Say No to Gambling Affirmations

Here is a list of all the affirmations – Say No to Gambling

My life is better without gambling

I have very strong willpower

I always resist temptations

I have stopped gambling forever

I feel so good right now

I am an incredible person

My life is happier without gambling

I feel so proud of myself

I focus on the positives in my life

I am in total control of my actions

My willpower grows stronger every day

I have stopped gambling completely

I feel happy and relaxed at all times

I am so much more confident, now that I have stopped gambling

My life is so much more fulfilling now

I have the confidence to do anything

I am capable of amazing things

I am a very intelligent person who can achieve anything

I am excited to see where my new path will lead

I always stay away from gambling

I am a happy person who never gambles

I deserve to feel good

I am a motivated person

Life is better now that I have stopped gambling

I am in control

I can achieve anything I set my mind to

I am much happier without gambling

I fill my days with new and exciting activities

I am a powerful person

People are proud of me because I have stopped gambling

I always resist the temptation to gamble

I am proud of myself

I am an incredible person

I am in complete control of my life

I have a bright future now that I have stopped gambling

I am a calm person

I am a happy person

I always resist the urge to gamble

I am strong. I am powerful

Life is amazing

I feel so good right now

I am free from gambling

I am in control of my life

Gambling is in the past

My future is 100% free of gambling

People are amazed at how strong my willpower is

People respect me because I have stopped gambling

I deserve to feel happy

I am happy

I am free

No matter what happens, I will never, ever gamble again

I have taken control

I remain happy, confident, and relaxed at all times

I am an incredible person

People love my positive energy

I am so great at what I do

My confidence grows stronger every day

I let myself rest

I feel so relaxed right now

I am so safe, calm, and peaceful


All my muscles are resting

I am so calm and comfortable