A person with a porn addiction may find that their sex life is becoming less satisfying.

The diagnosis of pornography addiction is controversial, and not all therapists will acknowledge it. Moreover, researchers have presented various different models of the signs.

Some healthcare professionals and counselors believe that pornography in itself is not problematic, but that it has the potential to become so, depending on the person’s viewpoint or their partner’s.

Some indications that pornography may be causing a problem include:

  • A person’s sex life becomes less satisfying.
  • Pornography causes relationship issues or makes a person feel less satisfied with their partner.
  • A person engages in risky behavior to view pornography, such as doing so at work.

Some other signs that a person may be developing an unhealthy relationship with porn include:

  • They ignore other responsibilities to view pornography.
  • They view progressively more extreme pornography to get the same release that less extreme porn once offered.
  • They feel frustrated or ashamed after viewing porn but continue to do so.
  • They want to stop using pornography but feel unable to do so.
  • They spend large sums of money on pornography, possibly at the expense of daily or family necessities.
  • They use pornography to cope with sadness, anxiety, insomnia, or other mental health issues.

Causes of pornography addiction

Due to the controversy surrounding the idea of pornography addiction, researchers have yet to identify a clear set of causes.

A 2015 study found that believing oneself to be addicted to pornography, not actual pornography use, was the more significant cause of associated distress.

This suggests that the very idea that porn addiction exists could be a major cause of the anxiety that some people experience when viewing porn.

Meanwhile, experts and advocates who endorse the existence of pornography addiction argue that, like other addictions, this is a complex issue with a range of possible causes.

Some of these causes may include:

  • Underlying mental health conditions: A person might use pornography to escape psychological distress.
  • Relationship problems: Pornography can be an outlet for sexual dissatisfaction.
  • Unhealthy cultural norms: Ideas about how people should look and behave during sex, the types of sex that a person should enjoy, and similar norms may draw some people to pornography.
  • Biological causes: Certain biological factors, including changes in brain chemistry when a person views porn, may increase the risk of addiction.

Treatments and natural remedies

Research does not support any specific treatment for pornography addiction.

Indeed, because many researchers do not believe that pornography addiction is a real medical condition, some doctors and counselors may feel that no treatment is necessary.

Some people seeking treatment for pornography addiction may instead benefit from addressing other issues, such as relationship problems, sexual shame, or depression. Therefore, if a person opts for therapy, it is important to choose a therapist who understands and can manage these issues.

Some treatment strategies may involve:

  • Psychotherapy: This can help a person understand their relationship with porn, identify unmet sexual needs, and develop strategies for dealing with psychological distress.
  • Relationship counseling: Couples’ counseling can help partners talk about their values, determine whether porn has a place in their relationship, and cultivate deeper trust.
  • Medication: Sometimes a person uses pornography to cope with another condition. Medication may help treat the underlying issue.
  • Lifestyle changes: Some people use pornography out of boredom or exhaustion. A more healthful lifestyle may involve spending fewer hours on the computer.

If you have any questions about our Overcome Pornography Addiction Hypnosis Program please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

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