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Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.
Please complete all the relevant information in the booking form below:
Click here to see our Terms and Conditions.
Your goals can be achieved within 4 to 8 sessions.
To be the most effective the hypnotherapy sessions are 4-7 days apart.
Challenges that can be treated with Hypnotherapy:
Anxiety, Asthma, Chronic pain, Fears and phobias, Smoking, High blood pressure, Insomnia and Panic attacks……..
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This script is a sample, and you can modify it to fit your personal style and the needs of your clients. Remember to always follow proper hypnotherapy protocols and guidelines.
Gerald Crawford is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner, Healer, Guide and Educator. He has gone on a personal journey of transformation and discovery and studied the human mind for over 10 years and though his own adversity he has emerged victorious and is passionate about helping others find and live there true-self.
Gerald Crawford has worked to develop specialized treatments integrating the principles of meditation, yoga, ayurveda, and clinical hypnotherapy. Gerald is a Master Teacher in the field of Dharma Therapy and continues to work both clinically and as an educator specializing in the treatment of individuals with anxiety, stress, depression, pain and complex trauma.
Gerald Crawford Personal Motto: With experience and study comes insight with insight come wisdom with wisdom comes enlightenment, transcendence then follows.
I facilitate changes in human thinking and spiritual awareness utilizing affirmation, suggestions and other techniques, thereby disentangling and unraveling unwanted thoughts, beliefs and habits, freeing my clients to live the lives they choose to.
Gerald Crawford is registered with the CMA (Complementary Medical Association) Accordance with the Traditional Health Practitioners Act, 2007 (Act 22, 2007)
This website is maintained by Webcraft WS (Pty) Ltd.
The scripts offered on this page are designed to be used by hypnosis professionals and those trained in the field of mental health. They are the author(s) opinions and understanding of hypnosis. Always be sure to work within your realm of practice. Medical or mental health scripts should only be conducted by licensed professional in those fields. It is advised that “before” using any of these or any other scripts, that you read through them in their entirety. You should become familiar with them before using them on your clients so you’re aware of their content, can alter parts as necessary and do not have any unexpected surprises. Neither the author(s) nor the HHC are responsible in any way, shape or form for any loss or liability caused by utilization of any of the information presented in this publication. We are not medical or mental health practitioners and these scripts were created as a helpmate to your practice. Please seek out the advice and permission of your physician before using any of our scripts of a medical, health or healing nature to ensure they are safe and acceptable to the user.
NOTE: In any situation regarding pain it is important to realize that pain is a warning system from the body that there is something not quite orderly within and requires attention. Therefore the first step should be to check with a medical professional to have it taken care of.
* Daily morning and evening routines. * Balanced meals that support our health according to the season of the year and our stage of life.* Bringing digestion into balance to support our ability to assimilate the nutrients in our food. * Supporting our natural energy levels throughout the day and promoting restful sleep. * Keeping our individual constitution in balance as the seasons change and as we move from one stage of life to another. * Giving us the opportunity to experience optimal health in all areas of our life.
Ayurveda is the oldest holistic health system in the world. With a long personal journey and self-study I bring these 5000-year-old teachings on healing the spirit, mind and body and make them applicable for everyone.
Most music worldwide is tuned to A=440 Hz (or LA=440 Hz). This standard pitch system had been informally adopted by the music industry back in 1926 and it was chosen as the worldwide reference frequency in London in 1953. The music you hear on the radio, on TV etc. is tuned to that frequency.
A=432 Hz (or LA=432 Hz) is an alternative tuning that is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the Universe.
Music based on 432 Hz is said to transmit beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.
On the other hand, A=440 Hz is more disharmonic with the natural resonance of the nature, and it can cause stress, negative behaviors and unstable emotions…
Find out more about the benefits of 432 Hz…
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