Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Guidance

Gratitude is an Attitude of Grace with Hypnotherapy

With the power of your mind focusing on what you are thankful for, you can attract more abundance and joy into your life. Trust in the universe’s plan, and watch as your life transforms in ways beyond your wildest dreams.

Here’s a hypnotherapy script to help cultivate gratitude as an attitude of grace:

Title: “Cultivating Gratitude: Living a Life of Abundance and Joy”


(Soothing music starts playing. The hypnotherapist’s calming voice guides the client into a relaxed state.)

Hypnotherapist: “Welcome to this sacred space, where you can let go of all worries and concerns. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your body to relax, starting from the crown of your head, down to your toes. Feel your body sinking deeper into relaxation, like a soft feather bed supporting you.”


“Imagine yourself walking through a peaceful, serene forest, surrounded by towering trees and vibrant flowers. With each step, feel your body relaxing further, like the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. You are safe, supported, and relaxed. Allow your eyelids to grow heavy, like the gentle closing of a flower petal. Your eyes are closing, and as they do, you’re entering a deep state of relaxation.”


“Now, I’ll count from 10 to 1, and with each number, you’ll feel yourself becoming more relaxed, more focused, and more connected to your inner self. 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1.”

Guided Imagery:

“Imagine a brilliant, shimmering light at the center of your chest. This light represents your heart’s deepest sense of gratitude, guiding you toward a path of abundance and joy. As you breathe in, this light expands, filling your entire body, nourishing your heart, and illuminating your mind.

“Envision yourself standing in a beautiful, vibrant landscape, surrounded by everything you are grateful for. You are seeing, feeling, and experiencing the abundance and joy that already exists in your life.”


“Now, imagine yourself fully immersing in the feeling of gratitude, allowing it to fill every cell of your body. You are feeling the warmth, the love, and the appreciation that comes with being grateful.

“Notice how you can use all of your senses to fully immerse in this experience. You can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell everything around you, fully experiencing the joy and abundance that comes with gratitude.”


“As you continue to breathe in this empowering energy, repeat the following phrases, allowing them to become a part of your consciousness:

* ‘I am grateful for all the abundance and joy in my life.’

* ‘I am thankful for every experience, every person, and every blessing that has shaped me into who I am today.’

* ‘I trust in the universe’s plan, knowing that it always supports my highest good.'”

Sealing the Benefits:

“Take a moment to seal the benefits of this journey, allowing yourself to fully cultivate gratitude as an attitude of grace. Know that you can return to this empowered state whenever you need to, simply by taking a few deep breaths and recalling the feeling of abundance and joy.”

Counting Up and Awakening:

“Now, I’ll count from 1 to 5, and as I do, you’ll gradually return to a state of full awareness, feeling refreshed, renewed, and connected to your heart’s deepest sense of gratitude. 1… 2… 3… 4… 5. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes, feeling more aligned with the power of gratitude and abundance.”

Final Notes:

“Remember, gratitude is an attitude of grace that can be cultivated and nurtured. By focusing on what you are thankful for, you can attract more abundance and joy into your life. Trust in the universe’s plan, and watch as your life transforms in ways beyond your wildest dreams.”

Develop a greater sense of inner wisdom and guidance with Hypnotherapy

Use the power of your mind to imagine yourself in a situation where you need to make a decision or take action. See yourself listening to your inner wisdom, trusting your instincts, and following your inner guidance.

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for developing a greater sense of inner wisdom and guidance:


“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner wisdom. Allow yourself to relax, breathe deeply, and let go of any tension or stress. Imagine yourself in a peaceful, safe space, where you can focus on your inner world.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your eyelids to grow heavy, your shoulders to drop, and your body to relax. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more relaxed, more calm, and more centered.

Imagine a warm, soothing light filling your entire body, starting at the crown of your head, flowing down through your neck, shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, lower back, hips, legs, and toes. As this light touches each part of your body, it dissolves any remaining tension, worries, or doubts.

Now, take a moment to focus on your breath. Feel the air moving in and out of your body, and as you exhale, repeat the phrase, ‘I let go,’ allowing any remaining thoughts or concerns to drift away.”


“As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine yourself descending deeper into relaxation, like a gentle cloud floating down to the ground. With each step, you become more relaxed, more calm, and more focused.

Imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase, with each step down representing a deeper level of relaxation. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, begin to descent, counting backwards from 10 to 1.

10… feeling more relaxed

9… letting go of any remaining tension

8… becoming more calm and centered

7… feeling heavier, more grounded

6… more relaxed, more peaceful

5… letting go of any thoughts or worries

4… feeling more connected to your inner self

3… becoming more open and receptive

2… feeling more calm and serene

1… completely relaxed, completely calm

You are now in a deep state of relaxation, open to positive suggestions and ready to tap into your inner wisdom and guidance.”


“Imagine yourself connecting with your inner wisdom, trusting your instincts, and following your inner guidance. See yourself making decisions with confidence and clarity, knowing that you are guided by your inner wisdom.

Repeat after me: ‘I trust my inner wisdom.’ ‘I follow my inner guidance.’ ‘I make decisions with confidence and clarity.’

Imagine a bright, shining light filling your heart and mind, symbolizing your connection to your inner wisdom and guidance. As you inhale, imagine this light growing stronger, filling you with clarity, confidence, and inner knowing.


“Imagine yourself in a situation where you need to make a decision or take action. See yourself listening to your inner wisdom, trusting your instincts, and following your inner guidance.

Visualize yourself feeling confident and clear, knowing that you are making the right decision for yourself. See yourself taking action with confidence and courage, knowing that you are guided by your inner wisdom.

As you continues to visualize, allow yourself to fully feel the emotions of confidence, clarity, and inner knowing. Allow these feelings to fill your entire being, becoming a part of your inner world.


“Repeat the following affirmations to yourself, allowing them to sink deeply into your subconscious mind:

* ‘I trust my inner wisdom.’

* ‘I follow my inner guidance.’

* ‘I make decisions with confidence and clarity.’

* ‘I am guided by my inner wisdom.’

* ‘I trust myself and my abilities.’


“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly begin to bring yourself back to the present moment. Notice how you feel more relaxed, more centered, and more connected to your inner wisdom.

Remember, the suggestions and visualizations we’ve worked on today are now a part of your subconscious mind, guiding you towards a greater sense of inner wisdom and guidance.

As you open your eyes, take with you the feeling of confidence, clarity, and inner knowing. Know that you are capable of trusting your instincts and following your inner guidance, and that you have the wisdom and courage to make decisions that align with your highest good.”

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