With the power of your mind see yourself choosing a healthy alternative to drinking, and feeling proud and confident in your decision. Feel the sense of self-control and empowerment that comes with making a positive choice.

Here’s a sample hypnotherapy script to help cut alcohol completely out of your life:


(Soothing music starts playing. The hypnotherapist’s calm and gentle voice guides the client into a state of relaxation.)

Hypnotherapist: “Welcome to this hypnotherapy session. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow any tension or stress to leave your body. Feel your muscles relax, starting from the crown of your head, down to your toes. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more relaxed, more calm, and more centered.”


Hypnotherapist: “Imagine yourself standing on a peaceful mountain meadow, surrounded by towering trees and a crystal-clear lake. Feel the warm sun on your skin, and the gentle breeze in your hair. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more relaxed, more calm, and more at peace. Allow your eyes to become heavy, and let them gently close.”


Hypnotherapist: “Imagine yourself in a situation where you would normally reach for a drink. See yourself in that situation, and notice how you feel. Do you feel anxious, stressed, or bored? Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, allow those feelings to release.”

“Now, imagine yourself choosing a healthy alternative to drinking. See yourself reaching for a glass of water, a fresh fruit, or a stimulating book. Feel the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with making a positive choice. Allow that feeling to grow, and fill your entire being.”


Hypnotherapist: “Repeat after me: ‘I am in control of my choices, and I choose to live a healthy and fulfilling life.’ Say it with conviction, and feel the truth of it in your heart. ‘I am strong, capable, and confident, and I can overcome any temptation or craving.'”

“Now, imagine yourself in that situation again. This time, see yourself choosing a healthy alternative to drinking, and feeling proud and confident in your decision. Feel the sense of self-control and empowerment that comes with making a positive choice. Allow that feeling to become a part of who you are, and know that you can access it anytime you need to make a healthy decision.”

Future Pacing

Hypnotherapist: “Imagine yourself in the future, facing a situation where you would normally be tempted to drink. See yourself remembering this hypnotherapy session, and drawing on the sense of pride and accomplishment you’ve developed. Feel yourself choosing a healthy alternative, and feeling strong and confident in your decision. Know that you have the power to overcome the temptation to drink, and live a healthy and fulfilling life.”


Hypnotherapist: “Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly open your eyes. Take a moment to notice how you feel. Notice the sense of pride and accomplishment that’s growing within you. Remember, you have the power to overcome the temptation to drink, and live a healthy and fulfilling life. Keep this feeling with you, and allow it to guide you in your daily life.”

(Soothing music continues to play as the client slowly comes back to a state of full awareness.)

This script is just a sample, and can be modified to fit the individual needs and goals of the client. Remember to always work with a licensed hypnotherapist or healthcare professional if you’re considering hypnotherapy.