Root Chakra (Muladhara): This chakra is associated with your sense of security, stability, and feeling grounded.
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): It governs your creativity, sensuality, and emotional balance.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): This chakra influences your confidence, self-esteem, and personal power.
Heart Chakra (Anahata): It represents love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance of oneself and others.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Your ability to communicate effectively and express yourself truthfully resides here.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Intuition, imagination, clear thinking, and insight are linked to this chakra.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): This chakra connects you to spirituality, wisdom, enlightenment, and the universe.
Embrace your true passions and discover the power of your second chakra.
Located in the lower abdomen below the navel, the sacral chakra represents your passion and pleasure. When balanced, the sacral chakra allows you to let go, be passionate, and connect with your emotions.
Motivated by pleasure and joy, the sacral chakra is the driving force for your enjoyment of life. When your sacral chakra is balanced, it enables you to feel and experience life to its fullness. As the center of passion, your sacral chakra awakens your power of creation. This allows you to discover what you truly enjoy and create intimate relationships.
The sacral chakra helps cultivate flexibility and adaptability. This empowers you to move on, accept change, and transform. When balanced, the sacral chakra allows you to be passionate, creative, and sensual while connecting with your feelings and emotions.
Sacral Chakra, Frequency (606 Hz Clears Destructive Influences of Past Events)
This is only a small example of the powerful message that is contained in GAIA Healing Step Two of Seven.
Key Characteristics of the Sacral Chakra
- Emotions – Connect with your feelings and emotions with the energy of the sacral chakra.
- Pleasure – Motivated by pleasure and joy, the sacral chakra is responsible for your enjoyment of life through your senses. This creates the foundation for your emotional well being.
- Sensuality – The sacral chakra helps you understand and develop your intimate connections with others.
- Creativity – The sacral chakra awakens your creative expression, allowing you to explore new ideas and stimulate your imagination.
- Passion – The energy of your sacral chakra allows you to discover and explore what you are truly passionate about. This passion lets you truly enjoy life.
Imbalanced Sacral Chakra
The chakra system distributes the flow of prana or energy throughout your subtle body. Stress, illness, emotional upset, or conflict all can cause blockages or imbalance in your chakra system. All of the seven chakras are interconnected; when one chakra experiences a blockage or imbalance, it affects all the others. This disruption of energy can cause your mind, body, and spirit to suffer.
When the sacral chakra is imbalanced, it can make you feel emotionally and physically destabilized. If you are working towards creative goals, improving your emotional health, or working on your relationships, it is important that you open and bring balance your sacral chakra.
Underactive Sacral Chakra
When a chakra is under-active, it means that the chakra is experiencing a blockage or is not distributing the flow of energy. When your sacral chakra is under-active, it can affect your overall well being.
When your sacral chakra is blocked or under-active, you may be experiencing a sense of lack of control ranging from uncertainty to an inability to cope with life’s changes. When the sacral chakra becomes blocked, it often detaches you from your emotions and those around you.
How to Recognize If Your Sacral Chakra Is Under-active
- Fear of Pleasure
- Lack of Creativity
- Feel Fatigued
- Lack of Desire
- Not Authentic to Yourself
- Insecurity
- Detachment
Overactive Sacral Chakra
When a chakra is overactive, it means that the chakra is distributing too much energy. It is working in overdrive and bringing imbalance to the chakra. When your sacral chakra is overactive, it affects your overall well being.
If your second chakra is overactive, you may be experiencing issues of excess and conflict from thriving on drama to having unhealthy relationships. When the sacral chakra is overwhelmed with energy, it will make you feel overwhelmed. You may feel emotions more deeply, experience mood swings, or become overly dependent on others.
Signs of an overactive sacral chakra
- Emotional Overreactions
- Dramatic
- Aggressive
- Anxiety
- Excessive Emotional Attachment
- Codependency
- Addictive Personality
How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra
Chakra balancing is the process of restoring the harmonious and balanced flow of prana or energy throughout the body. Your chakras are in constant fluctuation. Practicing chakra balancing and aligning is a regular and sometimes daily activity to explore.
Ways To Balance Your Sacral Chakra
- Connect With Water
- Creative Play
- Yoga Practices for Sacral Chakra
- Meditation for Sacral Chakra
- Sacral Chakra Affirmations
- Aromatherapy for Sacral Chakra
- Sacral Chakra Crystals
Connect with Water – The sacral chakra is highly influenced by the element of water. Getting outside and relaxing near or in open water can help open and restore balance to your second chakra. Lakes, rivers, streams, or the ocean are all useful. Wade or dangle your feet in the water to allow your sacral energy to flow. A warm bath or shower can also help aid in balancing your sacral chakra.
Creative Play – As the center of your creativity and passion, it is important to explore new or old hobbies to help open your sacral chakra and let your creative energy flow. Dancing, drawing, writing, or engaging in playful activities are all useful tools to bring the harmonious flow of energy to your sacral chakra.
Yoga Practices for Sacral Chakra – Yoga can be particularly helpful in opening and bringing balance to your sacral chakra. Yoga for sacral balancing should focus on hip-opening poses.
Meditation for Sacral Chakra – Meditation plays an important role in restoring balance to your chakras. Chakra meditation techniques are similar to traditional meditation techniques but focus on a specific area of the body. Below is a simple meditation technique to aid in balancing your sacral chakra.
- Sit with your shoulders back and spine straight. Relax your muscles as you close your eyes and breathe deeply. Inhale through your nose and exhale through the mouth.
- Focus your attention on the location of your sacral chakra: your abdomen, a few inches below your navel.
- Since the sacral chakra is tied to the color of orange, imagine an orange glow below your navel, slowly expanding to the pelvic region and making the whole area warm and relaxed. Rest in this sensation for 3-5 minutes.
- When you are ready, slowly open your eyes. You may follow with positive affirmations.
Sacral Chakra Affirmations – Affirmations are a positive way to heal negative programming that can be embedded in your subtle body. When balancing your sacral chakra, practice saying the following phrases to yourself:
- As See myself as Water, Flowing with Ease
- I am radiant, I am passionate.
- Pleasure is a sacred part of my life
- I love and respect myself and my body
- I am full of joy and creativity
- I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath
Some chakra-healing foods that may promote sacral chakra balance in particular include:
- Ginger root
- Ginger tea
- Orange foods such as carrots, orange peppers, and sweet potatoes
- Nuts and seeds
Aromatherapy for Sacral Chakra – Aromatherapy can be a powerful and simple tool for opening and balancing your sacral chakra. Use Essential oils with cleansing and balancing aromas that promote joy, creativity, and emotional balance.
Sacral Chakra Essential Oil’s
Help release your creativity and passion with our Sacral Chakra Essential Oil Blend. This blend combines the therapeutic benefits of essential oils with the energetic properties of the sacral chakra’s complementary gemstone, carnelian.
Sacral Chakra Essential Oil Blend Elements
- Sandalwood – Warms the emotions and helps you let go of the past.
- Clary Sage – Brings feelings of worthiness.
- Cardamom – Promotes creativity and sensuality.
- Cinnamon Bark – Brings a sense of warmth and stimulates courage.
- Jasmine – Promotes love, joy, and harmony.
How to use the Sacral Chakra Blend
Our Sacral Chakra Essential Oil Blend was expertly crafted to open and restore balance to your sacral chakra. You may use this blend to help aid in your sacral chakra realignment. Simply apply the Sacral Chakra Blend to your abdomen, two inches below the navel.
Some characteristics of a balanced sacral chakra can include:
- Ability to “tune in” to people and situations and respond logically.
- Maintaining a healthy intimacy with self and others.
- Self-assurance.
- Satisfaction with creative expression.
- Contentedness.
- An empowering sense of self-confidence and ability
Practicing sacral chakra healing can help individuals achieve a higher sense of spirituality and most importantly, experience a profound connection with his or her innermost self.
Animal Symbol: Crocodile
Animal Attributes: Encourages creativity. Balancing. Goes deep within for guidance and resurfaces with answers. Changeable.
Chakra Animal Motto: “I Develop.”
This is only a small example of the powerful message that is contained in GAIA Healing Step Two of Seven.
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