep practicing these relaxation techniques, and you’ll get better and better at managing your separation anxiety.”

Remember to adjust the script according to the child’s age, needs, and preferences. It’s also important to ensure that the child is comfortable and relaxed throughout the session.

Bedwetting Relaxation for Children Hypnotherapy

The mind is used to create feeling confidence and strength, knowing that you can control your body and keep your bed dry. You’re a superhero, and you can do it!

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for bedwetting relaxation for children:


“Hey there, [Child’s Name]! I’m so glad you’re here today to work on feeling more relaxed and comfortable in your body. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel your body start to relax.

Imagine you’re in a special place, where you feel happy and calm. It could be a beach, a park, or even your own backyard. Take a moment to visualize this place, noticing the sights, sounds, and feelings.”


“Now, imagine you’re lying in a warm, cozy bed. Feel the softness of the blankets and the comfort of the mattress. As you inhale, feel your body relaxing even more. As you exhale, feel any tension or stress leaving your body.

Let’s imagine that with each breath, you’re becoming more and more relaxed, feeling heavier and heavier, like a lead balloon sinking down into the mattress.”

Guided Imagery

“Imagine that your bladder is like a special bucket that can hold all your pee. Imagine that the bucket is getting bigger and bigger, so it can hold even more pee. As you inhale, feel the bucket getting bigger and stronger. As you exhale, feel any worries or anxieties about bedwetting leaving your body.

Now, imagine that you’re in control of the bucket, and you can make it hold all your pee until morning. You’re like a superhero, with a special power to keep your bed dry!”

Positive Affirmations

“Repeat after me: ‘I am strong and capable. I can control my body. I can keep my bed dry.’

Feel free to say it out loud or to yourself. Remember, these words are like magic spells that help you feel better and more confident.”


“Imagine yourself going to bed at night, feeling calm and relaxed. See yourself sleeping peacefully, without any accidents. Visualize yourself waking up in the morning, feeling proud and happy that you stayed dry all night.

See yourself feeling confident and strong, knowing that you can control your body and keep your bed dry. You’re a superhero, and you can do it!”

Counting Up

“Take one final deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel yourself coming back to the present moment. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes and come back to our session.

Remember, you have the power to relax and feel in control of your body. Keep practicing these relaxation techniques, and you’ll get better and better at managing bedwetting.”

Remember to adjust the script according to the child’s age, needs, and preferences. It’s also important to ensure that the child is comfortable and relaxed throughout the session.

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