Imagine any thoughts that try to rush in or create turmoil being gently swept away by the calm waters. You’re in control of your mind, and you’re allowing yourself to think clearly and calmly.
Here is a sample script for a hypnotherapy session to help someone slow down overthinking patterns in their mind:
(Soothing music starts playing. The hypnotherapist’s calm and gentle voice guides the client into a state of deep relaxation.)
Hypnotherapist: “Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll take the first step towards calming your mind and finding inner peace. Get comfortable, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow yourself to relax. Feel the tension in your body start to melt away, like warm wax dripping down a candle.
Imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase, with each step leading you deeper and deeper into relaxation. As you take a step down, feel your eyelids growing heavier, your breathing slowing down, and your body becoming heavier. With each step, repeat the phrase ‘I am relaxed’ to yourself.
Take another step down, and feel your shoulders dropping, your jaw releasing, and your entire body letting go of any remaining tension. You’re doing great. Take one more step down, and as you do, repeat ‘I am completely relaxed’ to yourself.”
Hypnotherapist: “Now, imagine yourself in a peaceful place, where you feel safe and comfortable. It could be a beach, a forest, or a cozy room in your home. Take a moment to explore this place, noticing the sights, sounds, and sensations around you.
As you breathe in, imagine fresh, calm air filling your lungs, and as you exhale, imagine any remaining stress or anxiety leaving your body. You’re becoming more and more relaxed with each breath.
Imagine a warm, soothing light beginning to fill your body, starting at the crown of your head and flowing down to your toes. As this light touches each part of your body, it relaxes any remaining tension, calming your mind and soothing your emotions.”
Hypnotherapist: “Now, imagine a gentle stream flowing through your mind. This stream represents your thoughts, and it’s flowing smoothly and calmly.
As you watch the stream, notice how it’s easy to follow, with each thought flowing gently into the next.
Imagine a leaf floating on the surface of the stream. This leaf represents your individual thoughts. Watch as the leaf floats effortlessly down the stream, moving slowly and peacefully.
Notice how the leaf isn’t struggling to stay afloat or trying to swim against the current. It’s simply allowing itself to be carried by the flow of the stream. This is how your thoughts can be – calm, peaceful, and effortless.
As you continue to watch the stream, imagine any thoughts that try to rush in or create turmoil being gently swept away by the calm waters.
You’re in control of your mind, and you’re allowing yourself to think clearly and calmly.”
Hypnotherapist: “From this day forward, whenever you feel your mind racing or overthinking, remember the peaceful stream flowing through your mind. Imagine the leaf floating gently on the surface, and know that you have the power to calm your thoughts.
Repeat after me: ‘I am in control of my mind. I am calm and peaceful.’ Say it with conviction: ‘I am in control of my mind. I am calm and peaceful.’
Whenever you start to feel anxious or overwhelmed, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, imagine the calm waters of the stream washing over your mind.
You’re capable of slowing down your thoughts and finding inner peace.
You’ll find yourself becoming more patient, more tolerant, and more understanding of yourself and others. You’re taking control of your mind, and you’re choosing to think calmly and clearly.”
Hypnotherapist: “Remember, the more you practice slowing down your thoughts, the more it’ll become a natural part of your daily life. You’ll find yourself feeling more confident, more grounded, and more at peace.
Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, repeat the phrase ‘I am calm and in control’ to yourself. Feel the confidence and peace in your voice. You’ve got this.
You’re not alone in this journey. You have the power within you to overcome overthinking and find inner peace.
You’re strong, capable, and in control.”
Bring the client out of trance
Hypnotherapist: “Now, slowly begin to bring your attention back to the present moment. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, open your eyes.
Notice how you’re feeling, and remember that you’re in control of your mind. You did great!”
Note: This is just a sample script, and you should adjust it according to the client’s specific needs and preferences. It’s also essential to work with a licensed hypnotherapist or healthcare professional when using hypnotherapy for anxiety or stress relief.