Your prayer is not a request, but a declaration of faith in the infinite power of  God. Trust that it is always working for the highest good of all, and that your love and your compassion are the catalysts for its manifestation.

Here is a hypnotherapy script to remove all limitations on the power of prayer when praying for others:

Title: Unleashing the Unlimited Power of Prayer


(Light, calming music starts playing. The hypnotherapist’s gentle voice guides the listener into a deep state of relaxation.)

Hypnotherapist: “Welcome, dear one. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow any tension, worries, or doubts to leave your body. With each breath, feel your mind and body relax, letting go of all limitations and restrictions. You are safe, supported, and connected to God and His infinite power.”


Hypnotherapist: “Imagine yourself standing in a beautiful, peaceful place, surrounded by loving energy. With each breath, feel your roots growing deeper into the earth, anchoring you in stability and calmness. Your heart is filled with compassion, empathy, and love for all beings. Allow this warmth to spread throughout your entire body, nourishing your soul.”


Hypnotherapist: “Now, bring to mind the person or people you wish to pray for. See them in your mind’s eye, surrounded by a brilliant, comforting light. As you focus on them, repeat after me: ‘I intend to connect with the infinite power of prayer, unencumbered by limitations or doubts.'”

(Pause for the listener to repeat the intention)

Hypnotherapist: “As you pray for this person, allow yourself to access the boundless, unconditional love of God. Trust that this love is always available, always present, and always powerful. Imagine this love flowing through you, filling you, and overflowing from your heart to theirs.”

“Envision this loving energy dissolving any perceived limitations, doubts, or fears that may be blocking the full manifestation of your prayer. See these limitations disappearing like mist in the morning sun, leaving only clarity, faith, and trust.

“Know that your prayer is not limited by time, space, or circumstances. It transcends all boundaries, reaching the heart of God, where it is received and answered in perfect harmony with the highest good of all.”

“Feel the power of your prayer growing, expanding, and manifesting in the life of the person you are praying for. Trust that God is working in perfect harmony with your intention, guiding them toward their highest good, healing, and well-being.”

“Remember, your prayer is not a request, but a declaration of faith in the infinite power of God. Trust that He is always working for the highest good of all, and that your love and compassion are the catalysts for its manifestation.”


Hypnotherapist: “Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, know that your prayer has been heard, received, and answered. The power of prayer is now unleashed, working wonders in the life of the person you are praying for.

Trust in God’s infinite potential, and remember that your love and faith are the keys that unlock its boundless power.”

“Slowly, gently, allow yourself to return to a state of full awareness, feeling refreshed, renewed, and empowered to continue praying without limitations.

Know that you can return to this peaceful, loving state whenever you desire to connect with the unlimited power of prayer.”

(Music fades out)

This script is designed to help the listener overcome any limitations they may have placed on the power of prayer, allowing them to tap into the infinite potential of the universe and trust in its goodness and guidance.