Let’s dive deeper into accessing and releasing the Love Script using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
Identifying Your Love Script:
Before we begin, take a few moments to reflect on your experiences and emotions related to love and relationships. Ask yourself:
* What are the repeating patterns or themes in my relationships?
* What are the emotions that arise when I think about love or relationships?
* What are the negative self-talk or critical inner voices that I hear when it comes to love?
Write down your answers to these questions, and then we’ll use EFT to release the emotional charge associated with your Love Script.
EFT Setup Statements for the Love Script:
Choose one or more of the following setup statements that resonate with your Love Script:
* “Even though I’ve attracted unhealthy partners in the past, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
* “Even though I’m afraid of being hurt again, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
* “Even though I feel unworthy of love, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
* “Even though I’ve had trouble setting boundaries in relationships, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
Tapping Sequence for the Love Script:
Use the following tapping sequence to release the emotional charge associated with your Love Script:
1. Karate chop point (side of hand): “Unhealthy love patterns” (3 times)
2. Top of the head: “Fear of being hurt” (3 times)
3. Eyebrow point: “Unworthy of love” (3 times)
4. Side of the eye: “Difficulty setting boundaries” (3 times)
5. Under the eye: “Negative self-talk” (3 times)
6. Under the nose: “Fear of intimacy” (3 times)
7. Chin point: “Self-sabotage in relationships” (3 times)
8. Collarbone point: “Lack of self-love and self-acceptance” (3 times)
9. Underarm point: “Negative emotions” (3 times)
10. Crown of the head: “I choose to release these patterns and beliefs, and invite self-love and self-acceptance” (3 times)
Repeating the Sequence:
Repeat the tapping sequence 3-5 times, focusing on the physical sensations and emotions as you tap each point.
Additional Tapping Points:
Consider adding the following tapping points to your sequence:
* The “Love Spot” (center of the chest): “I love and accept myself, exactly as I am” (3 times)
* The “Heart Point” (center of the palm): “I open myself to receiving love and affection” (3 times)
Tips and Variations:
* Use affirmations or positive statements to reframe your Love Script, such as “I am worthy of love and respect” or “I trust myself to make healthy choices in relationships.”
* Tap on specific memories or events that may be contributing to your Love Script, such as a past heartbreak or trauma.
* Experiment with different tapping sequences or phrases that resonate with your emotions and experiences.
* Consider working with a certified EFT practitioner or therapist to help you access and release your Love Script.
Remember, releasing the Love Script takes time, patience, and compassion. Be gentle with yourself as you work through this process, and celebrate your progress along the way.
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