Past lives are intriguing to us. Many cultures have universally believed in their power, and there are compelling studies of past life experiences in which significant healings have taken place in the current lifetime.
Here are Some Past Life Facts:
* Past lives exist on the level of the soul or in the “subtle world” as old programs, similar to computer data storage.
* Often by reviewing and releasing these programs or patterns, current life issues can be resolved.
* People carry old patterns like stress, anxiety, fears or addictions, and sometimes there is no obvious cause in the current lifetime; yet there is often a past life connection.
“Samskaras” are tendencies of the mind (like self-esteem or insufficiency thought patterns) that come from past life experiences.
* Many Tibetans believe that there is a state called the “bardo” – a transition state between lifetimes, a place of releasing and reviewing past experiences and preparing for future ones.
* You don’t have to re-experience past life programs in order to heal, as there are many approaches to healing; yet it’s interesting, informative and often profound.
* You don’t have to believe in past lives in order to work with them. You can consider them metaphors or conjuring’s of the imagination, and this approach can still be effective for healing.
* There are often current physical imprints of past lives in the form of birthmarks, physical and emotional pains and wounds.
* Hypnosis is a perfect vehicle for the experience and transformation of past lives.
Preparing A Client
Often a client will come specifically to do past life work. This client has knowledge and interest in the work already. If you suspect that past life work would be valuable for someone who has not expressly come for it, then you will need to explore the client’s belief systems to see if this work would be compatible. If necessary, one way of approaching this is to call it “another time and another place from which we can view the situation you find yourself in now.” You can treat it the, like a dream, movie or a metaphor.
Moving into the Past Life Experience
You can say to your client, “Let’s go to another time and place to find out more about this issue in your life and how you may want to heal it.”
Some Ways of Going to This “Place” Are:
Suggest that the client find a vehicle to ride on, such as a plane, a train, a magic carpet, and say, “As I count from 10 to 1, you’ll be moving through and across time and space on your vehicle, and when I get to 1, you’ll be able to get out of your vehicle and find yourself in this other time and place.” You then count down slowly, reminding your client about the vehicle and saying “going back in time” and “you’re in your vehicle now.” When your client reaches 1, you say, “You can get out of or off of your vehicle now. Put your feet down on the ground, and look down at you feet.” You can also have your client visualize a clock moving backwards or have calendar pages flying. Or you can count back in decades from age 40 to 30 and on down the pre-womb and past life days – or you can devise your own techniques.
Questions to Ask
You then proceed to ask a number of questions. You can use the following as guidelines, and you can make up questions of your own.
• “Take a look at your feet. Are they large or small? The feet of a man or woman? Dark or light? Shoes or no shoes? What kind of
Then you ask more questions:
• “What kind of clothes are you wearing? Is your hair long or short?
Are you large or small? How old are you? What is your name?”
(The last is an optional question.)
Then you widen your vistas, and begin to find out more about the environment:
• “Look around you. What do you experience all around you? What country is this? What year?” (optional) “Is anything taking place that you can experience?”
Then you may want to ask your client to go to an experience that is relevant to what he or she is experiencing today:
• “What do you see or feel or hear or know about this experience?”
You find out as much as you can about this possible antecedent to whatever your client is experiencing in life now. At this point, then, you’re ready to do healing processes, to experience, release and transform the issue. One way is through the after-death experience.
The After-Death Experience: Finding Out How the Client May Have Died and Looking at the Lessons of the Life
You have the option of asking your client, “How did you die in that lifetime?” You create safety for your client to experience this. If you know EFT tapping techniques, you can tap on any traumatic experiences, or you can suggest that your client step back and experience the situation as if on a movie screen. You can then say, “From the view of the after-death experience, take a look at the larger picture of that life, and see if you can understand what you may have been learning. How may it have affected your current life? What may be the best way for you to heal this experience?”
You can create a significant healing experience through the vehicle of Past Life hypnosis.