The bedroom should be a place of rest, romance, and relaxation – and nothing else. Since we tend to spend upward of eight hours a day in this sacred space, we should try to maximize its feng shui to its fullest potential.

Before getting started, I recommend a quick decluttering and energy clearing to bust through any negativity in the air.

Consider burning sage, palo santo, or cedar to cleanse the space of negative energy. This will ensure that you have a fresh foundation on which to build the bedroom’s chi (life force energy).

Now, let’s go over the most effective feng shui tweaks for your bedroom.

What to add to your bedroom to boost feng shui:

1. The right colour scheme
In feng shui, certain colors are thought to promote maximum sensuality and peaceful vibes in the bedroom and promote restful sleep.

A general rule of thumb is to opt for skin tones or muted shades you’d find in nature.

Here are a few:

  • Off-white
  • Creams
  • Chocolate
  • Browns
  • Peach tones

One word of caution: Don’t overdo it on the peach! It is thought to be very effective at attracting a partner – so effective that we need to use it with care.

If you paint your whole bedroom in peach, chances are that you will attract someone, and then someone else, and someone else… Consider instead using peach as an accent tone on pillows, throws, and small objects.

While accent walls and wallpapers can be tempting, they should be kept to a minimum and also have gentle colours and limited pattern.

Crisp white walls should also be avoided because at night they can become too activating. Stark white is a colour of the metal element, which is mentally stimulating and not conducive to rest.

Summary – In feng shui, certain colours are thought to promote peaceful vibes and restful sleep in the bedroom. Opt for muted shaded such as off-white, creams, and browns.

2. The right layout
Another way to quickly promote harmony and relaxation in your bedroom is to switch up the layout.

The most important piece of furniture to pay attention to is your bed, and you want to make sure it’s in what’s known as the “command position.”

This means placing your bed so you can see the entry door when you are lying in it (here’s a more in-depth primer on how to position your bed according to feng shui).

Placing your bed on the same wall as your door is thought to make you feel threatened, like someone might surprise you in your sleep.

Speaking of beds, they should always have a headboard.

In feng shui, headboards provide a feeling of support in life. If you have a box spring only, you can get a headboard separately, but make sure to attach it very well to the bed so it doesn’t wobble.

When choosing a headboard, go for one that has soft edges whenever possible. Heavy cast-iron headboards or ones that have bars have that same “cutting” energy you’re trying to avoid in such a relaxing space.

Instead, opt for ones that are made of fabric, as they provide a soft, inviting feel. Platform beds are great too, but make sure that the platform has no sharp angles where you could hurt your shins.

Summary – Switching up the layout in your room is another great way to promote relaxation in your bedroom. Place your bed so you can see the entry door when you are lying in it.

3. Pairs of everything
In feng shui, pairs are thought to promote loving, harmonious energy, so outfit your bedroom for two people—even if you’re not currently in a relationship.

Leave a little extra room in your dresser and nightstand, and present everything in pairs. That means:

  • 2 similar nightstands
  • 2 pillows
  • 2 seats
  • 2 similar lamps

Summary – In feng shui, pairs are thought to promote loving, harmonious energy. If you can, opt for pairs. That means, two nightstands, two pillows, two lamps, etc.

4. Accessories that are meaningful and nourish the five senses
You’ll want to consult a bagua map to see what elements to pull into your space.

For example, if your bedroom falls in the health and family area, where the dominant element is wood, try to incorporate greens and blues in order to sustain that element.

After you consult a map, consider what other elements you could add that evoke the senses:

  • Smell: I advise using essential oils in an ultrasonic diffuser or in a candle diffuser. Limit it to a few drops of oil in diluted in water, and don’t leave them diffusing for more than an hour or two. They are potent! Lavender and jasmine oils are both calming for bed. If you have a cough, go with ravintsara or eucalyptus. Looking to amp up the sexual energy? Check out cinnamon or ylang-ylang.
  • Touch: In the bedroom, it’s best to go with soft, inviting fabrics when possible. I’d recommend velvet, satin, and Egyptian cottons for all sheets, pillows, cushions, and curtains. Your bed sheets should feel particularly soft to the skin.
  • Sight: As mentioned before, Earthy tones are really what you want to be seeing in the bedroom. Fiery tones (reds, pinks, and oranges) can also be nice in moderation. Again, these accents should always be presented in pairs. In my bedroom, you’ll find a pair of small pink Mandarin ducks – a traditional Chinese symbol. I love these because the story goes that the ducks were always faithful to each other. Find accents like this that speak to you.
  • Sound: The soothing tones of a small white noise machine can promote deep sleep.
  • Taste: While you might not want to bring food into the bedroom, make sure to keep a small jar of water next to the bed. Place some lemon in there and drink it in the morning for a quick boost.

Summary – Consult a bagua map to help determine what elements should be in your space that evoke the five senses. Essential oils can evoke smell. Soft bedding can evoke touch. Earth tones can evoke sight. Soothing white noise can evoke sound, and lemon water and evoke taste.

Understand what each section of the bagua map represents.

A bagua map is used to divide your space into nine separate areas – each one relating to a certain theme. The center square of the bagua is considered the heart of the home, where the energy is distributed to all the different sectors.

Once you organize your space into a bagua map, you can tackle the sections that relate to your goals outside of the home. For example, if you’re hoping to bring more financial abundance into your life, you can add some plants to your wealth and prosperity area. Here’s what you need to know about every section of the bagua map and how to bring more of its energy into your life:

1. Wealth & Prosperity:
Theme: Abundance

Location: The southeast area of your house or the rear left corner if you’re using the front door method.

Associated element: Wood

What to use to enhance it: Healthy plants, the colors blue and green.

2. Fame & Reputation:
Theme: Acclaim

Location: The southern area of your house or the rear middle section if you’re using the front door method.

Associated element: Fire

What to add to enhance it: Candles, fiery colors like red or burgundy, fireplaces, triangular shapes, summery décor.

3. Love & Marriage
Theme: Passion

Location: The southwest area of your house or rear right corner if you’re using the front door method.

Associated elements: Earth and Fire

What to add to enhance it: Red, pink, orange, burgundy, and yellow tones. Accessories and small furniture should be in pairs.

4. Children & Creativity
Theme: Play and the creative process.

Location: The western area of your house or middle right section if you’re using the front door method.

Associated elements: Metal

What to add to enhance it: Playful, pastel kid-friendly decor. The colors white, metal, and gold.

5. Ancestors & Health
Theme: Nourishment and support.

Location: The eastern area of your house or middle left section if you’re using the front door method.

Associated elements: Wood

What to add to enhance it: Wood furniture and objects. Healthy plants and flowers. Green and blue tones and tall, thick stripe patterns.

6. Knowledge & Self-Cultivation
Theme: Wisdom

Location: The northeast area of your home or the bottom left corner if you’re using the front door method.

Element: Earth and Water

What to add to enhance it: An altar and calming features like floor pillows, candles, crystals, and photos of people that inspire you (dead or alive, famous or not—people who have your best interest in mind). The colors dark blue, black, cream, taupe, yellow, beige.

7. Career & Life Path
Theme: Work

Location: The northern section of your home or the bottom area if you’re using the front door method.

Element: Water

What to add to enhance it: Dark colors, mirrors, asymmetrical shapes, paintings of water, a water feature.

8. Helpful People & Travels
Theme: Mentorship and networks.

Location: The northwest corner of your home or the bottom right corner if you’re using the front door method.

Element: Metal

What to add to enhance it: Round, metallic objects, globes, maps, and electronics.

9. Health & Center
Theme: Foundation

Location: The very center of your space.

Element: Earth

What to add to enhance it: The center really plays a supporting role to all the other guas in your home. You can decorate it with earth tones and calming decor.