Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Tag: Alcohol Addiction (Page 1 of 2)

Get Help With Your Addiction – Overcome Addictive Behavior With Hypnosis

Overcome Addictive Behavior – This is the most frequent requests that we get for help with overcoming addictive behaviour – quitting smoking, drinking, gambling, over-spending, etc.

The hold that an addiction has on a subject is probably 95% psychological and when you help them to feel confident about overcoming their unwanted habits then your reputation as a hypnotherapist of excellence will go before you.

Addictive behavior is defined by compulsive drug use despite negative physical and social consequences and the craving for effects other than pain relief.

Addiction is generally the result of a compulsive nature – where someone feels compelled to repeat behavior that has a negative impact on mental and/or physical health and their functionality both in the home and community.

We offer you professional hypnosis session that will give you the tools to help you to face the challenges of addiction and to overcome them.

  • Addictive Personality – Get help and stop going from one addiction to another with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Adrenaline in adventure sports – Adrenaline Addiction – Get help to overcome an adrenaline addiction with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Alcohol Association Addiction – Get help with thought-stopping techniques to break associations with alcohol.
  • Alcohol Aversion – Use a powerful aversion approach to help you to stop drinking alcohol.
  • Alcohol Cessation – Get help to overcome an alcohol addiction with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Alcohol Addiction – Get help to empower you with alcohol-related problems using this professional hypnosis session.
  • Alcohol Moderation Addiction – Get help to you to adjust to drink in more moderate amounts with this Alcohol Moderation hypnosis session.
  • Drug dependency – Amphetamine Addiction – Get help to overcoming an addiction to amphetamines.
  • Binge Drinking – Get help to beat the habit of binge drinking and lead a healthier, more affordable lifestyle.
  • Boredom Drinking Addiction – Quit or reduce alcohol intake when feeling bored with this powerful hypnosis session.
  • Caffeine Addiction – Get help to overcome a caffeine addiction with this hypnosis session. Addicted to coffee and fizzy drinks? Reduce your dependence on caffeine.
  • Smoke – Cannabis Addiction – Get help to overcome a cannabis addiction and beat the habit for a healthier lifestyle with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Chewing Gum Addiction – Overcome a habit of chewing gum with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Chewing Tobacco Addiction – Get help to overcome an addiction to tobacco chewing with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Chocolate Addiction – Get help with being chocaholic? Re-train their mindset to enjoy healthier foods, without an addiction to chocolate.
  • Chocolate Aversion – Get help to overcome an addiction to chocolate with this professional hypnotherapy session.
  • Cigarette Cravings Addiction – If you’ve stopped smoking but still have cravings then this is the session for you.
  • Drug Addiction – Cocaine Addiction – Overcome cocaine addiction with hypnosis.
  • Coming off Anti-Depressants – Get help to making the transition from anti-depressants with this hypnosis session.
  • Compulsive Spending Addiction – Get help to overcome an addiction to compulsive spending with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Drug Free Sleeping – Get help to enjoy natural sleep with this professional hypnosis session.
  • E-Cigarette Addiction – Get help to overcome an addiction to e-cigarettes and stop vaping with this professional session.
  • Forget Sugar Addiction – Cut sugar out of your life and become healthier.
  • Freedom from Drugs – Get help to gain freedom from drugs with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Gambling Addiction – Get help to say no to gambling with this hypnosis session.
  • Games Console Obsession Addiction – Overcome an obsession with playing on games consoles with this hypnosis session from HHC.
  • Healthy Living – Get help to develop a healthier lifestyle with this hypnosis session.
  • Drug Addiction – Heroin Addiction – Get help to overcome an addiction to heroin with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Drug Addiction – Methadone Addiction – For a while now you’ve been using methadone, as a replacement for heroin. But now that you are over your heroin addiction, it’s time to stop using methadone – you’ve had enough – you’ve decided that it’s time to quit using methadone.
  • Mindfulness Alcohol Reduction – Reduce your Alcohol Intake with Mindfulness with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Mobile Phone Obsession – Overcome a cell / mobile phone addiction with hypnosis.
  • Nicotine Craving – Get help to overcome a craving for nicotine with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Nicotine Gum Addiction – Get help to switched from smoking to nicotine gum to overcome their addiction with this hypnosis session.
  • Online Gambling – Get help to overcome an online gambling addiction and take back control of their lives with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Online Shopping Addiction – Get help to overcome an addiction to online shopping.
  • Pipe Smoking Addiction – Get help to end an addiction to pipe smoking with this professional hypnosis session.
  • Pornography Addiction – Get help to overcome an addiction to pornography.
  • Psychic Phone Line Addiction – Overcome an addiction to Psychic Phone Lines with this professional hypnosis.
  • Quit Smoking Now – Get help to quit smoking now with this hypnosis.
  • Road to Stopping Smoking – Empower yourself to make the choice of a healthier lifestyle by quitting smoking.
  • Salt Addiction – Rediscover your enjoyment of the natural taste of foods.
  • Secret Smoking – Quit secret smoking with this professional hypnosis from HHC.
  • Sexual Addiction – Get help to overcome an addiction to sex.
  • Shopping Addiction – Take control of your spending with this professional hypnosis from HHC.
  • Smoking – No Tar Addiction – Get help to overcome an addiction to smoking.
  • Smoking Association Addiction – Get help to beat your addiction to smoking with this professional hypnosis session from HHC.
  • Smoking Aversion Addiction – Under hypnosis we are going to reinforce your desire to quit this dangerous habit, once and for all – so much so – that if you ever even attempt to light a cigarette – that is all that you will do, before you put it out. For the very act of touching one of .
  • Smoking Elimination – Smoking Elimination hypnosis sessions for use in relaxation/living with the issue using hypnotherapy, from HHC.
  • Social Drinking Addiction – Reduce your alcohol intake to social settings only.
  • Social Network Addiction – Get help to overcome an addiction to social networking sites.
  • Social Smoking Addiction – Stop Social Smoking with this professional hypnosis sessions.
  • Soft Drink Addiction – Overcome your soda / soft drink addiction and drink healthily with this professional hypnosis sessions.
  • Stop Shoplifting Addiction – Overcome the habit of stealing with hypnosis.
  • Stopping Smoking – Get help to Stop Smoking with Self Hypnosis using this professionally-written hypnosis script from HHC.
  • Stopping Smoking with Time Distortion – Get help to stop smoking using time distortion with this hypnosis session.
  • Sugar Addiction – Get help to overcome an addiction to sugar with this professional hypnosis sessions.
  • TV Addiction – Overcome your addiction to watching television with hypnosis.
  • Tranquilizer Relaxation Addiction – Overcome an addiction to tranquilizers with hypnosis.
  • Vaping Aversion Addiction – Get help to become less dependent on vaping to quit the habit with this professional hypnosis sessions.
  • Wine O’Clock Habit Addiction – Start a new healthy lifestyle without the need for alcohol at home.
  • Break free from addiction with hypnosis!

    An addiction can seem like a life sentence, but just by making a decision to do something about it you have already taken the first step towards freedom. Hypnosis can help you every step of the way as you complete that journey.

    If you have any questions about our Addiction Hypnosis Sessions please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

    Please click here to make an Appointment!

Alcohol Addiction – How can Hypnotherapy help with Alcohol Addiction?

Alcohol use disorder – Also called: alcoholism, alcohol dependence, alcohol dependence, alcoholism and alcohol addiction.

Usually self-diagnosable:

Symptoms include repeated alcohol consumption despite related legal and health issues. Those with alcoholism may begin each day with a drink, feel guilty about their drinking and have the desire to cut down on the amount of drinking.

We offer counseling with hypnotherapy that targets the reasons behind addiction.

People may experience:

  • Whole body: blackout, dizziness, shakiness, craving, or sweating
  • Behavioural: aggression, agitation, compulsive behaviour, self-destructive behaviour, or lack of restraint
  • Mood: anxiety, euphoria, general discontent, guilt, or loneliness
  • Gastrointestinal: nausea or vomiting
  • Psychological: delirium or fear
  • Also common: physical substance dependence, problems with coordination, slurred speech and or tremor

This is the most common addiction in the world, alcoholism has many available treatments and methods for recovery.

Alcohol addiction treatment programs guide the former user through a safe and effective medical detox, followed by counseling with hypnotherapy that targets the reasons behind addiction.

Overcoming an alcohol addiction starts with a qualified treatment center that can help address underlying and co-occurring disorders. Because of alcohol’s prevalence throughout our culture, recovering alcoholics are constantly bombarded with triggers.

Treatment centers must be equipped to help the recovering user find effective ways to manage triggers and cravings in order to be effective.

The First Step of Recovery From Alcohol

Getting alcohol out of the addicted person’s system is the first part of recovery. People with a severe alcohol addiction can experience intense withdrawal symptoms. A supervised alcohol detox is usually necessary for people addicted to alcohol to prevent potentially fatal complications. Shaking, sweating, seizures, and hallucinations are possible alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

A medical detox can prevent discomfort and complications during alcohol withdrawal.

Alcohol Addiction Medications

One of the benefits of inpatient treatment is medical management of the physical aspects of addiction. Using prescription drugs in combination with treatment boosts the recovery success rate to 50 percent.

Medications can be used to help ease the symptoms of withdrawal in order to avoid relapse, or to create a negative physical reaction to alcohol that helps eliminate the desire to drink.

Common drugs used in alcohol detox and recovery include:

  • Acamprosate – Used to reduce alcohol cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Naltrexone – Used to reduce cravings for alcohol as well as its pleasurable effects.
  • Vivitrol – An extended-release formulation of Naltrexone
  • Disulfiram – Causes severe negative effects when alcohol is consumed.

Inpatient Rehabilitation for Alcoholism

Inpatient rehab allows for round-the-clock care and personalized support from medical staff.

Inpatient treatment is a good choice for anyone who wants to focus completely on recovery without the stress or distractions of work, school, or social obligations. It allows for a thorough immersion in the recovery process and may be a good choice for people who have tried other treatments unsuccessfully. Inpatient treatment for alcohol rehabilitation may last anywhere from 30 days to six months or longer — recovery times depend on the needs of the individual.

Treatments at inpatient centers may include behavioral therapies, the most popular of which is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Hypnotherapy. These therapies encourage participants to change the way they react to stressful external stimuli (like failing a test or losing a job) by promoting healthy ways of coping. Many centers also offer group and individual counseling, experiential therapies and training on proper nutrition and health.

Ongoing Recovery From Alcohol Addiction

After rehab, the best thing you can do to overcome your alcohol addiction is to find support for ongoing recovery. Whether you seek out the company of other recovering addicts or find support in your personal networks, it is imperative that you share your struggles with other people.

Ask for friends and family to support you in the recovery process; chances are, they’ll be proud of you for taking control of your life again. External support groups include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which originated the 12-step program and now has approximately 2 million members. The 12 steps emphasize the participant’s ability to submit to a “higher power” to ask for help. The higher power doesn’t have to be rooted in religion, though that is the case for many. Others look for a “higher power” within.

Take Control of Your life

Of the millions of people struggling with addiction to this powerful substance, hundreds of thousands are daily seeking treatment to overcome it. There are many options for recovery, and many people who have found success.

If you are ready to take your life back from alcohol, call us today to learn about your options.

Let hypnosis help you on the road to freedom!

Have you lost control over alcohol? Is alcohol controlling you? Are you worried about what alcohol abuse is doing to your life, your relationships and your health? Are you tired of friends and family expressing concern over your behavior? If so, it’s time to take back control and break free from the wretched prison that your alcohol addiction has become. This is your opportunity to grab the steering wheel of life and begin to steer in the right direction. It’s just a matter of knowing how to do it.

Acknowledging that you can do it is the first step to overcoming alcohol dependency. Alcohol may be a puppet master, but you are definitely not a puppet.

The next step is to tackle your alcohol addiction at the root of the problem – in your mind. Yes, alcohol addiction is a mental addiction as well as a physical addiction. By using the power of your subconscious mind you can begin to tackle both the physical and emotional ties that bind you to alcohol.

There are millions of people who have had the same problem as you, but now lead happy and free lives. We have helped thousands of people to help themselves, by using the natural state of hypnosis. If you are ready to be free of alcohol then we can help you too. What you decide today will determine how you live your life in the future.

Imagine what it would be like to:

  • Wake every morning feeling refreshed and full of life!
  • Manage stress and anxiety without turning to alcohol!
  • Attend a party or social event and avoid drinking alcohol!

Hypnotherapy can help to turn your dreams into a reality. Although these sessions are not a miracle cure for alcohol addiction. Change must comes from within and this amazingly powerful hypnosis sessions can help promote your natural ability to adapt and change.

With repeated sessions you will be able to deal effectively with the triggers that lead you to drink, learn how to manage your feelings, in addition to gaining complete control over any thoughts related to alcohol.

This hypnosis sessions includes many advanced hypnotherapy techniques, all carefully designed by our team of vastly experienced hypnotherapists to help you carry out your ‘change work’ in a safe, comfortable manner, so that you can truly overcome your dependency to alcohol and get your life back on track.

Live your life the way it was meant to be lived.

Disclaimer: Please remember that everybody is different and therefore results and response times do vary from person to person.

Break free from addiction with hypnosis!

An addiction can seem like a life sentence, but just by making a decision to do something about it you have already taken the first step towards freedom. Hypnosis can help you every step of the way as you complete that journey.

If you have any questions about our Alcohol Addiction Hypnosis Sessions please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

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