Hypnotherapy is well known for healing trauma and pain relief. Hypnosis is also extremely valuable in working with sports enhancement, weight loss, motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, increased confidence, smoking, phobias and stress related issues.

Tag: Swimming Improvement Hypnosis

New Sports Hypnosis Session Scripts

Sports hypnosis refers to the use of hypnotherapy with athletes in order to enhance sporting performance. The mental state of athletes during training and competition is said to impact performance. Hypnosis is a form of mental training and can therefore contribute to enhancing athletic execution.

Sports people are used to working with coaches to improve their game. A therapist who focuses on sports performance is a kind of ‘mental coach’ – and working on what is going on in the head is arguably even more important than working on what is going on in the body. The physical swing may be ‘perfect’. But if the head is full of thoughts of missing the ball…

Our sports performance hypnosis scripts enable the therapist to address the psychological components of peak performance. These can include fear of failure, fear of winning, coping with distraction, recovering after errors or mishaps, dealing with external emotional factors (such as relationship difficulties or money worries), and how to move beyond mastery of purely ‘technical’ know-how into the realm of effortless flow.

  • Better Rock Climbing Hypnosis Session Script
  • Boxing Boost Hypnosis Session Script
  • Championship Cricket Hypnosis Session Script
  • Chess Master Hypnosis Session Script
  • Exercise for Fun Hypnosis Session Script
  • Excel at Sport Hypnosis Session Script
  • Fear of Failure Hypnosis Session Script
  • Football Confidence Hypnosis Session Script
  • Golf Improvement Hypnosis Session Script
  • Hypnosis for Martial Arts Session Script
  • Improve Yourself (Sports) Hypnosis Session Script
  • Play Better Rugby Hypnosis Session Script
  • Running Hypnosis Session Script
  • Jogging Hypnosis Session Script
  • Show Jumping Confidence Hypnosis Session Script
  • Sport Improvement Hypnosis Session Script
  • Swimming Improvement Hypnosis Session Script
  • Tennis Improvement Hypnosis Session Script

If you have any questions about our Sports Hypnosis Sessions please e-mail us here: info@hypnotherapycenter.co.za.

Please click here to make an Appointment!

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