Law of Attraction Affirmations
Here is a list of all the affirmations – Law of Attraction:
You are an incredible person
You attract all of your wishes
You attract all of your desires
Your life is full of possibilities
You have total belief in yourself
Life is a wonderful gift
You know what you want
You are ready to receive what you want
You are receiving what you want right now
You always focus on the positive aspects of your life
Your life is getting better each and every day
You have the power to attract what you wish for
You have the power to attract whatever you desire
Everything you want is becoming a reality right now
You are a creative and motivated person who can achieve anything
You are always thankful for getting what you want
You are always grateful for what you receive
You are in charge of your own reality
The universe is sending you what you want right now
Allow the positive energy to flow throughout your body
As you sleep you visualise what you want
You are a magnet for everything good
You choose to be happy and successful
You are happy and successful
You create your own destiny
Your positive energy allows you to attract whatever you want
You focus on positive thoughts
With each passing day you become even happier
As you sleep you focus on your desires
You have a strong mind with limitless possibilities
You have the power to attract what you want
You are in control of your life
You are in control of your destiny
You are tuned into the positive vibrations of the universe
You accept love into your life
You accept joy into your life
Good things flow to you with ease
Notice how relaxed you feel right now
You feel so peaceful and happy
Good things are coming to you right now
Let yourself rest
Notice how calm and comfortable you are
You accept that your life is amazing
You express gratitude for all the good in your life
Good things come from the positive vibrations of the universe
You deserve to have what you want
Your capabilities are limitless
You are worthy of peace and joy
Allow your dreams to manifest
Visualize yourself getting what you want
Allow the positive energy to flow towards you
You are thankful for the positive energy that is flowing towards you
People are amazed at what a positive person you are
You can have anything you want
All you need to do, is believe
If you believe, you will receive
You are an incredible person
Absorb the positivity from all around you
You deserve to be happy and successful
You are happy and successful
Your confidence grows stronger every day
You believe in yourself
You have a very positive outlook on life
Your positive outlook allows you to achieve your goals
You are so grateful for what you receive
You radiate positive energy
Everything you desire is flowing to you right now
Let yourself rest Sleep Just let yourself sleep
You’re feeling so relaxed right now
You are so safe, calm, and peaceful
All your muscles are resting
You are so calm and comfortable
Just let go and rest
You feel completely relaxed
Just let yourself drift off to sleep
All you need to do is rest
Let everything go