EFT with Hypnotherapy Script For Inner Peace and Tranquility

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), also known as tapping, is a powerful tool for releasing negative emotions and inviting positivity into your life. By tapping on specific points on your body while focusing on your feelings, you can reduce stress and cultivate inner peace. This script will guide you through five rounds of tapping to help you achieve a serene and balanced state of mind.

Karate Chop (Set-Up Statements)

Even though I feel stressed and overwhelmed, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I struggle to find inner peace, I choose to love and forgive myself.
Even though I can’t seem to calm my mind, I honor my feelings and choose to find tranquility.

Round 1 – Acknowledging the Problem

Eyebrow: I feel so stressed and overwhelmed.
Side of the Eye: I can’t find any peace in my life.
Under the Eye: My mind is constantly racing with worries.
Under the Nose: I feel anxious and tense all the time.
Chin: I can’t seem to relax or find calm.
Collarbone: My body feels tight and uncomfortable.
Under the Arm: I’m always on edge, never at peace.
Top of Head: I feel so disconnected from tranquility.

Round 2 – Considering the Possibilities

Eyebrow: Maybe I can find a way to relax.
Side of the Eye: What if I could feel more at peace?
Under the Eye: I’m open to finding calm within myself.
Under the Nose: I’m considering that peace is possible for me.
Chin: Maybe I can let go of some of this stress.
Collarbone: What if I could release this tension?
Under the Arm: I’m open to the possibility of inner peace.
Top of Head: I’m considering that I can feel tranquil.

Round 3 – Releasing the Problem

Eyebrow: I release all this stress and overwhelm.
Side of the Eye: I let go of the constant worry in my mind.
Under the Eye: I release the anxiety and tension I feel.
Under the Nose: I let go of my inability to relax.
Chin: I release the tightness in my body.
Collarbone: I let go of feeling on edge all the time.
Under the Arm: I release the disconnection from tranquility.
Top of Head: I let go of all that blocks my inner peace.

Round 4 – Inviting Positivity

Eyebrow: I invite calmness and relaxation into my life.
Side of the Eye: I welcome peace and tranquility.
Under the Eye: I allow my mind to be at ease.
Under the Nose: I welcome serenity into my body.
Chin: I invite a sense of calm and balance.
Collarbone: I allow myself to feel peaceful and relaxed.
Under the Arm: I welcome the feeling of inner peace.
Top of Head: I invite tranquility and calm into my life.

Round 5 – Empowering Affirmations

Eyebrow: My thoughts are peaceful.
Side of the Eye: My emotions are calm and flowing.
Under the Eye: My body is relaxed.
Under the Nose: I feel balanced and centered.
Chin: I stay in my calm, peaceful center no matter what is happening around me.
Collarbone: I create from a peaceful inner state that brings me my highest good.
Under the Arm: I speak to others from a place of inner peace.
Top of Head: My inner peace connects me to my soul, my innermost being.

By following this EFT tapping script, you can begin to release stress and invite inner peace into your life. Regular practice of tapping can help you stay grounded, calm, and centered, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and tranquility. Remember, the journey to inner peace starts with small steps, and each round of tapping brings you closer to that serene state of being.