Imagine you’re in a situation where you might feel angry or frustrated. It could be at school, at home, or with friends. See yourself staying calm and relaxed, even when things don’t go your way.
Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for anger management for children:
“Hello there, [Child’s Name]! I’m so glad you’re here today to work on managing your angry feelings. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel your body start to relax.
Imagine you’re in a special place, where you feel happy and calm. It could be a beach, a park, or even your own backyard. Take a moment to visualize this place, noticing the sights, sounds, and feelings.
“Now, imagine you’re holding a special balloon in your hand. This balloon represents your anger. As you inhale, feel the balloon getting bigger and bigger. As you exhale, feel the balloon getting smaller and smaller.
Let’s imagine that with each breath, your anger balloon is getting smaller and smaller, until it’s almost gone. How does that feel?”
Guided Imagery
“Imagine you’re playing with a friend, and they take a toy away from you. You might feel angry or frustrated. But instead of getting upset, let’s imagine that you take a deep breath and count to 10.
As you count, feel your anger balloon getting smaller and smaller. When you reach 10, say to yourself, ‘I can handle this feeling. I can stay calm and relaxed.’
Now, imagine that you’re able to talk to your friend calmly and respectfully. You explain how you feel, and they apologize and give you the toy back. How does that feel?”
Positive Affirmations
“Repeat after me: ‘I can handle my angry feelings. I can stay calm and relaxed. I am in control of my emotions.’
Feel free to say it out loud or to yourself. Remember, these words are like magic spells that help you feel better when you’re angry or upset.”
“Imagine you’re in a situation where you might feel angry or frustrated. It could be at school, at home, or with friends. See yourself staying calm and relaxed, even when things don’t go your way.
Visualize yourself taking deep breaths, counting to 10, and talking calmly to others. See yourself feeling proud of yourself for managing your anger and staying in control.”
Counting Up
“Take one final deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel yourself coming back to the present moment. When you’re ready, you can open your eyes and come back to our session.
Remember, you have the power to manage your anger and stay calm in any situation. Keep practicing those deep breaths and positive affirmations, and you’ll get better and better at it!”
Remember to adjust the script according to the child’s age, needs, and preferences. It’s also important to ensure that the child is comfortable and relaxed throughout the session.