Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: Stammering

Stop Stuttering Hypnotherapy

Your mind has the power to visualize yourself in a variety of situations, speaking with ease and confidence.

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for overcoming stuttering:


“Take a deep breath in, hold it for a moment, and exhale slowly. As you breathe out, allow your body to relax, starting from the crown of your head, down to your toes. Feel your muscles releasing any tension, any stress, any anxiety.

Imagine yourself standing in a peaceful, serene environment, surrounded by calmness and tranquility. With each breath, feel your mind and body becoming more and more relaxed.

Now, visualize a soothing, gentle light filling your entire body. This light represents relaxation, calmness, and confidence. As you inhale, this light grows stronger, filling any areas of tension or discomfort.”


“Take another deep breath in, and as you exhale, repeat the phrase ‘I am calm and relaxed’ to yourself. Allow these words to sink deep into your subconscious mind, reprogramming your thoughts and emotions to respond with confidence and fluency.

Imagine yourself as a tranquil lake, completely still and reflective. With each breath, feel your mind and body becoming more relaxed, more calm, and more peaceful.

Remember, you are in control. You have the power to relax, to calm your nerves, and to speak with confidence and fluency.”


“Now, bring to mind a situation where you felt anxious or self-conscious about speaking. It could be a past experience, a current situation, or a future event. Allow yourself to relive the emotions associated with that experience, but this time, observe them from a detached perspective.

Notice how your body responds to these emotions. Do you feel a sense of tightness, a racing heart, or a lump in your throat? Allow these physical sensations to dissolve, replaced by a sense of calmness and confidence.

Repeat the following phrases to yourself, allowing them to become your new reality:

* ‘I am calm and confident when I speak.’

* ‘I trust myself and my ability to communicate effectively.’

* ‘I am relaxed and fluent in my speech.’

* ‘I am worthy of being heard and understood.’

* ‘I am in control of my words and my voice.’

As you repeat these phrases, imagine them taking root in your subconscious mind, reprogramming your thoughts and emotions to respond with confidence, fluency, and clarity.

You are now free from the grip of stuttering. You are free to speak with confidence, with clarity, and with ease. You are free to express yourself, to communicate effectively, and to connect with others.”


“Imagine yourself speaking confidently and fluently, without stuttering or hesitation. See yourself speaking with clarity, with purpose, and with conviction. Notice how your body language exudes confidence, how your voice is strong and clear, and how your words flow effortlessly.

Visualize yourself in a variety of situations, speaking with ease and confidence. Imagine yourself speaking in front of an audience, in a meeting, or in a conversation with a friend. See yourself speaking with fluency, with clarity, and with confidence.

You are now a confident, fluent speaker, free from the limitations of stuttering. You are free to express yourself, to communicate effectively, and to connect with others.”

Counting and Awakening

“Now, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly count from 5 to 1, feeling yourself becoming more awake and alert with each number.

5… Your body feels relaxed and revitalized.

4… Your mind is clear and focused.

3… You are filled with confidence and fluency.

2… You are ready to speak with ease and clarity.

1… You are awake, refreshed, and ready to start your day with a newfound sense of confidence and fluency.”

Remember, hypnotherapy is not a magic cure, but a powerful tool to help you overcome stuttering. With consistent practice, patience, and persistence, you can develop the skills and confidence to speak with fluency and clarity.

Heal Stuttering / Stammering all together with CBT Hypnotherapy

Stuttering – also called stammering or childhood-onset fluency disorder – is a speech disorder that involves frequent and significant problems with normal fluency and flow of speech.

People who stutter know what they want to say, but have difficulty saying it.

Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by repetition of sounds, syllables, or words; prolongation of sounds; and interruptions in speech known as blocks. An individual who stutters exactly knows what he or she would like to say but has trouble producing a normal flow of speech.

  • Stuttering occurs with other speech or language problems
  • Stuttering occurs with muscle tightening or visible struggling to speak
  • Stuttering is a adversely affects school, work or social relationships

There is no known cure for stuttering, and like any other speech disorder, it requires therapy and practice to treat or manage it, and while some people report that their stutter suddenly “disappears”, for most adults who stutter they will continue to do so for their entire lives.

Causes of Stuttering / Stammering

Genetics may be a causative factor for some cases of stuttering.

Researchers do not understand the exact cause of stuttering. Based on current knowledge, they typically class stuttering as one of the following types:

Developmental – Developmental stuttering is the most common type. It occurs in young children who are learning language skills. It is likely to be the result of multiple factors, including genetics.

Due to its genetic component, developmental stuttering can run in families. Approximately 60% of people who stutter have a family member who also stutters.

Neurogenic – Neurogenic stuttering can occur due to brain trauma, such as that resulting from a stroke or head injury. The brain then struggles to coordinate the mechanisms that speech involves.

Psychogenic – In the past, scientists believed that all stuttering was psychogenic, meaning that it was due to emotional trauma. Now, they consider this type of stuttering to be rare.

Stuttering is a speech disorder. People who stutter may repeat sounds, syllables, or words, or they may prolong sounds. There may also be interruptions to the normal flow of speech, known as blocks, along with unusual expressions or movements.

Stuttering affects more than 70 million people worldwide, including more than 3 million people in the United States. It is more common among men than women. Some people refer to stuttering as stammering or childhood onset fluency disorder.

Approximately 5–10% of all children will stutter at some point in their lives, but most will typically outgrow this within a few months or years. Early intervention can help children overcome stuttering.

For 1 in 4 of these children, however, the problem will persist into adulthood and can become a lifelong communication disorder.

In this article, we describe strategies that people who stutter can use to try to reduce these speech disruptions. We also list ways in which parents and caregivers can help children overcome a stutter.

Quick tips for reducing stuttering

A person can read aloud at a slow pace to reduce stress around speaking.

There is no instant cure for stuttering. However, certain situations — such as stress, fatigue, or pressure — can make stuttering worse. By managing these situations, as far as possible, people may be able to improve their flow of speech.

With this in mind, the following tips may be useful:

1. Practice speaking slowly

Speaking slowly and deliberately can reduce stress and the symptoms of a stutter. It can be helpful to practice speaking slowly every day.

For example, people could try reading aloud at a slow pace when they are on their own. Then, when they have mastered this, they can use this pace when speaking to others.

Another option is to add a brief pause between phrases and sentences to help slow down speech.

2. Avoid trigger words

People who stutter should not feel as though they have to stop using particular words if this is not their preference.

However, some people may wish to avoid specific words that tend to cause them to stammer. In this case, it might be helpful to make a list of these words and find alternatives to use.

3. Try mindfulness

Mindfulness is a proven way to reduce anxiety and stress. Research suggests that there is an overlap between the effects of mindfulness and the tools necessary for stuttering management, including:

  • decreased use of avoidance strategies, such as speaking less
  • improved emotional control
  • acceptance
  • forgiveness

According to the authors of a 2018 case study, adding mindfulness meditation to a treatment program for stuttering may be beneficial for some people.

To practice mindfulness, consider joining a class, downloading a smartphone app, or watching videos online.

Long term treatments for stuttering

A speech therapist can help a person manage situations in which stuttering gets worse.

Treatment usually works best when people begin to address stuttering at an early stage. The parents and caregivers of children who stutter should consider taking a child to see a speech therapist if:

  • they have stuttered for 3 – 6 months
  • they show signs of struggling with stuttering, such as lip tremors
  • there is a family history of stuttering or other communication disorders

Although it may not stop stuttering completely, treatment at any age aims to improve speech fluency, build the person’s confidence, and help them participate in school, work, and social settings.

Treatments for stuttering include:

Speech therapy

A speech therapist can teach people to:

  • slow down their rate of speech
  • notice when they stutter
  • manage situations in which stuttering gets worse
  • work on a fluid speech pattern

Research suggests that speech therapy is the best treatment for both adults and children who stutter, with a large body of evidence supporting its efficacy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with Hypnotherapy

CBT is a type of psychotherapy that helps people change how they think and alter their behavior accordingly. CBT for stuttering may involve:

  • direct communication
  • educating the person about stuttering
  • humming
  • problem solving
  • exercises to extend the length of sounds
  • relaxation techniques, including deep breathing
  • challenging unhelpful thoughts
  • hypnotherapy

CBT with Hypnotherapy may lead to positive changes in thoughts and attitudes around stuttering and reduce stuttering-related anxiety.

Electronic devices

Electronic devices are available to help people manage their speech and improve their fluency. Some of these devices work by assisting people in slowing down their speech. Others mimic speech so that it sounds as though the person is talking in unison with someone else.

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, speaking in unison with someone else may temporarily reduce a person’s stuttering.


Some of the medications that doctors prescribe for stuttering include:

  • alprazolam (Xanax), an anti-anxiety drug
  • citalopram (Celexa), an antidepressant
  • clomipramine (Anafranil), another antidepressant

However, The Stuttering Foundation advise that these drugs are not effective for the majority of people. Even when they do work, people report the improvements as being modest.

We suggest that medications may work best when people combine their use with speech therapy.


It is important that parents and caregivers support children who stutter.

They can do this by:

  • listening attentively and using appropriate eye contact
  • refraining from completing words or phrases for a child
  • avoiding interrupting, correcting, or criticizing a child
  • avoiding focusing on the stutter and using phrases such as “slow down” or “take your time,” as these can make a child feel more self-conscious
  • speaking slowly and deliberately to children who stutter, as they may mirror the adult’s pace when they speak
  • minimizing stress in the home, as stress can make stuttering worse
  • reducing a child’s exposure to situations in which they feel pressured or rushed and those that require them to speak in front of others
  • speaking to a teacher if bullying is occurring in school as a result of a child’s stutter

Self-help groups

Connecting with others who stutter can be beneficial for many people. Self-help groups enable people to discover additional resources and supports for stuttering.

Stop Stuttering with Hypnosis

Take back control of your speech using hypnosis!

You know what you want to say. You can hear the words in your mind and the way you want them to sound. Yet when you begin to speak, it just isn’t the same. Does it feel like the words well up in the back of your throat? Does it seem like your tongue is heavy or is somehow disconnected from your thoughts? Maybe you feel like the words are trapped behind your breath and you just can’t get them to come out. Whatever the case, we know it is very frustrating.

Stuttering and stammering cause great anxiety and stress. It can be embarrassing when you are trying to convey a thought and you know the person is waiting for you to finish your sentence. It doesn’t help when others are aware of your struggles to speak. In fact, this tension tends to make your stuttering worse. Some days may be better than others, but one thing is for sure – it is a condition that you would rather live without.

Stuttering is a very complex physical, mental, and emotional experience. There isn’t one factor that causes it to occur, but many intertwining layers and dynamics. It therefore makes sense to strengthen your mind/body connection as part of your treatment. With the help of hypnosis, the ability to improve and possibly even eliminate your stuttering is within your reach.

Imagine what it would be like to:

  • Speak with more confidence!
  • Communicate more effectively!
  • Express your thoughts with ease!

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy can be extremely effective in helping people to change unwanted behaviors and habits, even complex ones. The purpose of this hypnosis is to help you stop stuttering in a number of ways, using advanced hypnotherapy techniques.

Hypnosis is not a miracle cure for anything! This hypnosis sessions enables you to work on a well-proven technique that addresses what is widely-believed to be one of the main causes of stuttering. It can also give you greater confidence to speak and help you to remove some of the tension that can contribute to stuttering. Finally, this hypnosis sessions can help you identify any obstacles that may have prevented you speaking fluently, until now!

Stop stuttering with the help of hypnosis!

If you have any questions about our Stop Stuttering with Hypnosis Sessions please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

Ref: www.medicalnewstoday.com, www.mayoclinic.org, www.healthline.com

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