Here is seven healing affirmations you can use every day to reduce the effects of chronic pain, so you can start to feel like yourself again.
1. “I Do Not Oppose My Pain”
It’s important to accept the fact that you’re in pain. Be at peace with it. Make room for it. This doesn’t mean you like it. It doesn’t mean that you quit working to find comfort or solutions to your situation. Your pain is real, and that’s important to recognize. You likely have already sought traditional treatments and for now, the pain hasn’t resolved.
You don’t need to go to war with your own pain. Your body is not your enemy. Instead, look at it as a way to teach you. What is your pain trying to tell you? If you wake up each morning and exclaim that you’re at peace with your pain, you will exert less energy trying to fight against it.
2. “My Peace is More Powerful Than My Pain”
It might sound crazy to say you are at “peace” your pain. But, we all know what a powerful and strong force love and acceptance can be.
It’s stronger than anger, hatred, bitterness, and frustration. How long have you felt those things when it comes to your pain? When you start to accept your pain and see it as a way to learn and grow, you can actually learn to accept it (for now). That’s the best way to fight back against it without having to fight at all.
3. “I Will Create a Body That Supports Me”
Are you at odds with your body? Does it feel like your enemy? Maybe you experienced trauma during childhood or even adulthood. Maybe you’ve always had issues with the way you look or what your body can or can’t do.
Look in the mirror and let your mind and body both know that you’re going to see things differently and make positive changes.
You’re going to develop a body that you feel connected with, instead of the one you feel detached from. Befriend your body by taking care of it and nurturing it with healthy foods, moderate movements, rest, massage, etc. When you choose to love your own body, the power of pain lessens.
4. “I Will Not Avoid Other Issues in My Life”
When pain is completely consuming your life and your every thought, it could be a way to avoid dealing with/coping with other issues in your life that should be faced.
Maybe you’re struggling with finances or relationship problems. Commit to yourself that once you’re able to manage your pain, you will not ignore other issues in your life that need to be addressed.
5. “I am More Than My Pain”
Some days, you may experience more pain than others. At times, you may feel like your whole identity is swallowed up in your pain condition. Keep saying this affirmation, no matter what. There are many days where you’ll feel like a victim and wonder why you’re experiencing so much turmoil within your own body. Those are the days where it’s even more important to choose to remember the whole of who you are.
You are still a valuable, loveable, loving person who contributes to your family, friends, and community, in spite of your pain. It may have given you a special kind of empathy to connect with others who have similar struggles and feel misunderstood or judged.
On days when you’re experiencing more pain, take more time to relax and take care of yourself. Support yourself in your choices. Again, it’s not about fighting against the pain, it’s about accepting it for what it is and finding peace, regardless.
6. “I Am Thankful for Healing”
Healing is possible and it happens when you stop battling your pain. You can have pain without as much suffering – the suffering that comes from wishing or demanding that it go away, or believing that you cannot be happy until it does. This mental healing may end up helping your actual level of pain, too, as you are less tense and have more resources to put towards it.
Some days will be better than others. Be grateful for those days and be grateful that when the pain returns, you know you’re not fighting against it as much anymore.
7. “I Choose Happiness and Joy”
Much like choosing peace, choosing happiness and joy over your pain means accepting your condition for what it is. When you focus all of your time, energy, and strength fighting against it, you’re only making things harder on yourself and you’re using everything you have to wage a war.
Happiness and Joy is something you have to choose. Maybe you’ll end up having to choose it 20 times in an hour, but it’s important to keep telling yourself that you’re still in a healing process. You’re still learning. You have things to be grateful for. When you consistently remind yourself of such things and choose to shift your focus, you can also choose to be happy.
Chronic pain or illness is nothing to take lightly. And, if you’ve never done any work with positive affirmations before, it can feel a little overwhelming at first – but make a big difference, overall.
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