Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Category: True Potential (Page 2 of 2)

Clinical Hypnotherapy

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We want to help people overcome all kinds of emotional and psychological distress, and change behaviors that bring unwanted problems into their lives. We cover issues ranging from body dysmorphia to stuttering, from coping with ADHD to coping with disfigurement.

Body Dysmorphia
Childless Not By Choice
Coping With Disfigurement
Escape A Cult
Gag Reflex
Manage ADHD
Noise Sensitivity
Overcome Hypervigilance
Sound of People Eating
Stop Bed Wetting
Stop Self Harm
Stuttering Therapy
Troubled Childhood
Unloved As A Child

Today, Clinical Hypnotherapy means using advanced methods of hypnosis and other techniques to treat a variety of medical and psychological problems. It is estimated that 85% of people will readily respond to clinical hypnotherapy (the remaining % can still be treated using other techniques that Changing States provide as a matter of routine). It may even succeed where other, more conventional methods of treatment have not produced the desired results.

Modern Clinical Hypnotherapy is an ‘integrative’ field of study. This means that the best elements of many other forms of therapy have been integrated into Clinical Hypnotherapy. This includes behavioral psychology, cognitive psychology, EMDR, NLP as well as the most effective elements from the classical theories proposed by Freud, Jung and Adler, as well as the latest physiological research in terms of how the mind functions.

Analytical and quantum hypnotherapeutic techniques are utilized as required or on request. It is even possible for sessions to be context / content free – whereby you do not need to state the exact nature of the problem at all.

Analytical techniques are appropriate where an issue has its roots in the past – but not all issues are rooted in the past and it is not always necessary (or beneficial) to go back to the past to resolve an issue in the present.

Quantum / humanistic approaches (NLP or hypnotherapy based) are suitable for those with belief systems that do not preclude e.g. the interconnectedness of everything and the concept of universal energy. For some people a less esoteric, more direct, logical approach may be more appropriate. At Changing States we will never force our belief systems onto you – we simply provide you with choices and options.

There are two broad styles of hypnotherapy – traditional and modern. Modern styles are more conversational and tend to use special effects to generate trance states. The approach adopted by Changing States is somewhere in between these two extremes e.g. special effects applied to a traditional countdown. When appropriate we also techniques that only use modern ‘hitec’ approaches.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

The content in this publication is presented for informative purposes only. In no sense is this information intended to provide diagnoses or act as a substitute for the work of a qualified professional. For this we recommend that you contact a reliable specialist.

Hypnosis for Public Speaking

You realize that you are a constantly maturing and growing personality. You are becoming aware of the strength and abilities that are within you.

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Fear of public speaking resides in the mind. As such, hypnosis and hypnotherapy are popular tools for helping people overcome their fear of public speaking, because it empowers them to remove those automatic thoughts.

Hypnotherapy is the directed use of the imagination paired with deep relaxation, nature’s ideal learning state. And because hypnosis lets you access the unconscious mind, you can prepare yourself for public speaking on an emotional level.

As you relax when attending a Public Speaking Confidence hypnosis session, you’ll find that you:

  • Feel a very welcome lessening of tension generally in your life (that old fear had its hooks everywhere)
  • Notice that the thought of making a presentation or anything similar no longer troubles you
  • Feel comfortable with the idea that you don’t have to be perfect to be good
  • Begin to feel a deep implicit trust in yourself to speak well, no matter what happens
  • Start actually looking forward to having more opportunities to speak
  • Enjoy that little spurt of adrenaline that signals that you are now ready to get out there and speak.

Hypnosis is essentially a state of deep relaxation. When a hypnotherapist puts you into this state, your unconscious becomes more receptive. This means the hypnotherapist can communicate with this part of your mind to uncover root causes of behaviour and influence thinking patterns.

In some cases it may be easy to pinpoint the underlying cause of a phobia. You may be able to recall an event that triggered a fear response for the first time. For many people however, it is hard to identify what caused the phobia.

If you don’t know why you have a fear of public speaking, hypnotherapy can help. Once you are in a deeply relaxed state, your hypnotherapist can talk to your unconscious and help to uncover the situation or event that triggered your glossophobia. Much of the time, the event is seemingly insignificant, but over time it grows in our mind to become something we can no longer control.

Once the root cause is revealed, your hypnotherapist can use suggestive language to change the route of your thoughts. The aim here is to promote positive thinking and a sense of calm when faced with public speaking, instead of the previous flood of negativity.

Some Public Speaking Confidence Hypnosis Session Script Below:

You are sensing a feeling of confidence in your abilities to achieve the goals you have chosen for yourself.

You are learning to believe in yourself, you appreciate yourself and you do good and kind things for yourself. You meet each situation as it comes with calm and quite assurance.

You are making contact with the center of wisdom and power within you which knows what to do and how to do it.

Whatever you say, whatever you do, is said and done with complete confidence and self-assurance…
You walk with a spring in your step, your head is held high…
You see the beauty of life around you…
People respect you because you respect them and you respect yourself…
You have confidence in your own judgment and you are honest and dependable…

You can and you do move forward from one positive achievement to another… People are aware that you like them, They sense your good will…
You are cheerful and enthusiastic…
You attract friends because you are friendly…
You are sincere and honest…
Your personal integrity is felt by everyone you meet…
Each day you meet new friends and interesting people…

We offer you a hypnotherapy service that is complementary to alternative medicine in which the mind is used to help with a variety of problems, such as breaking bad habits or coping with stress.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

The content in this publication is presented for informative purposes only. In no sense is this information intended to provide diagnoses or act as a substitute for the work of a qualified professional. For this we recommend that you contact a reliable specialist.

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