Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Diet

Let go of the Changes in appetite linked to Depression with Hypnotherapy

Let go of the negative patterns and emotions associated with changes in appetite linked to depression.

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script to help let go of changes in appetite linked to depression:

Title: “Breaking Free from Appetite Changes: Rediscovering Joy and Balance”


“Welcome to this safe and peaceful place. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow any tension or stress to leave your body. Allow your eyes to gently close, and let your mind settle into a state of relaxation.

Imagine yourself standing at the edge of a serene lake, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers. With each breath, feel your body becoming heavier, more relaxed, and more grounded.

As you breathe in, imagine fresh, calming air filling your lungs. As you exhale, imagine any worries or concerns leaving your body, like leaves floating away on the surface of the lake.

Allow yourself to sink deeper into this peaceful state, where your mind and body can let go of all tension and resistance.”


“Now, imagine yourself walking along the lake’s edge, feeling the warm sun on your skin and the gentle breeze in your hair. With each step, feel yourself becoming more relaxed, more at peace.

Notice the sensation of your feet touching the ground, the sensation of the air on your skin, and the sound of the water lapping against the shore.

As you continue to walk, allow yourself to let go of any remaining tension or stress. Imagine it melting away, like the ebbing of the tide, leaving you feeling calm, centered, and relaxed.”


“Now, allow yourself to drift back to a time when you felt carefree, when your appetite was balanced, and you enjoyed the pleasure of eating. Remember the flavors, the textures, the aromas, and the sensations of that time.

Allow yourself to relive that experience, to recapture the joy and satisfaction of eating without guilt or shame. Notice how your body responds to this memory, how your appetite is reawakened, and how you feel more connected to your body’s needs.”


“As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine that with each inhale, you are filling yourself with confidence, self-acceptance, and self-love. Imagine that with each exhale, you are releasing any negative thoughts, emotions, or patterns related to your appetite.

Repeat after me: ‘I am worthy of nourishing my body with food that brings me joy and satisfaction. I trust my body to guide me in making healthy choices. I release all guilt, shame, and fear related to my appetite.’

Allow these words to sink deep into your subconscious mind, reprogramming your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors around food and eating.”


“Now, imagine yourself standing in front of a mirror, looking at your reflection with kindness, compassion, and understanding. Notice how your body has changed, how it has grown stronger, more resilient, and more capable.

Repeat after me: ‘I love and accept myself exactly as I am. I trust my body to guide me in making choices that nourish my physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. I am worthy of living a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.’

Allow these words to resonate deep within your heart, filling you with confidence, self-love, and empowerment.”


“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, imagine yourself slowly opening your eyes, feeling refreshed, renewed, and revitalized. Know that you have taken the first step towards breaking free from the changes in appetite linked to depression.

Remember, you are not alone, and you are capable of overcoming this challenge. Trust in yourself, trust in your body, and trust in the power of hypnosis to guide you towards a brighter, more balanced future.”

Final Suggestion:

“Before you go, take a moment to write down one thing you are grateful for today. It can be as simple as a good cup of coffee or a beautiful sunset. As you write, feel the gratitude spreading throughout your body, filling you with joy and positivity.

Know that this hypnosis session has planted a seed of change within you, and with consistent practice and self-care, you will begin to notice significant shifts in your appetite, mood, and overall well-being.”

This script is designed to help clients let go of the negative patterns and emotions associated with changes in appetite linked to depression. By using gentle, permissive language, visualization, and reframing techniques, the script aims to empower clients to regain control over their appetite, rediscover joy in eating, and develop a more balanced relationship with food.

Stress, Nutrition and Diet Tool-set

When we encounter something stressful, our nervous system and adrenal glands send signals to the rest of the body to help us think more clearly and be ready for a physical response – should it be required.

This is a basic instinct that we have evolved to help us cope with potentially dangerous situations and is known as the “fight or flight” response.

However in modern life we can become stressed for many reasons other than impending danger and yet our bodies’ reaction is the same. With their pre-determined instincts, our bodies’ still prepare our minds in this instinctive way and give less priority to other, less urgent, functions. Digestion is one such function that is given a lower priority during stressful situations, this is not good as poor digestion can make us feel unwell and this in turn can be a source of stress.

Chronic (long term) stress has been linked to the tendency of the body to store fat around the middle (stomach).

Poor stress-management, for some people, is perhaps the most significant barrier to weight loss.

Being aware of how your body works and deals with stress can help you to manage stress and stressful situations. After a stressful period the human body can go into a ‘recovery mode’ where increased appetite and food cravings become more prevalent. At the same time metabolic rates drop to conserve energy. Being aware of these patterns can help you manage your stress levels and through nutrition and diet you can help your body recover from stressful periods more rapidly and minimize negative effects such as weight gain.

Tips for Reducing Stress Through Diet

On Stressful Days, Eat Little and Often

This will keep your metabolism ticking over all day and you will minimize peaks and troughs in energy levels. Eat breakfast, even though you may not feel hungry or believe you do not have enough time. Eating breakfast helps to kick start your metabolism for the day and also helps to stabilize your blood sugar level which will in turn reduce stress. Choose fruit or fruit juice and a whole-grain cereal for maximum benefits.

Eat Well Throughout the Day

Make sure you eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day and focus on foods containing Vitamins B and C, and Magnesium:

  • B Vitamins can help you feel more energetic after a stressful episode. Bananas, leafy green vegetables, avocados, nuts, seeds and also meat, fish and dairy products all contain essential B vitamins.
  • Vitamin C – The adrenal glands contain the largest store of vitamin C in the body and are important in the production of stress hormones. Eat citrus fruit such as oranges, tomatoes, peppers, kiwi fruit, leafy green vegetables, broccoli and other foods rich in Vitamin C.
  • Magnesium – Can help to relax muscles and reduce anxiety. Increase your magnesium intake by eating nuts, especially Brazil nuts, but also hazelnuts and peanuts. Leafy green vegetables, whole grains, especially oats, brown rice and beans are also good sources of magnesium. You can also take a relaxing bath with a good handful of Epsom salts (available at your pharmacist) as these contain magnesium that can be absorbed through your skin.

As well as trying to maximize your intake of certain foodstuffs, you should also be aware of the negative effects of others and therefore try to minimize them.


Caffeine is found mostly in coffee, tea, some soft drinks and chocolate, can have negative effects on the body if taken in high quantities. Try to wean yourself off caffeine by substituting coffee or tea with decaffeinated versions, herbal tea, or green tea (which is also full of antioxidants). Substitute sugary and caffeinated soft drinks with sparkling water or (preferably diluted) fruit juice and you will reduce your caffeine and sugar intake. Since caffeine can stay in your body for six hours or more, avoid all caffeinated drinks after lunchtime and you will sleep better. Getting adequate sleep is an important factor in reducing stress levels.

Alcohol, Sugar, Salt and Nicotine

You should aim to reduce your intake of alcohol, sugar and salt. Consumption of these items are all known to strip the body of essential nutrients and undo the work of a healthier diet. Stop smoking! Although reaching for a cigarette may feel like instant stress relief it actually causes greater stress over time.

By watching our diet, increasing our intake of stress-busting nutrients and limiting our intake of stress-inducing substances we can feel better about ourselves and our well-being, as well as give our bodies the chance to cope with, and recover from, stressful situations.

Other Stress-Busting Techniques


Even some gentle exercise can help reduce stress levels and combined with a healthier diet will probably lead to weight loss. Yoga and tai chi are particularly good, as is swimming. Take time to relax. Breathing exercises, meditation and yoga will all help reduce stress.


Take time out to relax. You may feel as though you have to force yourself to relax if you are not used to it but it is worth the effort. Learning to relax can help you manage your stress more effectively.


Make sure you get sufficient and quality sleep. Eating healthier and avoiding excessive caffeine will help you sleep well and for longer periods.


Spend time with friends and family, talk to them about problems you are having and find time to laugh together. Simply talking and interacting with others can help relieve stress and boost self-esteem.

Get help:

If you are experiencing a lot of stress over a long period of time, or are at all worried about how stress is affecting you, then seek help. See your doctor who may recommend a counsellor or some alternative stress relief techniques such as massage, acupuncture or alternative medicine.

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