Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Tag: Multiple Sclerosis

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) help with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) with Hypnotherapy

Your vagus nerve guiding your body’s natural healing processes and promoting optimal nerve function.

Here is a sample hypnotherapy script for Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) to help with Multiple Sclerosis (MS):


“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll learn to harness the power of your mind to reduce symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis, improve your overall quality of life, and promote optimal well-being. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow your body to relax, starting from the crown of your head, down to your toes. Feel the tension melt away, like sand flowing down an hourglass.”

“As you breathe in, imagine fresh, calming air filling your lungs. Hold it for a moment… and exhale, allowing any stress or anxiety to leave your body. Repeat this process, feeling more relaxed with each breath.”


“Imagine yourself standing in a peaceful, serene environment, surrounded by soothing sounds and calming scents. With each step, feel your body becoming heavier, your mind quieter, and your breath slower. Take 5 steps forward, and with each step, repeat the phrase ‘I am relaxing, I am calm, I am in control’.”

Vagus Nerve Stimulation Script

“Now, bring your attention to your vagus nerve, located in the base of your brain. Imagine a gentle, soothing blue light emanating from this area, spreading throughout your body. As this light radiates, it stimulates your vagus nerve, reducing inflammation, promoting relaxation, and improving nerve function.”

“Envision this blue light traveling down your spine, nourishing your entire nervous system, and calming any areas of discomfort or stress in your body. With each breath, feel this light absorbing any feelings of anxiety, fear, or worry, replacing them with a sense of calm, peace, and tranquility.”

“Imagine your vagus nerve as a wise, compassionate mentor, guiding your body’s natural healing processes and promoting optimal nerve function. As you inhale, repeat the phrase ‘My vagus nerve is strong, my body is healing, and I am in control’.”

Multiple Sclerosis Symptom Relief Visualization

“Now, visualize your body as a strong, resilient vessel, capable of withstanding any challenges. Imagine any areas of fatigue, weakness, or numbness as cloudy, murky waters. As you exhale, envision these waters slowly clearing, becoming calm, and reflecting the peaceful, serene environment around you.”

“With each breath, your symptoms become less intense, less frequent, and more manageable. You are in control, and your body is responding to your mind’s gentle guidance.”

Positive Affirmations

“Repeat the following affirmations to yourself, allowing them to sink deeply into your subconscious mind:

* I am in control of my Multiple Sclerosis symptoms.

* My vagus nerve is strong, guiding my body’s natural healing processes.

* I am calm, capable, and confident.

* I trust my body’s natural ability to heal and adapt.”

Counting and Awakening

“As you continue to breathe deeply, I’ll count from 5 to 1, and when I reach 1, you’ll slowly open your eyes, feeling refreshed, renewed, and more in control of your Multiple Sclerosis symptoms.

5… Your body is relaxed, your mind is calm.

4… Your vagus nerve is strong, guiding your body’s natural healing processes.

3… You are safe, protected, and in control.

2… Your symptoms are manageable, and you are confident.

1… Open your eyes, feeling refreshed and renewed.”

Remember to always consult with a healthcare professional before using hypnotherapy scripts, especially if you’re working with clients who have underlying medical conditions.

Additional Tips:

* Encourage listeners to practice diaphragmatic breathing exercises to stimulate the vagus nerve.

* Suggest incorporating physical activity, such as yoga or tai chi, to help stimulate the vagus nerve and improve energy levels.

* Recommend listening to the script regularly, ideally before bed or during a relaxing bath, to reinforce the suggestions and promote deep relaxation.

Tips for Practitioners:

* Use a gentle, soothing tone and pace when guiding the client through the script.

* Encourage the client to practice diaphragmatic breathing during the induction and deepening phases.

* Use progressive muscle relaxation techniques to enhance the relaxation response.

* Consider incorporating visualization exercises that promote energy and motivation, such as imagining oneself engaging in a favorite activity or achieving a goal.

By combining Vagus Nerve Stimulation with hypnotherapy, individuals can experience a profound impact on their energy levels and overall well-being. Remember to tailor the script to the individual’s specific needs and preferences, and to use it as a complementary tool in conjunction with VNS.

Diseases and problems associated with the Crown Chakra can be treated with Hypnosis

Here is a list of diseases and problems associated with the Crown Chakra that can be treated successfully with Hypnosis.

Alzheimer, Amnesia, Bone disorders, Cancers, Depression, Dizziness, Epilepsy, Fear, Headache, Immune system, Insomnia, Learning difficulties, Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple personality syndrome, Nervous system disorders, Neurosis, Paralysis, Parkinson’s Disease, Psychosis, Right-eye problem, Schizophrenia, Senile Dementia, Tiredness, Tremor and Vomiting.

Crown Chakra Imbalance

The chakra system distributes the flow of prana or energy throughout your subtle body. Stress, illness, emotional upset, or conflict all can cause blockages or imbalance in your chakra system. All of the seven chakras are interconnected; when one chakra experiences a blockage or imbalance, it affects all the others. This disruption of energy can cause your mind, body, and spirit to suffer.

When the crown chakra is imbalanced, it can cause you to feel out of sorts, and put stress on your body and mind. If you are working towards finding peace in life or finding your connection to the universe, it is important that you open and balances your crown chakra.

Under-active Crown Chakra – When a chakra is under-active, it means that the chakra is experiencing a blockage or is not distributing the flow of energy. When your crown chakra is under-active, it can affect your overall well being.

When your crown chakra is blocked or under-active, it can hinder your ability to let go of materialistic needs. When the crown chakra becomes blocked, it can often cause you to detach from the world around you and lead to spiritual malaise.

Open the Crown Chakra (purple). This is the seventh and most spiritual chakra. It encircles a being’s wisdom and being one with the universe. When this chakra is open, prejudice disappears from your To Do list, and you seem to become more aware of the world and it’s connection to yourself. If it’s under-active: you tend to not be very spiritual and may be quite rigid in your thoughts. If it’s over-active: you tend to intellectualize things all the time. Spirituality seems to come first in your mind, and if you are really over-active, you may even ignore your bodily needs (food, water, shelter).

Sit cross-legged.

Lay your hand on your stomach. Let the little fingers point up and away from you, touching at their tops, and cross the rest of the fingers with the left thumb underneath the right.

Concentrate on the Crown Chakra and what it stands for, at the very top of your head.

Silently, but clearly, chant the sound “NG” (yes, this chant is as hard as it looks).

All this time, your body should now be totally relaxed, and your mind should be at peace. However, do not stop concentrating on the Crown Chakra.

Key Characteristics of the Crown Chakra

  • See the Beauty – The crown chakra allows you to see the beauty and divinity in all things.
  • Unity – The crown chakra represents your connection to the universe. You are able to experience unity with everyone and everything around you.
  • Awareness – This chakra brings your consciousness to a higher level, allowing your awareness to be transcendent.
  • Enlightenment – The crown chakra is the gateway between the physical and cosmic self. This gives you the ability to have the utmost clarity and enlightened wisdom.
  • Serenity & Bliss – The crown chakra brings feelings of serenity, joy, and deep peace about life.

Emotions and Behaviors related with the Chakra Chakra

It is very necessary to know which chakra is affected by what emotions and behavioral patterns.

Believes in old beliefs like unforgivable sins, being over-intellectual all the time, depression, energy blockage, emotional imbalance, feeling lost, inability to trust life-values, lack of self-understanding, lack of faith, lack of inspiration, lesser wisdom, overly spiritual, prejudiced towards world, rigid thinking, spiritual hatred, selfish, ungrounded, unable to accept new ideas, unable to receive universal power and unethical.

If you have any questions about our Diseases and problems associated with the Crown Chakra treatment please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

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