Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Perspective

Expand Your Perspective Hypnotherapy

Imagine yourself as a curious and open-minded person, always seeking out new experiences and perspectives. See yourself traveling to new places, trying new things, and meeting new people.

Here is a hypnotherapy script to help someone expand their perspective:


“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll discover the power to expand your perspective and see the world in a new light. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow yourself to relax, feeling your body begin to let go of any tension or stress.

Imagine yourself standing in a peaceful, serene environment, surrounded by nature and the sounds of birds chirping. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more relaxed, more centered, and more focused. Feel your heart rate slowing, your mind quieting, and your body releasing any residual stress or anxiety.

As you inhale, repeat the phrase ‘I am calm and relaxed’ to yourself, feeling the words sink deeper into your subconscious with each breath. Allow yourself to let go of any distractions or worries, knowing that you’re safe and protected in this space.”


“Imagine yourself standing on a mountaintop, looking out at a vast and expansive landscape. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more elevated, more expansive, and more connected to your inner self.

Repeat the phrase ‘I am open to new perspectives and opportunities’ to yourself, feeling the words resonating deep within your mind. Visualize a bright, shining light within yourself, symbolizing your willingness to learn and grow.

As you continue to look out at the landscape, imagine yourself seeing things from a new and different perspective. See the world in a fresh and exciting way, full of possibilities and opportunities.”


“Now, imagine yourself approaching a challenging situation or problem, feeling a sense of curiosity and openness. See yourself looking at the situation from multiple angles, considering different perspectives and possibilities.

Repeat the phrase ‘I am capable of seeing things from a new perspective’ to yourself, feeling the words ingraining themselves deep within your subconscious. Imagine yourself finding creative solutions and new insights, feeling a sense of excitement and wonder.

Feel the sense of empowerment and confidence that comes with expanding your perspective. Know that you’re capable of growing and learning, and that you’re worthy of living a life filled with purpose and meaning.”


“Imagine yourself as a curious and open-minded person, always seeking out new experiences and perspectives. See yourself traveling to new places, trying new things, and meeting new people.

Visualize your inner critic, that voice of self-doubt and fear, shrinking away into silence. Instead, hear the voice of your inner coach, cheering you on, supporting you, and celebrating your successes.

See yourself surrounded by loving and supportive energies, feeling safe, protected, and motivated to continue growing and learning.”

Counting Up:

“Now, it’s time to come back to a state of full awareness, feeling refreshed, renewed, and motivated to expand your perspective. Count with me from 1 to 5, feeling your energy and focus growing with each number.

1… feeling more open to new experiences and perspectives…

2… feeling more curious and engaged in my life…

3… feeling more confident in my ability to learn and grow…

4… feeling more empowered to take control of my life…

5… you’re now back to a state of full awareness, ready to put your newfound perspective into action.”

Final Suggestions:

“Remember, you are capable of expanding your perspective and seeing the world in a new light. Repeat the phrase ‘I am open to new perspectives and opportunities’ to yourself daily, feeling the words resonating deep within your mind.

Know that you’re worthy of living a life filled with purpose and meaning, and that you’re capable of growing and learning. Remember to practice self-reflection and introspection regularly, and watch your life transform with newfound perspective and understanding.”


“Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly open your eyes. You’re now back to a state of full awareness, feeling refreshed, renewed, and motivated to expand your perspective. Remember to practice this hypnotherapy session regularly to reinforce these positive suggestions and achieve your goals.”

Power of Perspective – With Hypnosis We Can Changes That

Have you ever thought about how powerful your thoughts are? Our thoughts hold a lot of say over how we feel and act. I am also a believer that we have the ability to choose how we react to our thoughts.

How we look at things affects how we interact with our world. The perspective we have in relation to our grief can be the difference between living a life of pain or living a life of love.

Loss is inevitable in life.

The second you enter into a relationship with anyone, it will end in some way at some point. This is a life truth. There are two sides to this experience, though, when you do lose someone. You have a choice to focus on not necessarily all that was lost but, instead, making the choice to focus on all that was gained when that relationship was in your life. This is not inherently easy to do, but it can be a very beneficial practice. A healthy way to heal would be to focus on what that loved one brought to your life and all of the beautiful times you had with them.

Some people wear their grief so heavily that they shut off from the world or may even give up on life.

Hopelessness or intense despair is one of the key factors of suicidal ideation. This is the sense that “I will never be happy again. I will never find love again.” An outlook like this only adds flames to the fire of pain. What if instead, as a person who has just experienced loss, you consciously focus on remembering everything great about that person, all of the amazing memories, and all of the wonderful experiences? There is always hope if we don’t give up. Trust that in life, we can love again with new people that come into our lives.

If we live long enough, sooner or later, we will probably lose both of our parents. If you are an animal lover, it’s inevitable that they most likely won’t live as long as you either. You may have a friend who passed away or a loved one who died of cancer. Honestly, the examples of losing a being we love are endless.

When a loss occurs, whether through moving, a breakup, or death, we can still be OK. We can remember the beautiful moments and celebrate them rather than focusing on the relationship being over.

Choosing to keep living, finding joy in life, and creating new memories are all healthy coping options.

Following the theme of perspective and impermanence, I also enjoy learning about near-death experiences. There are millions of reports around the world about this phenomenon. I have found something rather beautiful in examining thousands of these cases myself. Some people believe that when they die, they are dead for eternity. Ironically, these people who don’t believe in the afterlife and have near-death experiences report accounts of being greeted by loved ones that have passed before them.

I personally find so much comfort in learning about these experiences. It brings me so much peace, especially in times of grief.

How to cope with grief:

It helps to be thankful for the life you shared with a person after they are gone. What if, instead of sitting in the pain of losing the person, you said, “I am beyond thankful for the memories and connection I had with you, and I am also going to continue living and create new connections with new people.”

When you do lose somebody or something, it is helpful to recognize all of the love that still exists within your life currently. There may be so many other people who still love you or pets who adore you.

You can not replace the love you lost, but looking at all of the love and support that still exists within you and with others is powerful.

When you choose this alternative path of grieving, you open up a door for others to walk through as well. When your day comes to go home, to be done with this life on Earth, imagine if others remembered you like this. The beings who care about you now get the opportunity to reminisce about your memory. How amazing is it that they get to smile in their hearts because of what happened between them and you? I’m sure your heart would break if those you love stopped living their lives because they were stuck in grief over you.

Life can be cruel. Life can take your husband or take your child way too soon. I am not saying this isn’t painful. I am saying you have a choice, though, to take an approach of gratitude and thankfulness for having a person who was so important in your life that it hurts so much to lose them.

The impact that person or experience had on you must’ve been full of so much love, and it would be unfair if you didn’t acknowledge how much you do love them.

If we shift our focus from crying over the relationship being over and instead smiling in our hearts because it happened, we have a much higher chance of healing. I think hope rises out of those ashes, too, when we make this choice.

We can remember everything beautiful that happened with them, we can honour their life, and we can absolutely love again.

Whether it’s dealing with a national tragedy or the loss of a loved one, the feeling of loss or bereavement can be debilitating, causing anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Letting yourself feel the loss through crying helps your body and mind, hypnotherapy offer help for those coping with loss – including talking about the death of your loved one, taking care of your health, reaching out to others who are dealing with the loss, accepting your feelings, and celebrating the life of the one you lost.

Coping mechanisms for dealing with loss are personal. Hypnotherapy can help by providing positive suggestions to help cope with the symptoms of grieving and help with finding ways of dealing with loss as time passes. HHC helps people cope with loss by having them put a “timer” on their bereavement. “Normally, they let me know when they are sick and tired of being sick and tired of bereavement.”

If you have any questions about our Hypnosis Sessions please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

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