Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Consciousness (Page 1 of 2)

Increased your connection to the higher states of consciousness with Hypnotherapy

Use the power of your mind to imagine yourself in a peaceful, high-vibrational state, surrounded by loving, supportive energy. See yourself feeling connected to higher states of consciousness, to the universe, and to your higher self.

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for increasing your connection to higher states of consciousness:


“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll embark on a journey of spiritual exploration and connection to higher states of consciousness. Allow yourself to relax, breathe deeply, and let go of any tension or stress. Imagine yourself in a peaceful, safe space, where you can focus on your inner world.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your eyelids to grow heavy, your shoulders to drop, and your body to relax. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more relaxed, more calm, and more centered.

Imagine a warm, soothing light filling your entire body, starting at the crown of your head, flowing down through your neck, shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, lower back, hips, legs, and toes. As this light touches each part of your body, it dissolves any remaining tension, worries, or doubts.

Now, take a moment to focus on your breath. Feel the air moving in and out of your body, and as you exhale, repeat the phrase, ‘I let go,’ allowing any remaining thoughts or concerns to drift away.”


“As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine yourself descending deeper into relaxation, like a gentle cloud floating down to the ground. With each step, you become more relaxed, more calm, and more focused.

Imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase, with each step down representing a deeper level of relaxation. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, begin to descent, counting backwards from 10 to 1.

10… feeling more relaxed

9… letting go of any remaining tension

8… becoming more calm and centered

7… feeling heavier, more grounded

6… more relaxed, more peaceful

5… letting go of any thoughts or worries

4… feeling more connected to your inner self

3… becoming more open and receptive

2… feeling more calm and serene

1… completely relaxed, completely calm

You are now in a deep state of relaxation, open to positive suggestions and ready to connect with higher states of consciousness.”


“Imagine yourself connecting with higher states of consciousness, feeling a sense of unity and oneness with all that exists. See yourself as a part of something greater, connected to the universe and its wisdom.

Repeat after me: ‘I am connected to higher states of consciousness.’ ‘I am one with the universe.’ ‘I am guided by universal wisdom.’

Imagine a bright, shining light filling your third eye, symbolizing your connection to higher states of consciousness. As you inhale, imagine this light growing stronger, filling you with wisdom, guidance, and spiritual connection.


“Imagine yourself in a peaceful, high-vibrational state, surrounded by loving, supportive energy. See yourself feeling connected to higher states of consciousness, to the universe, and to your higher self.

Visualize yourself accessing ancient wisdom, receiving guidance and insight from higher states of consciousness. See yourself using this wisdom to guide you on your path, to make decisions that align with your highest good.

As you continues to visualize, allow yourself to fully feel the emotions of connection, unity, and spiritual awareness. Allow these feelings to fill your entire being, becoming a part of your inner world.


“Repeat the following affirmations to yourself, allowing them to sink deeply into your subconscious mind:

* ‘I am connected to higher states of consciousness.’

* ‘I am one with the universe.’

* ‘I am guided by universal wisdom.’

* ‘I access ancient wisdom and guidance.’

* ‘I use higher states of consciousness to guide me on my path.’


“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly begin to bring yourself back to the present moment. Notice how you feel more relaxed, more centered, and more connected to higher states of consciousness.

Remember, the suggestions and visualizations we’ve worked on today are now a part of your subconscious mind, guiding you towards a deeper connection to higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness.

As you open your eyes, take with you the feeling of connection, unity, and spiritual awareness. Know that you are connected to higher states of consciousness, and that you can access ancient wisdom and guidance at any time.”

Changing Your Consciousness and Changing You with Hypnotherapy

A state of consciousness is like an energy field that attracts emotions and situations which empower that state of consciousness in return.

Many believe that consciousness is shifting. If that’s true, will humans basically be the same, just nicer and more accepting? Or will bigger changes occur? What will we be able to do?

As babies, when we had developed enough to become mobile, we began crawling. Soon after, something inside urged us to stand upright and walk. Why would we go from the stability of hands and knees, firmly supported on the ground, to balancing precariously on wobbly legs and tiny feet? Intuitively we must have known it was time for more: we sensed that walking would give us more freedom and greater experiences than crawling. We somehow knew walking would improve our lives.

So have we reached our full potential?

We appear to be transforming once again. Just as the ability to stand and walk was always within us, and we eventually reached the stage when it was time for that ability to surface, something greater in us is emerging. Most aren’t aware that there’s something profound happening with humankind. There is evidence that a transformation is already taking place.

Why should we pay attention to this?

To paraphrase Einstein, we cannot solve a problem from the same level of thinking, with the same mind, that created the problem in the first place. He also said, “A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”

So in order to change our world, we need to change our thinking. Our understanding of who we are, our capabilities, how we interact with each other, and what we can accomplish have to evolve.

Quantum physicists are also making discoveries and reexamining everything we’ve believed about reality. They have evidence that reality isn’t what we believe it is.

We’ve been taught that reality is three-dimensional – and it fits with what our physical senses tell us so we’ve had no reason to question it. But the evidence is showing we are not just three-dimensional. We are infinite, multidimensional beings! We also have inherent skills that are beyond what most people believe are possible. Many of us are living proof that these greater abilities are real, however; we can do things beyond the accepted boundaries. And if some of us have expanded abilities, everyone has them.

What are these greater abilities? Thousands of us experience a sixth sense and telepathy. Many of us see energy fields (auras), and can use energy, thoughts, and feelings to create. We’ve discovered the existence of parallel universes and can deliberately move in and out of them to change our lives. We talk to people who have crossed over (died), and see people’s other lives (past lives.)

The most important point to this is that if thousands of us have these amazing abilities, it means these are natural skills and every human being has them. Most people just aren’t aware of this yet – or they’ve been taught to fear them.

Developing any of these abilities can dramatically improve life. For many of us, these abilities have made life easier, increased our sense of freedom, and created more compassion, love, trust and understanding. Globally, it can improve our relations with one another and help us create better, life-enhancing solutions for the world. Once more of us understand the natural principles of the universe and develop these abilities, we can all create with a sense of infinite possibilities rather than constrict in fear and limited thinking.

Unfortunately, most people are not living this new model yet. Most are still living with old ideas about the world. Quantum physics supports these abilities through the discoveries of entanglement, non-local mind, parallel universes, and more.

Imagine you’re told aerodynamics is a natural law and flight is possible; you can fly across the country in hours (once considered science fiction.) But you choose to travel across the country in a covered wagon instead. We’re doing something similar today: We’re not living the newest discoveries or developments. Our limited understanding of reality has been preventing us from living our potential.

Because there are thousands of people demonstrating these abilities, we can no longer ignore them or declare them flukes. If even one person can demonstrate these skills, don’t we have a responsibility, an obligation, to see what’s going on? Isn’t it possible that humanity could benefit by exploring these abilities more closely and discovering what’s truly possible?

The fact that many of us experience these abilities proves that there is more to us than we’ve been taught, and the fact that many of us use these skills to benefit others as well as ourselves shows there are good reasons to develop them.

We are evolving into a more highly developed species, one with expanded awareness and greater abilities. Or it may be that we are finally waking up to our true nature. We’ve lived too long thinking we’re just little pawns on the chessboard – and acting as if we have little or no power. It’s time to reassess our definition of human being and live our greater potential here and now.

If enough of us were to courageously step beyond our familiar boundaries, embrace this new information about the nature of reality, and fully activate our own advanced capabilities, we could have a vastly different world and a better way of life. This is how transformation happens: brave explorers break through old thinking and reveal what’s possible.

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