EFT with Hypnotherapy Script For Release Negativity and Cultivate Positivity

The following EFT Tapping script is designed to help you release negativity and cultivate positivity in your life. Positivity is a powerful force that can transform your mindset and attract abundance into your reality.

By tapping into the energy of positivity, you can open yourself up to new possibilities and experiences.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping is a powerful tool that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology to alleviate emotional and physical distress. By gently tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on a negative emotion, thought, or physical sensation, EFT helps to release energy blockages and restore balance to the body’s energy system. This process can reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and other symptoms, promoting emotional well-being and mental clarity. EFT Tapping is simple yet powerful, offering a holistic approach to healing that empowers individuals to take control of their emotions and transform their lives.

To begin, tap on the Karate Chop point while saying the setup statements, then continue tapping through the rounds below:

Karate Chop:

Even though I struggle to maintain a positive outlook, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though I find it hard to see the good in every situation, I choose to embrace positivity now.

Even though negativity has been holding me back, I am ready to invite positivity into my life.

Round 1:

Eyebrow: I feel weighed down by negativity.
Side of the Eye: Everything seems to be going wrong.
Under the Eye: I can’t seem to find anything positive in my life.
Under the Nose: Negativity surrounds me.
Chin: I feel stuck in a cycle of pessimism.
Collarbone: It’s hard to believe that things will ever get better.
Under the Arm: Negativity is holding me back from living my best life.
Top of Head: I feel drained and discouraged by all the negativity.

Round 2:

Eyebrow: Maybe I can start to see things differently.
Side of the Eye: What if I choose to focus on the good in every situation?
Under the Eye: I’m open to the possibility of inviting more positivity into my life.
Under the Nose: I’m considering shifting my perspective to one of gratitude and optimism.
Chin: What if positivity is just waiting for me to embrace it?
Collarbone: I’m open to exploring new ways of thinking and feeling.
Under the Arm: Maybe I can choose positivity in this moment.
Top of Head: I’m considering the idea that positivity is within my reach.

Round 3:

Eyebrow: I release all negativity from my mind and body.
Side of the Eye: I let go of any resistance to positivity.
Under the Eye: I release the need to hold onto negative thoughts and emotions.
Under the Nose: I release all limiting beliefs that are blocking positivity from entering my life.
Chin: I release any fear or doubt that I have about embracing positivity.
Collarbone: I release negativity with love and compassion.
Under the Arm: I release negativity and welcome positivity with open arms.
Top of Head: I am free to choose positivity in every moment.

Round 4:

Eyebrow: I invite positivity into my life now.
Side of the Eye: I am open to receiving all the blessings that positivity has to offer.
Under the Eye: I welcome positivity with gratitude and joy.
Under the Nose: I am surrounded by positivity in every aspect of my life.
Chin: Positivity flows to me effortlessly and abundantly.
Collarbone: I attract positive people, situations, and experiences into my reality.
Under the Arm: My life is filled with joy, love, and positivity.
Top of Head: I am a magnet for positivity.

Round 5:

Eyebrow: I am overflowing with positivity.
Side of the Eye: I radiate positivity wherever I go.
Under the Eye: Positivity is my natural state of being.
Under the Nose: I choose positivity in every moment.
Chin: I am the master of my thoughts, and I choose positive ones.
Collarbone: I am worthy of all the abundance and happiness that positivity brings.
Under the Arm: I am grateful for the abundance of positivity in my life.
Top of Head: I am a beacon of positivity, shining brightly for all to see.

Remember that positivity is a choice, and you have the power to embrace it fully in your life. Keep tapping into the energy of positivity, and watch as your life transforms in beautiful and unexpected ways. Stay positive, stay open, and watch as the universe aligns to support your highest good.