Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Hypnotherapy (Page 1 of 40)

Living the Four Agreements with Hypnotherapy

The Four Agreements are: #1 Be impeccable with your word.  #2 Don’t take anything personally.  #3 Don’t make assumptions.  #4 Always do your best.

I had an epiphany last week as I pondered a line from don Miguel’s The Circle of Fire prayer. While the world loves The Four Agreements, don Miguel once told me his favorite book is The Circle of Fire, formerly titled “Prayers.”

Here is the line that caught my attention from the Circle of Fire prayer:

“We will live our lives with gratitude, love, loyalty, and justice

Beginning with ourselves, and continuing with our brothers and sisters.”

In these two lines are hidden wisdom for how we can deepen our relationship with The Four Agreements.

First, we start with ourselves. To live The Four Agreements, to embody the wisdom of these simple but life-changing teachings, we must first let go of blaming others or trying to fix or change the people around us. We must own that we are responsible for our dream, that we are the artist of our creation, and commit to taking action to change what doesn’t serve us.

Here is how the words gratitude, love, loyalty, and justice are keys to unlock the power of The Four Agreements:

• Use your word to share your gratitude

• Replace taking things personally with unconditional love

• Become loyal to the truth

• Justice is doing your best and letting go of the rest

Here are the action steps to take:

Be Impeccable with Your Word: Gratitude

It is easy to get caught in the bad habit of using your words to complain, judge, or blame. This includes your inner voice; the way you talk to yourself as well as the way you talk to others. To come back into alignment with the power of your word, focus on what you are grateful for, not on what is not working. Transform your thoughts by using your words to name the gratitudes that we so often overlook, from your beating heart to the wheels on your car to the kindness of the woman at the store.

Don’t Take Anything Personally: Love

When you take something personally, you often close down as a way to protect or defend yourself. When you feel attacked or hurt by someone else’s actions, sometimes you might withdraw or lash out. Whenever you notice yourself taking something personally, apply the balm of love. First, love yourself even though you took something personally. Then, practice loving the other person beneath their actions. View their actions as clothing they are wearing, and choose to honor and respect the person, even if you disagree with their actions.

Don’t Make Assumptions: Loyalty

Make your number one loyalty to truth. What do you know for sure to be true? Keep releasing the old assumptions in favor for what you know. When we dedicate ourselves to naming what we know to be true, assumptions decrease and awareness increases. Loyalty means we are willing to put our energy and actions behind something we believe in. And while the truth might be uncomfortable sometimes, it is always the path of least resistance! Be loyal to your own truth, and let your actions stem from that loyalty to self.

Do Your Best: Justice

If you notice you are doing more than your best or less than your best, stop and adjust. If you always do less than your best, then that will be reflected in your experience. If you do more than your best, that will also be reflected. I love don Miguel’s saying that true justice is only paying for a mistake you make once. Take the critical judge out of the picture and let the heart of justice come forward so you can witness the affect of action and reaction. When we live understanding justice life is simple: do your best and let of of the rest.

Every day, dedicate yourself to gratitude, love, loyalty, and justice, and watch your actions flow effortlessly like a clear blue river through a peaceful landscape.

Navigate the EGO with Hypnotherapy

The egoic self mistakenly believes it is separate from all others and everything else. This is because it is so fixated upon its associations and identities that it cannot perceive the wholeness that truly exists.

The ego was created to perceive and interact with the “physical” world – just like the eye was created to help us perceive and navigate the physical world. Neither the eye nor the ego is bad. They just have limited perception. If we relied on our eye to give us a complete version of reality, we would be in trouble. Your eye doesn’t see the truck that your ear can hear coming up behind you, or smell the smoke from a nearby fire. The eye, like the ego, has limited perception.

If we judge our ego or make any part of us bad or wrong, we could hold back on our power and our full capabilities out of fear that we could make a mistake or cause harm to another. We need to see the ego for what it is – one aspect of us that was created to interact with the world and we’ve trained it to think small. The ego is not the fullness of who we really are. The ego is the small “i” – not the larger “I am” that is connected to the greater I AM. The ego can’t see beyond what we’ve taught it to believe. Our greater or higher self needs to be in charge, not our ego.

Be loving and patient with your ego. We have fed limited information to our ego and that’s what it believes is real; we’ve defined who we are, listed our limitations, described our version of reality and told it what is and isn’t possible. When we try to do something that doesn’t match those restrictive definitions or if we try to move beyond the limited pictures we’ve shown our ego – it blocks our progress out of fear. Then we get upset and blame the ego for our problems. Our ego tries to keep us safe, to help us navigate life but with the limited information we have fed it, it only feels safe with certain things. To change our lives and move beyond our ego’s current fears and perceived limitations, we don’t need to fault or judge the ego, we just need to educate it and give it better, more expansive information.

If you told a child that the world was a scary place, that terrible things could harm him if he left the security of his safe little home, and then you got angry with that child for screaming and throwing a tantrum when you tried to get him into the car to go somewhere – can you see how you might be the one responsible for the situation, not the child? Rather than push that frightened and resistant child into the car, wouldn’t it make more sense to teach the child different things about himself and the world?

Changing our beliefs and feeding the ego different information can be challenging – especially if we’ve been holding limited or negative perceptions of ourselves for a long time. When we believe something, we gather evidence to support those beliefs. So over the years, we have built quite a sturdy foundation under those beliefs. We have convinced ourselves that what we see in the world and what we experience is THE TRUTH about reality – not just BELIEFS we have about reality.

Live with whatever beliefs make you comfortable and choose how you want to live. You have free will. We all have different beliefs, perspectives, and life experiences. But when you find yourself feeling stuck, blocked or fearful don’t blame your ego. Comfort and educate your ego, challenge your beliefs by recognizing they are just beliefs about reality, not reality itself. Practice thinking better thoughts and look for beliefs that are more empowering, loving, expansive and freeing to better feed yourself and your ego – even if those new beliefs and images don’t feel quite real yet. Continue to focus on your new desired beliefs and begin gathering evidence to support those beliefs as the truth. Then your ego can also serve you better rather than create fear-based obstacles for you. You’re in this together.

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