Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Tag: infidelity

Forgive Infidelity Hypnotherapy

The feeling of forgiveness and healing will stay with you long after this session is over. It will become a part of your daily life, guiding you towards a path of self-love, self-acceptance, and empowerment.

Here is a forgiveness of infidelity hypnotherapy script:


(Soothing music starts playing)

“Welcome to this journey of healing and forgiveness. My voice will guide you through a peaceful and transformative experience. Allow yourself to let go of any tension or stress you may be holding onto. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel your body relax and your mind calm.

Imagine yourself standing in a serene, peaceful environment, surrounded by nature’s beauty. Feel the gentle breeze on your skin, and the warmth of the sun on your face. With each breath, allow yourself to relax further, letting go of any thoughts or worries that may be present.

Now, imagine yourself becoming lighter, as if a weight is lifting off your shoulders. This sensation represents the release of emotional burdens and heartaches. Allow yourself to feel free, knowing that you are exactly where you need to be.

As you continue to breathe deeply, I want you to repeat the following phrase to yourself: ‘I am strong, I am resilient, I am capable of forgiveness.'”


“Imagine yourself surrounded by a calming, soothing light. This light represents emotional healing and forgiveness. As you breathe in, imagine this light filling your entire body, nourishing your mind, body, and spirit.

Now, imagine a gentle, reassuring voice whispering words of encouragement and support in your ear. This voice represents your inner wisdom, guiding you towards healing and forgiveness. Allow yourself to listen to its words, and absorb its wisdom.

You are strong, you are resilient, and you are capable of forgiveness. Repeat this phrase to yourself, and allow its truth to sink deep into your mind and heart: ‘I am strong, I am resilient, I am capable of forgiveness.'”

Forgiveness Visualization

“Imagine yourself in a scenario where you are able to forgive the infidelity. You may be thinking of a specific memory or moment that you want to forgive. Allow yourself to fully immerse in this scenario, using all of your senses to bring it to life.

Now, imagine a warm, comforting light surrounding this memory. This light represents the forgiveness and letting go of resentment. As you breathe in, imagine this light filling the memory, erasing it from your mind and heart.

You are letting go of the anger, the hurt, and the resentment. You are choosing to forgive, not for the other person’s sake, but for your own. Repeat this phrase to yourself, and allow its truth to anchor deep within your mind and heart: ‘I choose to forgive, I choose to let go, I choose to heal.'”


“Now, I want you to imagine a reframed perspective on the infidelity. Instead of seeing it as a personal failure or betrayal, see it as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. Instead of dwelling on the negative emotions, focus on the positive lessons you learned from the experience.

You are not defined by the infidelity, and you are not held back by resentment. You are a strong, resilient, and capable individual, moving forward towards a brighter future. Repeat this phrase to yourself, and allow its truth to anchor deep within your mind and heart: ‘I am strong, I am resilient, I am moving forward.'”


“As you continue to breathe deeply, I want you to know that this feeling of forgiveness and healing will stay with you long after this session is over. It will become a part of your daily life, guiding you towards a path of self-love, self-acceptance, and empowerment.

Whenever you need to access this feeling, simply close your eyes, take a deep breath, and repeat the phrase: ‘I choose to forgive, I choose to let go, I choose to heal.’

Remember, you are not alone in your heartaches, and you are not defined by the past. You are a strong, resilient, and capable individual, moving forward towards a brighter future.”


“As you slowly begin to open your eyes, take a deep breath, and when you are ready, you can slowly return to the present moment, feeling refreshed, renewed, and filled with a sense of healing and forgiveness.

Remember to take this feeling with you, and to nurture it every day. Know that you have the power to create the life you desire, and that forgiveness is always within your reach.”

(Soothing music continues to play for another minute before fading out)

Diseases and problems associated with the Sacral Chakra can be treated with Hypnosis

Here is a list of diseases and problems associated with the Sacral Chakra that can be treated successfully with Hypnosis.

Addiction to junk food, Alcohol, Backache, Bed-wetting, Bladder, Creative Blocks, Cystitis, Fear, Fertility, Fibroid, Miscarriages, Fibroids, Frigidity, Hips, Impotency, Irritable Bowel, Kidney problems, Menstrual Problems, Muscle Spasms, Ovarian Cysts, Over-eating, Pre-menstrual Syndrome, Prostates Disease, Stomach problems, Testicular Disease, Uterine Fibroids, Vomiting and Womb problem.

Imbalanced Sacral Chakra

The chakra system distributes the flow of prana or energy throughout your subtle body. Stress, illness, emotional upset, or conflict all can cause blockages or imbalance in your chakra system. All of the seven chakras are interconnected; when one chakra experiences a blockage or imbalance, it affects all the others. This disruption of energy can cause your mind, body, and spirit to suffer.

When the sacral chakra is imbalanced, it can make you feel emotionally and physically destabilized. If you are working towards creative goals, improving your emotional health, or working on your relationships, it is important that you open and bring balance your sacral chakra.

Underactive Sacral Chakra – When a chakra is under-active, it means that the chakra is experiencing a blockage or is not distributing the flow of energy. When your sacral chakra is under-active, it can affect your overall well being.

When your sacral chakra is blocked or under-active, you may be experiencing a sense of lack of control ranging from uncertainty to an inability to cope with life’s changes. When the sacral chakra becomes blocked, it often detaches you from your emotions and those around you.

Open the Sacral Chakra (Orange). This chakra deals with feeling and sexuality. If open, feeling is released with liberty and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You would be open to affinity and can be passionate as well as outgoing. You also have no problems based on sexuality. If it’s under-active: you tend to be unemotional or impassive, and are not very open to anybody. If it’s over-active: you tend to be sensitive and emotional all the time. You may also be very sexual.

Sit on your knees, with your back straight, but relaxed.

Lay your hands in your lap, palms ups, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, the palm touching the back fingers of the right hand, and the thumbs touch gently.

Concentrate on the Sacral Chakra and what it stands for, at the sacral bone (lower back).

Silently, yet clearly, chant the sound “VAM.”

All this time, let yourself relax, still thinking about the chakra, it’s meaning, and how it does or should affect your life.

Keep doing this until you are completely relaxed. Again, you may have a “clean” feeling.

Key Characteristics of the Sacral Chakra

  • Emotions – Connect with your feelings and emotions with the energy of the sacral chakra.
  • Pleasure – Motivated by pleasure and joy, the sacral chakra is responsible for your enjoyment of life through your senses. This creates the foundation for your emotional well being.
  • Sensuality – The sacral chakra helps you understand and develop your intimate connections with others.
  • Creativity – The sacral chakra awakens your creative expression, allowing you to explore new ideas and stimulate your imagination.
  • Passion – The energy of your sacral chakra allows you to discover and explore what you are truly passionate about. This passion lets you truly enjoy life.

Emotions and Behaviors related with the Sacral Chakra

It is very necessary to know which chakra is affected by what emotions and behavioral patterns.

Anger, anger towards partner, addiction, blame others, belief that sex is bad, clingy, can’t move on, control freak, creativity blockage, distrust, depression, denial of own needs, expect worst, fear of parent, feel ashamed, feel numb, feel victimized, feel embarrassed, frustration, guilt, impatient, introvert, infidelity, lack of motivation, nervous, no self-support, no self-confidence, obsessive behavior, old beliefs, over-eating, rejecting particular gender, sexual overdrive, tension, uptight, unspoken bitterness, unexpressed emotions, unworthiness and  vindictive towards ex.

If you have any questions about our Diseases and problems associated with the Sacral Chakra treatment please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

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