See yourself standing firm, remaining true to yourself, and making choices that align with your values and goals.
Here is a hypnotherapy script to help develop more autonomy:
(Speak calmly and slowly)
“Welcome to this hypnotherapy session, where you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow any doubts or uncertainty to leave your body. Feel your eyelids growing heavy, your muscles relaxing, and your mind quieting.
Imagine yourself standing at the top of a staircase, with each step leading you deeper into relaxation. With each breath, take a step down, feeling yourself becoming more calm, more centered, and more open to positive change.
As you continue to breathe deeply, allow your subconscious mind to awaken, ready to receive the positive suggestions that will follow.”
“Now, imagine yourself in a peaceful, serene environment. It could be a beach, a forest, or a mountainside. Take a moment to visualize the sights, sounds, and sensations of this place. Allow yourself to feel completely safe, supported, and at peace.
Repeat after me: ‘I am relaxed, I am calm, I am open to developing more autonomy.'”
Positive Suggestion
“Imagine a strong, vibrant light within your heart, symbolizing your autonomy and independence. As you inhale, breathe in this light, and as you exhale, radiate it outward, filling your entire body with confidence and self-trust.
Visualize yourself making decisions with ease, trusting your intuition and instincts. See yourself standing tall, with your shoulders back and your head held high, symbolizing your inner strength and autonomy.
Repeat after me: ‘I trust myself to make decisions that align with my values and goals. I am confident in my ability to take care of myself.’
Now, imagine a gentle, soothing voice whispering words of encouragement and support. Listen to this voice, as it reminds you of your strengths, abilities, and accomplishments.
Repeat after me: ‘I am capable and competent. I trust myself to navigate life’s challenges.'”
“Visualize yourself in a situation where you feel uncertain or doubtful. See yourself taking a deep breath, stepping back, and observing the situation from a new perspective.
Imagine yourself accessing your internal wisdom, trusting your instincts and making a decision that aligns with your values and goals. See yourself feeling confident, empowered, and autonomous.
Now, visualize yourself in a situation where you feel pressured or influenced by others. See yourself standing firm, remaining true to yourself, and making choices that align with your values and goals.
Repeat after me: ‘I am not influenced by others. I trust myself to make decisions that are right for me.'”
“Take a moment to notice how you’re feeling right now. Notice the sense of confidence, autonomy, and self-trust that has grown within you.
Remember, you have the power to develop more autonomy and confidence in your decision-making. Trust yourself, trust your abilities, and know that you’re capable of navigating life’s challenges with ease.
When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes, feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to take on the day with a sense of autonomy and confidence.”
Final Suggestion
“Before you go, repeat this affirmation to yourself: ‘I trust myself to make decisions that align with my values and goals. I am confident in my ability to take care of myself.'”
Remember to record this script and listen to it regularly to reinforce the positive suggestions and develop more autonomy.