Here is a list of all the affirmations – Stay Focused While Studying

I have an excellent ability to concentrate

I enjoy studying

Studying makes me happy

Studying is very satisfying

I learn quickly

I always stick to my goals

I push myself to be better

Studying now ensures I will have a bright future

I am a very clever person that can absorb information easily

I am making the most of my life by studying every day

I am a highly motivated person

I can do anything I set my mind to

I always stay focused while studying

I succeed in everything I do

Learning new things makes me feel good

Learning new things gives me a sense of achievement

I am motivated to keep going

I keep going until I have reached my full potential

I can focus whenever I need to

My ability to focus is incredibly strong

I love studying

I have an extremely powerful mind

My brain is always full of energy

I am an intelligent person

My intelligence grows stronger every day

My motivation grows stronger every day

My ability to concentrate is incredible

When I study, I feel happy

When I study, I feel good about myself

I think clearly at all times

I am a very clever person and I love studying

I remember things clearly

I am in complete control of my actions

I am aware of how powerful my mind is

I am a very intelligent person that can achieve anything

I have an amazing memory

I retain information easily

I stay focused for as long as I need to

I stay motivated for as long as I need to

I am in control of my destiny

I am full of positive energy

My memory grows stronger every day

My determination grows stronger every day

When I wake up each morning, my brain is re-energised

When I wake up each morning, my brain is alert and ready for anything

I succeed in everything I do

I am capable of achieving great things

When I study, I stay focused for as long as I need to

I always think clearly

Learning new things makes me happy

Learning new things makes me feel good

I stay focused until the task is done

I have full belief in myself and my abilities

I am a motivated person that can achieve anything

I retain information

I always succeed

Studying makes me more intelligent

The more I study, the better I will be

The more I study, the more I achieve

The more I study, the happier I am

I focus on my work for as long as I need to

I know that studying will lead to great things

I succeed in everything I do because I am an intelligent person

I enjoy being organised

I am able to focus easily

My ability to concentrate grows stronger every day

I have the energy to stay focused

I have the motivation to stay focused

I am always happy while studying

I feel great while studying

My future is bright because of my ability to study