The seventh spiritual law of success, the Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life, says that we are spiritual beings who have taken physical form to fulfill a purpose.
Everyone has a purpose in life — a unique gift or special talent to give to others, and for every unique talent and expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our spirit. This is the goal of all goals.
There are three components to the Law of Dharma. The first component says that each of us is here to discover our true Self, to find out that we are spiritual beings, or divinity in disguise.
The second component of the Law of Dharma says that each of us has a unique talent that we are here to express. Our talent is so unique that no one else alive has that talent, or that expression of that talent. When we are expressing our unique talent — or more than one talent in many cases — we are happy, and we lose track of time.
The third component of the Law of Dharma says that we are here to serve our fellow human beings with our talent. By asking the question “How can I help all those with whom I come into contact?” we combine the expression of our unique talent with service to humanity, and make full use of the Law of Dharma.
The experience of our spirituality, coupled with the expression of our talent in service to humanity gives us access to unlimited abundance. This is the spark that generates abundance, and it’s permanent, not temporary, because this is the real way abundance is achieved. By asking the question “How can I help?” instead of “What’s in it for me?” we go beyond the internal dialogue of the ego, into the domain of our spirit — that part of our awareness where we experience our universality.
The Law of Dharma implies more than seeking work that we love; it implies our unique destiny, our place in the cosmic plan. It implies a shift in consciousness that begins when we align ourselves with our highest vision, and then become the manifestation of that vision. The force that serves as a bridge to such a transformation is also known as dharma.
First comes the moment when we realize that life cannot succeed without a vision. Then we arrive at the biggest mystery of all. What is the meaning of our lives in the scheme of the universe? The root of the word dharma, in Sanskrit, gives us a valuable clue: It means “to uphold.” We know we’ve become part of the cosmic plan when the universe upholds and supports us. The seventh spiritual law of success brings the preceding six laws to fruition, for when we master the Law of Dharma, the whole universe is on our side. Every law and power of nature comes to our aid and supports us spontaneously.
Self-exploration isn’t a task we accomplish and then abandon. Every person is a never-ending project of the universe. We are like ships in the night, and the current that holds us up and carries us toward the dawn is dharma. If we open our spiritual eyes and see through the illusion of our conditioning, then the path of dharma beckons us. It was there all along. It is there now, at this very moment, calling out from the depths of our own awareness.