Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Tag: Loneliness (Page 1 of 2)

2025 Building a Better Person a Better You with Hypnotherapy

We offer you this 90 day Building a Better Person a Better You Program.

Invest in yourself this new year.

We all want to be our best, but many people wonder if it’s actually possible to become a better person once you’re an adult. The answer is a resounding yes. There are always ways to improve yourself. This answer leads to more questions, however.

How can you improve yourself to be a better person? What is the easiest approach? And what are the most important aspects of self to work on? Taking into account your own well-being as well as the best interests of others, here are some of the most important ways to become a better person.

We here at HHC and I are really excited to introduce this program that we’ve busy working on all year. It’s been so much fun as you can see from the titles. Another great thing about it is the amount of self-help we received just from writing it. It’ s been a very motivational and uplifting process..

It’s REALLY needed to be Building a Better Person a Better You.  With everything people have been going through over the past two years, it’s time to let go of the past, look ahead and start rebuilding…

Rebuilding our:

  • Immune System
  • Attitudes
  • Confidence
  • Self Image
  • Gratitude and our lives…

That’s what this program is all about and so much more…

Just take a look at the titles to see how it can help you… My favorite of course, is the last one I wrote titled:

“Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen To You Today”..


You can use them for yourself to begin feeling better and regaining your life. We even have weekly newsletter keeping you motivated showing you how easy it is to use them for self-help, your family or anyone who’d like to begin felling better….


  • Anxiety Release – Instant
  • Becoming Present
  • Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen Today
  • Calming an Overactive Mind
  • Clearing Negativity
  • Courage, Confidence and Inner Power
  • Creating A Safety Bubble Around You
  • Creating Inner Peace
  • Dealing with Loneliness
  • Eliminating Self-Sabotage
  • Enhance Your Focus
  • Evening Wind Down
  • Gratitude – Enhancing
  • Happiness Frequency  
  • Is it Fun Being You? (Being happy for no reason)
  • Panic Relief
  • Release Judgment of Others
  • Self-Love
  • You Are a Success Magnet
  • Weight Loss 2.0 (Indirect Technique)
  • The Authentic Self
  • Balance in my Life
  • Building Reliance 

14 Hypnotherapy Sessions for only R9000.00.

If you have any questions about our 90 Day Building a Better Person a Better You please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

LET GO FEAR, Guilt & Negative Emotions

LET GO FEAR, Guilt & Negative Emotions – Healing Sleep Music based on Solfeggio Frequencies

Negative emotions can be described as any feeling which causes you to be miserable and sad. These emotions make you dislike yourself and others, and reduce your confidence and self-esteem, and general life satisfaction.

List of Negative Emotions:

  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Anxiety
  • Disgust
  • Shame
  • Loneliness
  • Frustration
  • Disappointment
  • Annoyance
  • Depression
  • Embarrassment
  • Boredom
  • Hate
  • Envy
  • Hurt
  • Jealousy
  • Contempt
  • Surprise
  • Hostility
  • Despair
  • Miserable
  • Upset

Emotions that can become negative are hate, anger, jealousy and sadness. Yet, in the right context, these feelings are completely natural. Negative emotions can dampen our enthusiasm for life, depending on how long we let them affect us and the way we choose to express them.

Holding onto negative emotions causes a downward spiral

Negative emotions stop us from thinking and behaving rationally and seeing situations in their true perspective. When this occurs, we tend to see only what we want to see and remember only what we want to remember. This only prolongs the anger or grief and prevents us from enjoying life. The longer this goes on, the more set the problem becomes.

Dealing with negative emotions inappropriately can also be harmful – for example, expressing anger with violence.

Emotions are complex reactions

Emotions are complex reactions involving many biological and physiological processes within our bodies. Our brain responds to our thoughts by releasing hormones and chemicals, which send us into a state of arousal. All emotions come about in this way, whether positive or negative.

It’s a complex process and often we don’t have the skills to deal with negative feelings. That’s why we find it hard to cope when we experience them.

How to deal with negative emotions

There are a number of coping strategies to deal with negative emotions. These include:

  • Don’t blow things out of proportion by going over them time and again in your mind.
  • Try to be reasonable – accept that bad feelings are occasionally unavoidable and think of ways to make yourself feel better.
  • Relax – use pleasant activities like reading, walking or talking to a friend.
  • Learn – notice how grief, loss and anger make you feel, and which events trigger those feelings so you can prepare in advance.
  • Exercise – aerobic activity lowers your level of stress chemicals and allows you to cope better with negative emotions.
  • Let go of the past – constantly going over negative events robs you of the present and makes you feel bad.

396 Hz ❯ LET GO FEAR, Guilt & Negative Emotions ❯ Healing Sleep Music based on Solfeggio Frequencies – Mp4 Downlead link.

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