Everything you see and feel is based on communication. That communication could be thoughts, feelings, or words.

Another way to change old, limiting beliefs is to stop reinforcing them by talking about them. Carefully select what you talk about and the words you use. When you don’t talk about your problems, you change the focus of your thoughts, which will ultimately affect your experience.

If you constantly complain about how terrible life is, you will continue to experience a terrible life. If you complain, criticize, and gossip, your mental energy and inner pictures will be focused upon those things and will only create more of the same situations. Talk about and reinforce the new, unlimited concepts that you want to create in your life. If you talk about how wonderful your life is and how grateful you are for everything, your thoughts will follow that flow of consciousness and begin to create those situations.

People are often afraid they won’t have anything to say if they don’t talk about their problems. They may also fear that others won’t feel sorry for them and therefore won’t care about them anymore. If you didn’t talk about your problems, what would you talk about? If you aren’t focusing on your problems, you will have more energy and time to focus on creating what you do want.

Also notice your choice of words. Your inner self takes your words quite literally. If you use phrases such as: “I am tired of,” “I’m sick of,” or “I’m dying to,” your inner self will follow your directions and create a situation in which you are tired, sick or dying.

Certain words, when used habitually, reinforce the faulty belief that life is a constant struggle and our choices are limited.

Here is a sample of some of them:

Victim and struggle words

I should do this
I have to do this
I ought to do this
I will try to do this
It’s hard work and a struggle

Empowering words

I choose to do this
I have the desire to do this
I will do this
I am focusing on doing this
It’s easy and effortless

To demonstrate the difference between certain words, close your eyes and imagine yourself at work trying to get something done by 5:00 PM. Notice how you feel and what you are thinking and doing. Now see yourself at work focusing on getting something done by 5:00 PM. Do you notice any difference in the way each word makes you feel? “Trying” is more likely to be associated with stress, panic, and frenzied energy. “Focusing” implies a calmer, sharper, more lucid approach to the task, making it easier to accomplish.

If you tell yourself, “I’ll try,” your mind doesn’t know what to do with this word. You didn’t tell yourself to do it; you told yourself to just try. If you tell yourself. “I will,” your mind knows how to act on your will. When you say, “I’ll try,” you are expressing inner conflict, struggle, and a fear of failure or doubt that you can do something.

If you say “should” do something, you may be setting yourself up for self-judgment. You may consider yourself irresponsible or bad if you don’t do it. If you say you “have to” do something, you are implying you have no choice. If you say “I choose to do it,” you are saying that you are the one in charge, the one who makes the choices, the master of your own life.

How you communicate with yourself and others shapes your worldview, attitudes, and behaviors.

You can intentionally change behaviour patterns by first changing communication patterns.

What is your story?
What would happen if you changed that story?
What would happen if you put the past in the past?
What would happen if you put the future in the present?
What would happen if you were intentional about how you saw yourself, spoke to yourself, and spoke to others?