Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

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Fascinating Past Life Regression

Past lives are intriguing to us. Many cultures have universally believed in their power, and there are compelling studies of past life experiences in which significant healings have taken place in the current lifetime.

Here are Some Past Life Facts:

* Past lives exist on the level of the soul or in the “subtle world” as old programs, similar to computer data storage.
* Often by reviewing and releasing these programs or patterns, current life issues can be resolved.
* People carry old patterns like stress, anxiety, fears or addictions, and sometimes there is no obvious cause in the current lifetime; yet there is often a past life connection.
“Samskaras” are tendencies of the mind (like self-esteem or insufficiency thought patterns) that come from past life experiences.
* Many Tibetans believe that there is a state called the “bardo” – a transition state between lifetimes, a place of releasing and reviewing past experiences and preparing for future ones.
* You don’t have to re-experience past life programs in order to heal, as there are many approaches to healing; yet it’s interesting, informative and often profound.
* You don’t have to believe in past lives in order to work with them. You can consider them metaphors or conjuring’s of the imagination, and this approach can still be effective for healing.
* There are often current physical imprints of past lives in the form of birthmarks, physical and emotional pains and wounds.
* Hypnosis is a perfect vehicle for the experience and transformation of past lives.

Preparing A Client

Often a client will come specifically to do past life work. This client has knowledge and interest in the work already. If you suspect that past life work would be valuable for someone who has not expressly come for it, then you will need to explore the client’s belief systems to see if this work would be compatible. If necessary, one way of approaching this is to call it “another time and another place from which we can view the situation you find yourself in now.” You can treat it the, like a dream, movie or a metaphor.

Moving into the Past Life Experience

You can say to your client, “Let’s go to another time and place to find out more about this issue in your life and how you may want to heal it.”

Some Ways of Going to This “Place” Are:

Suggest that the client find a vehicle to ride on, such as a plane, a train, a magic carpet, and say, “As I count from 10 to 1, you’ll be moving through and across time and space on your vehicle, and when I get to 1, you’ll be able to get out of your vehicle and find yourself in this other time and place.” You then count down slowly, reminding your client about the vehicle and saying “going back in time” and “you’re in your vehicle now.” When your client reaches 1, you say, “You can get out of or off of your vehicle now. Put your feet down on the ground, and look down at you feet.” You can also have your client visualize a clock moving backwards or have calendar pages flying. Or you can count back in decades from age 40 to 30 and on down the pre-womb and past life days – or you can devise your own techniques.

Questions to Ask

You then proceed to ask a number of questions. You can use the following as guidelines, and you can make up questions of your own.

• “Take a look at your feet. Are they large or small? The feet of a man or woman? Dark or light? Shoes or no shoes? What kind of

Then you ask more questions:

• “What kind of clothes are you wearing? Is your hair long or short?
Are you large or small? How old are you? What is your name?”
(The last is an optional question.)

Then you widen your vistas, and begin to find out more about the environment:

• “Look around you. What do you experience all around you? What country is this? What year?” (optional) “Is anything taking place that you can experience?”

Then you may want to ask your client to go to an experience that is relevant to what he or she is experiencing today:

• “What do you see or feel or hear or know about this experience?”
You find out as much as you can about this possible antecedent to whatever your client is experiencing in life now. At this point, then, you’re ready to do healing processes, to experience, release and transform the issue. One way is through the after-death experience.

The After-Death Experience: Finding Out How the Client May Have Died and Looking at the Lessons of the Life

You have the option of asking your client, “How did you die in that lifetime?” You create safety for your client to experience this. If you know EFT tapping techniques, you can tap on any traumatic experiences, or you can suggest that your client step back and experience the situation as if on a movie screen. You can then say, “From the view of the after-death experience, take a look at the larger picture of that life, and see if you can understand what you may have been learning. How may it have affected your current life? What may be the best way for you to heal this experience?”

You can create a significant healing experience through the vehicle of Past Life hypnosis.

Journey of a Life Between Lives Regression Session

WHY did I choose the body that I have?
WHY did I choose my present family?
WHAT is my life purpose?
WHAT are my life lessons?
WHY have I chosen this life script?
HOW can I ensure I live a fulfilling life for my soul?

Did you always had questions like these? But no answers?

Then we might have all the answers — in Regression to Life Between Lives (LBL) stages. It is a powerful and advance PLR technique to access the planning stage of your present lifetime.

To know exactly why you chose the fate you have. The reason behind the choice of every family member, every important loved one, ally and opponent including their karmic antecedent. You also get to decipher the life lessons embedded in the story-line of your life and also its birth coordinates. You will find out why you chose the body that you have by accessing the body selection stage.

Also known as Spiritual Regression, LBL gives the entire story of your journey, a spiritual perspective; freeing you from the victim’s perspective that life’s hardships may have pushed you into. Life purpose is not your career, though sometimes it can be a part of it.

Connect with your spirit guides and wise ones of the heaven. A series of deep-guided meditations take you to the time right before you entered your mother’s womb revealing the planning that went behind the life that you have. You will get to the “Prarabdha karma”: one has to clear it in this life…so that your journey ahead can be crystal clear!

Post-session, you will have a clear idea of why you chose this body, family, social and economic background and life script.

With a clear understanding of your life’s script, you will be equipped to handle your life in a much better way.

“Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.”

― John O’Donohue

Step-by-step Guide to LBL

In LBL regression, we first visit immediate past life. Then we follow the soul’s natural journey, post transmigration of the soul. Important step is visiting the Life review period with Spirit guides, where we find our unfinished lessons.

This leads us to the all-important meeting with Council of guides, where the script and themes of current life was decided. A lot of deliberation and negotiation happens here as we integrate unfinished lessons to our script.

Then we meet our Soul group members. Key people in your life script. Why we chose them, what mutual lessons and what karma are clearing them or pattern. Many such questions get answered.

Another key segment will be Body selection. Why you chose the body that you did. If any aliment comes as a life lesson.

There are many such exciting areas to explore in the heavens and integrate with our soul’s wisdom.


  • Since the realm of the subconscious is not accessible to all. Only those who have successfully experienced at least one Past life regression (PLR) session previously are eligible.
  • The revelations during LBL depend on our readiness to change, our self-awareness and self-exploration capacity. Secondly, only what we are ready to receive is revealed by guides. LBL is not about future projections, rather Spiritual growth. Often when people repeat LBL say after 2-3 years of inner work, deep meanings are revealed by Spirit guides.
  • Often when people repeat LBL session after a few years, they found greater clarity regarding life purpose.
  • Guides also help realign our path again to our life purpose and its lesson.


  • Visiting various stages of life planning.
  • Visiting the immediate Past Life
  • Get to visit the heavens
  • Meet the Council of heaven and Spirit guides
  • Meet your Soul Group
  • Know exactly you chose your current life script and body.
  • Life purpose and Life lessons
  • Life lessons with your family, friends and even enemies


  • Know the answers to your life questions
  • Clarity in life purpose and life lessons
  • Understand your body and its lessons
  • Understand your relationship issues and lessons
  • Speed up your spiritual growth

Duration: Single session: approx. 2 hours. We normally split into two Sessions for LBL to make it easy for you. Session 1 we explore immediate past life, and Session 2 entire pre-birth LBL phase.

Important Note: Since LBL is advance PLR session, unlike the LBL workshop, prior to the session you need to have done successful PLR session and seen immediate or any past life. This would help us acertain that your subconscious mind is accessible or not.

In case you haven’t done a successful PLR session. We would recommend you first experience a PLR session, with us or with anyone. Fee R1600. Followed by an LBL session as mentioned above.

Suggested reading: Journey of the Soul by Dr Michael Newton

How to prepare for your LBL session

  • Write out your intention/s behind undergoing an LBL session
  • Daily relaxation meditations are advised a week prior
  • Write out your biography, mentioning key events
  • List out key people in your script, especially people you have had difficult experiences or relationship with.
  • hare the list with therapist on session day.
  • List out the questions you have about life script. Though your guides might answer only what feel is suitable.
  • The session is preceded by a brief discussion over about these points.

NOTE: We can only take up clients, whom our Spirit guides allow us to work with. Some clients are meant to work with others, with whom their energies align better. Universe wants what’s best for you.

So whenever you approach us for healing, please first send your name, age and recent photograph, so we can check with our guides, if we can proceed with your case. Once you send us the basic information required, we will inform you within a day or two maximum, as we understand your time is also precious.

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