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Thinking skills involve mental processes used in cognitive functions that enable people to make meaning from:

solving problems, making decisions, critical thinking, planning and organizing job tasks, using a significant amount of memory, and finding, synthesizing and analyzing information.

In the workplace, the various functions of thinking skills are applied to most tasks. Some examples include looking for details in a report, planning and coordinating activities such as meetings, recommending actions to be taken, and interpreting the results of a study.

Abundance Mentality
All or Nothing Thinking
Am I Normal
Analysis Paralysis
Be Solution Focused
Creative Problem Solving
Critical Thinking Skills
Dealing with Bureaucracy
Dealing with Disappointment
Don’t Jump to Conclusions
Growth Mindset
Improve Objectivity
Learn From Mistakes
Limiting Beliefs
Long Term Thinking
Not As Bad As You Think
Organize Your Thinking
Overcome Indecision
Overcome Paranoia
Overcome Superstition
Positive Thinking
Self Talk Coach
Stop Being a Control Freak
Stop Being Closed Minded
Stop Comparing Yourself
Stop Daydreaming
Stop Negative Globalizing
Stop Negative Thinking
Stop Thinking So Much
Stop Thinking the Worst
Stop Worrying
Tame Your Inner Critic
Think For Yourself
Trapped in Your Head
Trust Your Instincts
Unconscious Goal Achievement
Unconscious Problem Solving
Victim Mentality
Worrying About Others

Hypnosis can really enhance your critical thinking skills

However, there is a powerful and effective way that you can prime your brain to think more effectively for you. And that is with the help of hypnosis.

Improve critical thinking is an audio hypnosis session developed by psychologists that uses hypnosis to access your unconscious mind so as to develop powerful new ‘templates’ for how you think and act.

As you regularly listen to this download you will effortlessly absorb the key psychological principles that underlie truly effective critical thinking. The more you listen, the more proficient you will become at entering a powerful learning state and further enhancing your skills.

You’ll notice that you:

  • develop a profound sense of calm detachment that keeps your mind clear
  • are more ready to question statements and opinions
  • give yourself time to consider things from several different angles
  • become less susceptible to emotional influence in your thinking
  • get better at distinguishing the logical and the illogical

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