Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Tag: Dementia

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) help with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia with Hypnotherapy

Imagine your vagus nerve as a skilled, compassionate mentor, guiding your brain’s natural healing processes and promoting optimal neurological function.

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia:


“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll learn to harness the power of your mind to improve your memory, cognitive function, and overall well-being. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your body to relax, starting from the crown of your head, down to your toes. Feel the tension melt away, like sand flowing down an hourglass.”

“As you breathe in, imagine fresh, calming air filling your lungs. Hold it for a moment… and exhale, allowing any stress or anxiety to leave your body. Repeat this process, feeling more relaxed with each breath.”


“Imagine yourself standing in a peaceful, serene environment, surrounded by soothing sounds and calming scents. With each step, feel your body becoming heavier, your mind quieter, and your breath slower. Take 5 steps forward, and with each step, repeat the phrase ‘I am relaxing, I am calm, I am in control’.”

Vagus Nerve Stimulation Script

“Now, bring your attention to your vagus nerve, located in the base of your brain. Imagine a gentle, soothing blue light emanating from this area, spreading throughout your body. As this light radiates, it stimulates your vagus nerve, promoting memory consolidation, cognitive function, and neuroplasticity.”

“Envision this blue light traveling down your spine, nourishing your entire nervous system, and stimulating the growth of new neurons and neural connections. With each breath, feel this light enhancing your memory, cognition, and overall brain function.”

“Imagine your vagus nerve as a skilled, compassionate mentor, guiding your brain’s natural healing processes and promoting optimal neurological function. As you inhale, repeat the phrase ‘My vagus nerve is strong, my brain is clear, and I am in control’.”

Memory Enhancement Visualization

“Now, visualize your brain as a vibrant, dynamic library, filled with memories, knowledge, and experiences. Imagine any areas of cognitive decline or memory loss as dusty, forgotten shelves. As you exhale, envision these shelves slowly clearing, becoming bright, organized, and easily accessible.”

“With each breath, your brain becomes sharper, more focused, and more capable of retrieving memories and learning new information. You are in control, and your brain is responding to your mind’s gentle guidance.”

Positive Affirmations

“Repeat the following affirmations to yourself, allowing them to sink deeply into your subconscious mind:

* I am in control of my memory and cognitive function.

* My vagus nerve is strong, guiding my brain’s natural healing processes.

* I am capable, confident, and sharp-minded.

* I trust my brain’s natural ability to heal and adapt.”

Counting and Awakening

“As you continue to breathe deeply, I’ll count from 5 to 1, and when I reach 1, you’ll slowly open your eyes, feeling refreshed, renewed, and more in control of your memory and cognitive function.

5… Your body is relaxed, your mind is calm.

4… Your vagus nerve is strong, guiding your brain’s natural healing processes.

3… You are safe, protected, and in control.

2… Your brain is sharp, focused, and capable.

1… Open your eyes, feeling refreshed and renewed.”

Remember to always consult with a healthcare professional before using hypnotherapy scripts, especially if you’re working with clients who have underlying medical conditions.

Additional Tips:

* Encourage listeners to practice diaphragmatic breathing exercises to stimulate the vagus nerve.

* Suggest incorporating physical activity, such as yoga or tai chi, to help stimulate the vagus nerve and improve energy levels.

* Recommend listening to the script regularly, ideally before bed or during a relaxing bath, to reinforce the suggestions and promote deep relaxation.

Tips for Practitioners:

* Use a gentle, soothing tone and pace when guiding the client through the script.

* Encourage the client to practice diaphragmatic breathing during the induction and deepening phases.

* Use progressive muscle relaxation techniques to enhance the relaxation response.

* Consider incorporating visualization exercises that promote energy and motivation, such as imagining oneself engaging in a favorite activity or achieving a goal.

By combining Vagus Nerve Stimulation with hypnotherapy, individuals can experience a profound impact on their energy levels and overall well-being. Remember to tailor the script to the individual’s specific needs and preferences, and to use it as a complementary tool in conjunction with VNS.

Hypnosis can Improve and Enhance the Quality of Life of Alzheimer’s and Dementia Clients

Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia, a general term for memory loss and other cognitive abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 60 percent to 80 percent of dementia cases. Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Memory loss is an example.

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Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis has been used to improve and enhancing the quality of life for people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

2007 Study Results – Simon Duff, Ph.D and Daniel Nightingale, Ph.D: This pilot study explored the use of hypnosis to influence 7 aspects of quality of life in individuals with dementia: concentration, relaxation, motivation, activities of daily living, immediate memory, memory of significant events, and socialization. The results indicate that hypnosis has a beneficial impact on quality of life on both a short-term and long-term basis. Unlike the other study participants, the participants in the hypnosis group showed improvement in all 7 items – some of which were maintained over a period of time, such as 21 months or more.

The study authors hypothesize that perhaps an individual with dementia is aware of his or her gradual loss of abilities. That awareness leads to increased levels of anxiety and depression – which are known to involve active cognitive processing. Because the individual’s limited cognitive resources are being used up by anxiety and depression, even greater loss of memory, motivation and ability takes place. The authors further hypothesize that hypnosis may decrease an individual with dementia’s anxiety and depression (through positive suggestion and relaxation), which – in turn – may free up otherwise engaged resources so they are available for the individual to use to successfully accomplish cognitive tasks.

Notes: Eighteen participants were recruited from 2 care homes and were randomly allocated into 1 of 3 groups, the hypnosis group (HG), the discussion group (DG), and the treatment-as-usual group (TG). The HG received weekly individual sessions of hypnosis carried out in their single-occupancy bedrooms at their residential or nursing home. Each session lasted approximately 1 hour. Thus, over the 9-month period each HG participant received a total of 36 hours of hypnosis in 36 sessions. Prior to the first hypnosis session, each participant received 1-hour consultation and interview to customize the terminology used during the hypnosis sessions. This ensured that the language used was familiar and personalized for each participant and to ensure comprehension of suggestions that were to be used. Participants were also introduced to the process of progressive muscle relaxation. Participants were induced into hypnosis in 3 phases: (i) eye closure, (ii) progressive muscle relaxation, starting at the scalp and moving progressively down toward the feet, and (iii) a permissive induction. Permissive inductions “ask” each participant to allow oneself to become more relaxed. After deepening, the HG participants were given direct suggestions relating to the 7 items described earlier, along with additional “CRC” suggestions (Calmness, Relaxation, and Confidence). Examples of the statements are provided below.

  1. At the end of this session, and between now and the next time I see you, you will feel more relaxed and at ease, more motivated to do the things you want to do.
  2. You will have clarity of thought; you will be able to concentrate for longer periods of time.
  3. You will have fewer concerns and less feelings of anxiousness.
  4. Spending time with others will have meaning and you will want to spend time chatting with others.
  5. For each of the 7 items, all participants were rated on a 7-point scale, assessed once at the start of the study period and then at weekly intervals.

Alzheimer’s Care Today 2007; 8(4):321-331 By: Simon Duff, Ph.D., is a chartered forensic psychologist and a trained hypnotherapist, working at the Division of Clinical Psychology, University of Liverpool, and the Mersey Forensic Psychology Service, Liverpool, United Kingdom. Daniel Nightingale, Ph.D., was first trained in social work, then as a registered nurse in learning disabilities before completing a doctorate in both learning disabilities and transitional shock. He is a trained hypnotherapist and head of dementia services at Southern Cross Healthcare, The Alton Centre, Northampton, United Kingdom.

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The content in this publication is presented for informative purposes only. In no sense is this information intended to provide diagnoses or act as a substitute for the work of a qualified professional. For this we recommend that you contact a reliable specialist.

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