Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Hypnosis Script (Page 2 of 3)

Hypnotherapy Script with an Induction and Deepener for a Analytical Mind. 3 of 5

Here is a hypnotherapy script with an induction and deepener specifically designed for an analytical mind:


“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll have the opportunity to relax, unwind, and tap into your subconscious mind. As you listen to my voice, allow yourself to settle in comfortably, feeling the weight of your body sinking into the chair or mattress.

Imagine yourself standing in a peaceful, serene environment. It could be a beach at sunset, a quiet forest, or a cozy mountain meadow. Take a moment to visualize this scene in vivid detail, using all of your senses.

Notice the sensation of your feet connecting with the ground. Feel the gentle breeze on your skin, the warmth of the sun, or the freshness of the air. Allow the sounds of this environment to wash over you, calming your mind and soothing your body.

As you inhale, imagine fresh, clean air filling your lungs, and as you exhale, imagine any tension, worries, or stress leaving your body. Allow yourself to relax, letting go of any need to control or analyze. You’re safe, and you’re exactly where you need to be.

Now, bring your attention to your breath. Focus on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your nostrils. As you breathe in, count the number one. As you breathe out, count the number two. One… two… one… two…

Allow yourself to settle deeper into relaxation with each breath, feeling your body becoming heavier, your mind becoming quieter. You’re doing perfectly, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.”


“Now, imagine a gentle, soothing mist beginning to surround you. This mist represents your subconscious mind, and it’s here to help you access your deepest state of relaxation.

As the mist envelops you, feel your analytical mind slowing down, like a computer processing information in the background. It’s still working, but it’s no longer in the forefront of your awareness.

Imagine a ladder with 10 rungs, and you’re currently standing on rung number 10. With each breath, you’ll descend one rung, feeling yourself becoming more relaxed, more calm, and more serene.

As you exhale, say to yourself, ‘Down I go…’ and feel yourself descending one rung. Down I go… nine… eight… seven… six… five… four… three… two… one…

At the bottom of the ladder, you’ll find a peaceful, tranquil lake. This lake represents your subconscious mind, and it’s where you’ll access your deepest state of relaxation.

As you gaze out upon the lake, notice the ripples on the water’s surface. With each breath, the ripples become smaller and smaller, until the lake becomes perfectly still. You’re now at the bottom of the ladder, and you’re completely relaxed, calm, and serene.

Remember, you’re safe, and you’re in control. You can return to this peaceful state whenever you need to, and you’ll always be guided back to full awareness when our session is complete.”

This script is designed to help individuals with analytical minds relax and access their subconscious state. The induction focuses on visualization and breathing, while the deepener uses a gentle, soothing mist and a ladder metaphor to guide the client into a deeper state of relaxation.

New 2021 Hypnosis Session Scripts

Our hypnosis session scripts have been carefully developed since 2000 by experienced hypnotherapists for therapists helping clients with a variety of issues.

Our hypnosis scripts employ a range of techniques including inspiring metaphors and visualizations to reinforce a session’s hypnotic suggestions, along with advanced methods, such as anchoring and future pacing, to enable you to help your clients to achieve the greatest benefit from their therapy.

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  • Fear of Dentist Drill Hypnosis Session Script
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  • Financial Abundance Hypnosis Session Script
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  • Frigidity Hypnosis Session Script
  • Getting Older Hypnosis Session Script
  • Goal Accomplishment Hypnosis Session Script
  • Goals Setting Hypnosis Session Script
  • Hot Flashes, Cool-Down Hypnosis Session Script
  • Ideal Weight Hypnosis Session Script
  • Increase Reading Efficiency Hypnosis Session Script
  • Irrational Fear Hypnosis Session Script
  • Magical Library of Change Hypnosis Session Script
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  • Past Life Regression I Hypnosis Session Script
  • Past Life Regression II Hypnosis Session Script
  • Past Life Regression III Hypnosis Session Script
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  • Public Speaking II Hypnosis Session Script
  • Recall at Information Will Hypnosis Session Script
  • Relieve Stress Hypnosis Session Script
  • Removing Worries Hypnosis Session Script
  • Sales Enhancement Hypnosis Session Script
  • Self Confidence Hypnosis Session Script
  • Self Criticism Hypnosis Session Script
  • Self-Esteem I Hypnosis Session Script
  • Self-Esteem II Hypnosis Session Script
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  • Sports Psychology Hypnosis Session Script
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  • Stress Reduction Hypnosis Session Script
  • Tension Headache Hypnosis Session Script
  • Test Anxiety Hypnosis Session Script
  • Thinking Positive Hypnosis Session Script
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  • Water Drinking More Hypnosis Session Script
  • Wealth Hypnosis Session Script
  • Wealth and Prosperity Hypnosis Session Script
  • Weight Loss I Hypnosis Session Script
  • Weight Loss II Hypnosis Session Script
  • Weight Loss III Hypnosis Session Script
  • Weight Loss IV Hypnosis Session Script
  • Weight Loss V Hypnosis Session Script
  • Weight Loss VI Hypnosis Session Script
  • Weight Loss Tea Hypnosis Session Script

If you have any questions about our Hypnosis Sessions please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

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